bài tập tiếng anh lớp 8 unit 1: leisure activities

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  1. Unit 1: LEISURE ACTIVITIES A. PHONETICS I. Read the following sentences aloud, and put the words with the cluster /br/ or /pr/ into the correct column. 1. Apricot is a small, orange fruit with soft flesh and a stone inside. 2. Brian is going to give a presentation on Friday. 3. Is he going to prepare for it? 4. How about a small present for Brian after his presentation? 5. Prevention is better than cure. 6. In order to play this computer game, you have to load this programme into the computer. 7. Shell teach us how to play English pronunciation games. 8. Gold and silver are precious metals. 9. He never talks about his private life with anybody at work. 10. The new television series was an expensive project. 11. Too many cooks spoil the broth. [a saying] 12. The bank has many branches all over the country. 13. I need a new toothbrush. 14. How many brothers and sisters do you have? 15. I spend two hours every day browsing the Web. /br/ /pr/ . . . . II. Complete the following sentences with the correct words from the table, and then read aloud the sentences. Practise saying the words with cluster /br/ or /pr/. Prince present principal brick branch breakfast prize bridge bracelet price 1. The is the head of a school or college. 2. The clock is a on my birthday from my best friend. 3. They took a photo of the over the Mekong River. 4. It is the house in our neighbourhood built of red . 5. Would you like some bread and butter for ? 6. What is the of petrol now? 7. The little boy climbed the tree and sat on a . 8. In Britain, the eldest son of the king or queen has the tile of Water. 9. A is piece of jewelry that you wear around your wrist or arm. 10. She won the first in the competition.
  2. B. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR I. Leisure activities. Do the following tasks. Task 1: Fill in each blank with the verbs below. play listen to write watch have do 1. read: a newspaper, 2. go: swimming 3. ___: football, 4. ___: a letter, 5. ___: the radio, 6. ___: television, 7. go to: school, 8. visit: friends, 9. ___: nothing, 10. ___: a meal, Task 2: Add theses words/ phrases from the table to Part A. [There may be more than one possibility.] shopping a magazine the cinema an e-mail the guitar CDs a video computer games a restaurant a shower leisure activities the library cousins a game show music something a quiz show hiking swimming an outdoor activity II. Match the NetLingo or text speak in the box with the words and phrases below. n 2moro u wd 4 luv thx ur 2 c u @ abt gr8 btw r xx 1. about = 2. and = 3. are = 4. at = 5. for = 6. great = 7. kisses = 8. by the way = 9. love = 10. you = 11. see you = 12. thanks = 13. to/ two = 14. would = 15. your = 16. tomorrow = III.Read the text messages below and put them in the correct order. Write the answer [1-5] in each blank. ___A. Hi, Katy! Thx 4 ur text Yes, wd love 2 meet 2 moro. c u @ Roebucks abt 5? ___ ___ ___ B. Fantastic!!! What is it? r u in luv ___ ___ C. Thats gr8, c u @ 5, btw, Ive gt some important news 4 u ___ ___ D. Hi Sue! Joe n I will be in town 2moro. wd u like 2 meet 4 a coffee? Luv Katy ___ ___
  3. ___ E. Tell u 2moro Love n xxxxx Katy ___ IV. Complete the sentences with the verb + -ing. do go play ski swim watch 1. Susan loves judo. 2. They enjoy the Olympics on TV. 3. We really like in the Alps in February. 4. Sam hates boxing but he loves football. 5. I dont like in the pool at the sports centre. 6. Do you like running in the morning? V. Complete the conversations with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Mai: I [1. Not like/ watch] football. I [2. hate/ stand] around and [3. get] cold. Lan: Me, too. I [4. Prefer/ be] indoors. I [5. not mind/ play] football on my computer! Nick: Ha ha! I know your brothers really good at football, Mai. [6. he/ like/ play] at the back? Mai: Tuan? No, he [7. prefer/ play] centre forward. He [8. like/ score] goals! Lan: Great pass, Tuan! Mai: Lan, do you like football? Nick: No, but she [9. not mind/ watch] Tuan! C. SPEAKING I. Complete the conversation with the words given in the box, then practise it with your partner. do oclock likes like and you joke afternoon take Mai: Do you [1] roller skating, Mike? Nick: Yes, I do. I go roller-skating every Saturday! Mai: Oh, really? Where? Nick: Well, I go to the park with my friends after school, at about five [2] . We roller-skate for about an hour and then we go home. Mai: I go roller-skating too but I go on Sunday. I go to the market with my mother in the morning, and then I [3] our dog for a walk. Then in the [4] I go to the park with my mother. Nick: Your mother? Mai: Yes, she [5] roller-skating too, and shes really good! Nick: And what do you do on Saturday evening? Mai: Oh, I usually go out with my friends. We have a drink together or go to the cinema.[6] Nick: Oh, on Sunday I [7] my homework. Mai: What? Is that a [8] ?
