A run for their money nghĩa là gì

give someone a run for their money Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

give [one] a run for [one's] money

To challenge one's ability, fortitude, or patience. Don't underestimate our opponents todayI think they'll give us a run for our money. Having an infant and a toddler sure is giving me a run for my money.See also: give, money, run

give someone a run for their money

INFORMALCOMMON If you give a very skilful person or team a run for their money in a competition, you compete as well as them, or almost as well. The British team gave the host side a run for its money to finish a close second in the team competition. We think the Irish will give the Welsh a good run for their money.See also: give, money, run, someone
See also:
  • give [one] a run for [one's] money
  • give someone or something a run for their money
  • show [someone] what [one's] made of
  • what you are made of
  • what [one] is made of
  • what somebody is made of
  • stand tall
  • an all-out effort
  • walk tall
  • walk tall, to

Give someone a run for their money

If you can give someone a run for the money, you are as good, or nearly as good, as they are at something.

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