broing down là gì - Nghĩa của từ broing down

broing down có nghĩa là

An occurrence when two generally heterosexual males engage in casual erotic interactions with one another, usually involving handjobs and blowjobs but not anal sex. This sometimes occurs when female sexual company is not available, or at times as a gesture of straight male comraderie and friendship, or appreciation of phallus not involving any romantic implications. This is especially common among members of fraternities in college settings.


After the football game, a few beers, and some hits from the bong, Danny and Stephen decided that Saturday night would be a great time to watch some porn and then bro down.

broing down có nghĩa là

Bro's Getting their bro on, doing bro things. exp. Beer bongs, Fist pounding, popping collars, saying bro, saying dude.


Whats up bro! Lets do some beer bongs and pop our collars, Yea lets have a Bro Down.

broing down có nghĩa là

Bro-Downs can only be said to occur when females are conspicuously absent from an extended session of boozing.

The term 'bro' is an abbreviated form of 'brother'.

The more bros present, the more severe the bro-down.

Bro downs are characterized by an increasing level of sexual angst that correlates directly to the amount of time bro-ing it down and volume of booze consumed. They will almost certainly include, but are not limited to: a fight, challenges of strength, discussion of the last girl you gave a salty pirate or donkey punch to, accusations of homosexuality, and eventually a trip to a peeler, snap off parlour, or rub'n tug.


"Dude, we fucking bro'd it down hard last weekend."

"I hope I never see you fuckers again. That bro down was too fucking long."

"Every time we bro it down like that the Pulhams pull their dicks out and get us in a fight."

"If I don't stop bro-ing it down with you fuckers I'll never get laid."

broing down có nghĩa là

verb - to get wit [in a non sexual way].

to hang one-on-one with someone, burn copius amounts of weed, do pills, homemade drugs, abuse chemicals found at most wal-marts and listen to jay z [for effect].


"yo, deng, check that tite faux-naggah with thems sweet-ass reeboks he touches up with white spray paint.... think i'n gonna see if he gotz any crunk snort and wantsta bro down."

"shit dung heezah, them aint reeboks"

broing down có nghĩa là

Partying it up and living large w/ your friends [male or female] and usually brew chugging is involved as well!


"tonight will be a TOTAL BRO-DOWN dudes!"

broing down có nghĩa là

Verb: to bro down; Noun: a bro down
pronunciation: Brauh Daaaaooooon An event which occurs when a group [2 or more] of men convene in a suitable place in which the following acts occur: - consumption of alcohol
- fist pumping
- one or more of the individuals must be bare chested
- watching movies / playing video games
- talking about sports
- verbal abuse of females
- no anal sex
- calling each other a bro The bro down is designed to create a comfortable environment where attendants are made to feel comfortable, but there must be no anal sex. PLEASE NOTE: No bitches must be present at the bro down.


bro: "what the fuck... are you a bro??" guy: "yeah" bro: "then stop being queer and take your shirt off!" ------------------------------------------------------------ bro: "BROOOO DOOOWWWWNN" *remove shirt* ------------------------------------------------------------ bro1: "hey bro, bro down later?" bro2: "I have to see my girlfriend later" bro1: "only gays have girlfriends!" bro2: "true, I'll see you at the bro down"

broing down có nghĩa là

A primitive form of fratenizing amoungst males, usually bros, often involving but not limmited to the inclusion of beer, liqour, obscenity, and womanizing. Anything homo-erotic is also acceptable.
*Can be used in different tenses, ie: broing-down or bro'd-down.


Guy 1:" Hey bro, what you doing tonight?"
Guy 2: " I don't know bro, there is nothing to do in this town."
Guy 1: "Totally. I'll just come and we can bro-down somehow"

broing down có nghĩa là

The Bro Down: When 2 Friends compete in a Bro Down, You lock hands like a handshake. Then you both take turns Slapping each other in the face, getting progresivily harder every slap. If you Dodge an incoming slap, you get 2 smacks to the face. If you let go of the other persons hand, whoever lets go looses automaticly, then the Winner has the right to walk around giving high fives and braging about how you lost in the Bro Down.


Jake: YEO did you se that Bro Down I just did?
Drew: YEAH, you totally smacked the shit outta him, he's a bitch for letting go.
Drew: Wow, way to bitch out of the Bro Down Beth...
Beth: He was gunna smack the shit outta me what did you want me to do?
Drew: Stay in the Bro Down and be A MAN!!!

broing down có nghĩa là

When a bro goes down on another bro to perform oral sex on them. This is completely heterosexual and completely no homo.


"Dude, I'm so horny"
"I can bro down on you if you dude"
"OK, no homo though"
"Inherently, bro"

broing down có nghĩa là

Chilling with some bros and just having a good time; usually before an event or occasion


Broing down tonight would be sick, since we leave for our vacation tomorrow.

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