asian fetish là gì - Nghĩa của từ asian fetish

asian fetish có nghĩa là

Refers to the strong attraction to asians, most prevelant in caucasian males. Although asian girls have A's in more than just grades: what they lack in boobs, they make up for in beauty. Usually exotic and petite, guys don't necessarily feel superior but more masculine around them, only adding to this.


She told me she had a long and hard homework assignment ahead of her but after she was done "doing" it, she'd "do" something else long and hard--which not only greatly increased my penis size temporarily when she followed through, but my asian fetish as well.

After quizzing my asian friend in her room, alone, I told her she'd score on the upcoming test, and she responded with "now you get to score on me"-- my asian fetish had never been more.

asian fetish có nghĩa là

a sexual attraction to asian females by white males. contrary to public opinion, there is nothing racist or wrong with this as it is an example of outbreeding behavior.


Rice King: damn, I just played a japanese video game with asian girls wearing skimpy costumes and I need to masturbate to satisfy my asian fetish!

asian fetish có nghĩa là

Refers to attractions to asian women. Caucasian men are more likely to have asian fetish because they feel the want to be dominant since that asian women stands out as submissive. It's their exotic appearance that attracts the more masculine men. There is nothing wrong with asian fetish, but there is something wrong with hating the asian guys when you love the asian women. This ussually happens because of jealousy, and they take actions because they don't really want to admit it. Am I not right?


Jake - " I don't know why, but I seem to only love asian girls" John - " You just have the asian fetish"

asian fetish có nghĩa là

1.] A fetish that socially awkward and/or unattractive white men develop after years of rejection from white women. 2.] It's consider the mirror equavalent of fat white girls, who have been rejected by caucasian men, developing a fetish for black men.


After years of rejection from white females, nerdy but lovable, Fred Eisenberg, finally resorted to dating an asian girl and now is said to have an asian fetish.

asian fetish có nghĩa là

The fetishization of Asian people, often Asian girls. A dehumanizing behavior which reduces people to stereotypes about their race. Commonly found in white men, notably everyone who's posted a definition for this previously [jesus christ what are y'all on. This is fucking racism, not an orientation]. Similar to weeaboos and koreaboos, as they all share an unhealthy obsession with an incorrect perception of Asian culture. It's not just a dating preference, it's upsetting and honestly pretty rude.


Person A: What're you up to?
Person B: Just dreaming about the day I get to date an Asian girl.
Person A: Uhhhhh do you have an Asian fetish or something?
Person B: Yeah, there anything wrong with that?
Person A: That's pretty racist man...

asian fetish có nghĩa là

an asian fetish is having an unhealthy, sexualized and obsessive view on people of asian descent, and a focus on asian culture, looks and asian people. people who have an asian fetish usually get off on stereotypes of asian people [submissive, school girl, innocent, small, feminine] and start wanting to date asians because of those stereotypes that white men find attractive.
everyone defining this in the urban dictionary makes it seem like it's not bad. [it is bad, they're just white men that think it's okay to believe and support asian stereotypes].
also, everyone writing these definitions is making it seem like asian girls are white mens' last resorts, because we're easy to dominate, but that's wrong. even the stupid "submissive, small asian girl" has standards, and wouldn't want to date a fucking ugly white guy with a small dick.


luca: what's your type in girls?
matthew: i like asian girls only.
luca: why? what's good about them?
matthew: because they're submissive, they always let me dominate them, they're small, innocent, exotic and feminine. they let me do whatever i want to them and it's so fun.
luca: that's not a type you disgusting bastard you just have an asian fetish
matthew: what's that?
luca: it's where ugly white people believe all those asian stereotypes and start obsessing over sexualizing them.

asian fetish có nghĩa là

When an Asian guy at your school has a massive foot fetish and walks around the halls getting a stiffy to every girl's feet you see. While it is an insignificant size he can blow a nut at the sight of any feet. Summer season is their favorite because that's when the flip flops come out.


Jake: "Hey look at the girls ass"
Patrick: "Damnnnnn"
Tommy: "Holy Shit look at those feet"
Patrick : " What the fuck, dude?" Jake: "Looks like Tommy has an Asian foot fetish"

asian fetish có nghĩa là

A strong attraction towards decents of Asia.
They have a soft beauty of innocence. Their silky hair resembles their humbleness. They don’t act slutty compared to a bunch of white girls but simply they bring this sweet innocent glow that makes them so submissive!
and so alluring that you just want to dominate her!


Seeing this vietnames women in her anime suit is the hottest thing ever! I want to dominate her🥵. I have an Asian fetish!

asian fetish có nghĩa là

An Asian fetish is an obsession by a male/female typically of white decent to one of Asian decent, this is usually supported by a fetish for smaller penises, and a fetish for people who are basically blind, with their eyes in a line


OMG my bestie has to have an Asian fetish! She's like obsessed with this Asian guy, and like desperately want his tiny penis.

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