buscemied là gì - Nghĩa của từ buscemied

buscemied có nghĩa là

Possibly the greatest actor to ever grace the silver screen. Should be worshipped as the god that he is.
Has been in many, many movies including:
Reservoir Dogs
Pulp Fiction [as Buddy Holly]
Con Air
Cá to
Billy Madison/Wedding Singer/Big Daddy/Mr Deeds [Crazy Eyes]
Coffee & Cigarettes.

Has also lent his voice to characters in 'Home on the range' and 'Monsters Inc.'

A true legend.

Ví dụ

Person 1: Man, Steve Buscemi is one kick ass mofo
Person 2: Werd. \m/

buscemied có nghĩa là

N. A bowl of Pot Marijuana with cocaine and/or xanax sprinked on top. Named after the God himself, Steve Buscemi.

Ví dụ

Person 1: Man, Steve Buscemi is one kick ass mofo
Person 2: Werd. \m/ N. A bowl of Pot Marijuana with cocaine and/or xanax sprinked on top. Named after the God himself, Steve Buscemi. 1. Hey man, you trying to smoke a Buscemi?

buscemied có nghĩa là

2. Yo, after the bar do you want to go home and smoke a fat Buscemi

Ví dụ

Person 1: Man, Steve Buscemi is one kick ass mofo

buscemied có nghĩa là

Person 2: Werd. \m/

Ví dụ

Person 1: Man, Steve Buscemi is one kick ass mofo
Person 2: Werd. \m/ N. A bowl of Pot Marijuana with cocaine and/or xanax sprinked on top. Named after the God himself, Steve Buscemi. 1. Hey man, you trying to smoke a Buscemi?

buscemied có nghĩa là

Harmony's lover

Ví dụ

2. Yo, after the bar do you want to go home and smoke a fat Buscemi

buscemied có nghĩa là

3. Jesus, that Buscemi last night really fucked me up. Someone who is permanently in the friend zone, not good looking enough to be the main attraction, but a very cool person. Named for the great Steve Buscemi.

Ví dụ

She's a great chick, why don't you ask her out? Nah I Buscemi'ed her ages ago. A Hollywood actor known for his talent at playing misfits and creeps, and for committing the unforgivable crime of having self esteem in Hollywood. His refusal to replace his distinctive face with plastic like most other actors his age has earned him much scorn from mainstream shows and reviewers who label him as "ugly." Funny enough, he and his wife Jo Andres [another "ugly" artist who has chosen to look human rather than stretch out her cheeks with plastic surgery] are among the few couples in Hollywood to have a long-lasting, healthy marriage. "So let me get this straight. You want me to watch a movie from the '90s I've never heard of, staring Nicholas Cage with a fake Alabama accent?"

buscemied có nghĩa là

"It also has Steve Buscemi as a Hannibal knock-off, and he actually doesn't die."
"Well what are we waiting for? Roll film!" Harmony's lover Harmony and Steve Buscemi are SOOOOO in love. They're secretly fucking. Noun: A cliched piece of trivia brought up as if it is actually something the second person has never heard.

Ví dụ

Verb: To tell someone a buscemi if the teller actually believes they are imparting novel information. Noun: "Did you know Steve Buscemi is a volunteer fireman who helped during 9/11??"

buscemied có nghĩa là

Verb: "Man, you told me that last week and I was too polite to tell you I already knew that Steve Buscemi was a volunteer fireman during 9/11. If you buscemi me again, you will have to walk home!" pronounciation: there no phonetic spelling possible so this is how it is pronounced [in english] : -bus[the bus]-ke[the bakery] -my[thats my dog]

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Định nghĩa:
When in a normal situation like a conversation somebody suddenly beats up somebody else or slaps him without anything obvious reason that could have triggered it.

the word can be used as a noun [a buscemi, m.; pl. buscemis] and as a verb [to buscemi, to go buscemi] Last day when i was talking to bobby he totally went buscemi on me and kicked my ass.

buscemied có nghĩa là

When you pick up a sock in your friend's dorm room and smell it and it turns out to be a cum sock.

Ví dụ

Last week a beat up johnny for nothing. he had a lot of buscemis lately.

buscemied có nghĩa là

A Hollywood actor known for being in every Adam Sandler movie as a creep because they're friends. Alternatively, his name is used as a meme by college kids. When a girl says she knows someone famous, a guy will ask if she knows famous person's good friend Steve Buscemi [and label him as whatever the famous person in question does]. The girl will almost always say yes, catching her in the lie. Steve Buscemi and his weird eyes never fail.

Ví dụ

Girl: I used to date Johnny Manziel at A&M.

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