  4. Nick: No! Its true! Mai: Oh, Nick! Get a life! Notes: - roller-skating [n] = môn trượt pa-tanh; roller-skate [v] = trượt pa-tanh - Get a life! = Thôi đi nào! II. Complete the conversation, using the words or phrases given. lots to see come back a good place why dont somewhere different Mai: Do you two still want to go away for the weekend you know, on the 22nd? Phuc: Yeah, definitely. Nick: Yeah, I want to Mai: Because we talked about going to the countryside, do you remember? Phuc: Oh, yes, Id love to go there. People say its [1] for walking. Nick: Mm, its just that I went there last summer and the summer before. Id like to try [2] a city maybe. Mai: Yeah, I can understand that. Phuc: [3] we go to the suburb for the weekend? Theres something for all of us. Mai: Yeah, theres [4] : the temples, the pagodas, the woods. Nick: It sounds great to me. We all like going out! Phuc: And we can [5] on the same day. Mai: And should we bring some foods and drinks with us? Nick: Thats right. Its a good idea, Mai. Phuc: Great! D. READING I. A new report into teenagers leisure time has some surprising results. Read it and fill in each blank with the correct figure from the report. In this digital age, many people think that young adults spend all their time on the computer. And a new government survey of how young adults spend their leisure time says that 87 percent of people in the UK between the ages of 13 to 19 use the Internet every day. But its still important for young people to go out with friends. And the most popular evening out is going to the cinema: 42 percent say its their favourite way to spend an evening. For people who dont go out, no surprisingly, television is more popular than radio. 82 percent say that they watch television for more than ten hours a week mainly for films and news programmers but only 23 percent listen to radio. Music is always a favourite topic, but it seems that many people listen to music than can play a musical instrument. The survey reveals that 38 percent watch live music, but 30 percent of people between 13 and 19 can play a musical instrument. Only 32 percent of young adults play sports; with football, swimming, and cycling the most popular activities. But that means that more than two-thirds dont play any sport! Leisure Time Survey Of Teenagers In The UK
  5. [1] percent of teenagers use the Internet everyday. The most popular leisure activity is going to the cinema: [2] percent say it is their favourite evening activity. [3] percent of people say that that they watch TV for more than [4] hours a week, but only [5] percent listen to radio. [6] percent of young people watch live music, but only [7] percent can play a musical instrument. Only [8] percent of young adults play sports. Football, swimming, and cycling are the most popular sports. II. Read the passage about Phongs weekend and answer the questions. On Fridays afternoon, after school, I usually surf the Net or listen to music. In the evening I often go to the cinema with my friends. On Saturday morning I get up late and have breakfast. Then I play football with my classmates in the park. In the afternoon I watch TV [usually a football match]. In the evening I go to my best friends place we sometimes play computer games, or we talk. On Sunday morning I do my homework. Then I listen to music or watch TV. On Sunday evening I surf the Net again, or read a book. 1. Where does Phong often go on Friday evening? ___ 2. When does he play football? ___ 3. What does he watch on Saturday afternoon? ___ 4. What does he do on Sunday morning? ___ 5. When does he surf the Net? ___ III.Read the passage carefully, and then answer the question below. In the 1970s, skateboarding suddenly became very popular. At first, skateboarders moved slowly on flat, smooth areas. Then they began to ride quickly. This is called freestyle skateboarding. Soon they were skateboarding skillfully up ramps and doing tricks in the air. This is called ramp skateboarding. Then they started skateboarding and doing tricks on the street. This was street-style skateboarding a combination of freestyle and ramp. For this, the skateboarders needed protective clothing such as knee and elbow pads and helmets. This allowed them to skateboard safety. Today skateboarding is still a very popular sport, and there are lots of competitions. Note: skateboarding [n] = môn trượt ván. 1. When did skateboarding become very popular? ___ 2. What are the three styles of skateboarding? ___ 3. What was street-style skateboarding?
  6. ___ 4. Why do street-style skateboarders need protective clothing? ___ 5. Do you think skateboarding is a very popular sport now? Why or why not? ___ IV. Read the passage about British and American teenagers, and answer the questions. Sport: In the UK, football, rugby, tennis and basketball are the most popular sports for teenagers. In the USA, American football, athletics, basketball and baseball are popular. The Internet and television: Teenagers in both the UK and the USA today watch television less than before but they use the Internet more. They spend over 25 hours a week online. Pocket money and shopping: The average teenager in the UK gets about £7 a week pocket money. In the USA it is about $10. They spend their money on clothes and going out, but magazines, presents and snacks are also important. Friends: The average British and American teenager has seven close friends. He or she has sixteen online friends on social network websites. 1. Which sports do British and American teenagers play in their free time? ___ 2. How long do they spend online? ___ 3. How much pocket money do they get? ___ 4. What do they spend it on? ___ 5. How many online friends do they have? ___ V. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verb in brackets. A. are much higher than the positive effects of the games B. opportunities for visual learning C. they aim at a variety of people in different ages D. in my opinion, these games are more active and effective compared to watching TV E. always do anything to reach a higher level of the game Mai: I think computer games are the most popular entertainments in modern societies. Is it right? Phuc: Yes, thats right. And [1] ___. Mai: And they cause addiction among teenagers Nick: Thats it. Because we [2] ___. Mai: I think one of the reasons that computer games are very popular is that they provide [3] ___. Phuc: Yeah, [4]___. Nick: But the negative effects they bring [5] ___. Mai: I think so, and students who prefer computer games to other entertainments have more behavioral problems than other students.
  7. E. WRITING I. Rearrange the sentences to make a suitable text about the research finding, Teens who use social media too much have lower grades and how to solve it by writing the correct number [1-10] in each blank. A. One 2010 study showed that only 37% of heavy media user had grades lower than the average, while 35% of light social users were lower in average grades. ___B. Other studies have found a negative relationship between social media usage and overall Grade Point Average [GPA] ___C. But does too much time social networking harm students schoolwork? ___D. One small girl said that checking text messages and Facebook on her smartphone was the biggest obstacle to her homework. ___E. Several studies have showed opposite results. ___F. Some students are turning on software such as Block Facebook to block certain websites on their computers, and allow them to have only certain amounts of time on Facebook so that they can focus on homework ___ G. Social network can help connect people with friends, give people the chance to share pictures online , and help people communicate easily. ___ H. One study stated that sending text messages and using Facebook while doing homework were bad for overall GPA. ___ I. According to Facebook in 2016, there are over 618 million active users per day, and over a billion active users per month. ___ J. In this study, there was no relation between an excess of social media and a below average grades. II. Write a paragraph about the topic: Whether parents help their children with social network, using the cues given. 1. There/ both/ many good things/ many potential dangers/ social network. ___ 2. It is important for parents/ teach/ their children/ how/ use/ social media wisely. ___ 3. Social network/ be / start of bad things/ like cyberbullying. ___ 4. Recent reports/ say/ many teenagers/ have/ online contact./ strangers/ and/ it/ make/ them/ feel scared or uncomfortable. ___ 5. Others/ receive/ online advertising/ that/ be/ inappropriate for their age. ___ 6. It/ be/ important/ parents/ be/ aware of/ what/ children/ doing online. ___ 7. Parents/ make/ children/ understand that/ they/ respect/ childrens privacy. ___ 8. However/ parents/ want/ make sure/ children/ be safe. ___

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