Các đề thi mion anh vào thpt đại học vinh

[Baonghean.vn] - Đây là kỳ thi quy tụ những học sinh xuất sắc nhất toàn tỉnh. Kỳ thi này cũng là kỳ thi khó khăn do số lượng thí sinh đăng ký đông nhưng chỉ tiêu tuyển sinh của các trường chỉ hạn chế.

Kỳ thi lớp 10 vào Trường THPT chuyên Phan Bội Châu và Trường THPT chuyên Đại học Vinh theo kế hoạch sẽ được tổ chức vào chiều 10/6 với 11 môn chuyên.

Trong đó, với Trường THPT chuyên Phan Bội Châu, thí sinh sẽ thi tại 2 địa điểm là Trường THPT chuyên Phan Bội Châu và Trường THPT Huỳnh Thúc Kháng. Thí sinh thi vào Trường THPT chuyên Đại học Vinh sẽ thi tại Trường Đại học Vinh. Cả 2 trường chuyên sẽ sử dụng chung đề thi.

Kỳ thi vào Trường THPT chuyên Phan Bội Châu sẽ tổ chức tại 2 địa điểm, gồm Trường THPT chuyên Phan Bội Châu và Trường THPT Huỳnh Thúc Kháng. Ảnh: Đức Anh

Trước đó, theo kế hoạch đã được phê duyệt năm nay, Trường THPT chuyên Phan Bội Châu tuyển sinh tối đa 525 học sinh cho các lớp chuyên gồm: Toán, Tin học, Vật lý, Hóa học, Sinh học, Ngữ văn, Lịch sử, Địa lý, Tiếng Anh, Tiếng Nga, Tiếng Pháp. Ngoài ra, trường tuyển sinh thêm lớp chuyên Anh 2 và lớp chuyên Toán 2 lấy tối đa 35 thí sinh/lớp.

Bên cạnh đó, trường cũng sẽ tuyển 2 lớp chuyên Tiếng Anh bằng hình thức tuyển thẳng chứng chỉ Tiếng Anh quốc tế. Theo tổng hợp của nhà trường, kỳ thi năm nay có 1.500 hồ sơ đăng ký dự thi.

Điểm thi vào Trường THPT chuyên Phan Bội Châu gồm điểm các bài thi không chuyên - lấy kết quả 3 môn Toán - Ngữ văn - Tiếng Anh từ kỳ thi tuyển sinh vào lớp 10 [hệ số 1] và điểm các bài thi môn chuyên [hệ số 3].

Tại Trường THPT chuyên Đại học Vinh, theo phương án tuyển sinh đã được công bố trước đó, năm nay trường có 350 chỉ tiêu của 7 hệ chuyên là Toán học, Tin học, Vật lý, Hóa học, Sinh học, Ngữ văn và Tiếng Anh. Trong đó, mỗi hệ chuyên có 1 lớp, riêng hệ chuyên Tiếng Anh có 3 lớp. Ngoài ra, trường tuyển 4 lớp với 120 học sinh thuộc hệ chất lượng cao.

Ở Trường THPT chuyên Đại học Vinh, qua tổng hợp, nhà trường nhận được hồ sơ đăng ký dự thi của 1.783 thí sinh thi vào hệ thi chuyên và 457 thí sinh đăng ký dự thi hệ chất lượng cao.

Đây cũng là năm đầu tiên, Trường THPT chuyên Đại học Vinh không tuyển thẳng đối với thí sinh hệ chuyên mà chỉ ưu tiên cộng điểm với thí sinh có thành tích học sinh giỏi và thí sinh có chứng chỉ IELTS.

Tổng điểm xét tuyển vào Trường THPT chuyên Đại học Vinh = [điểm thi môn chuyên x1,5 + điểm nền] + điểm ưu tiên [nếu có]. Trong đó, điểm thi môn chuyên lấy thang điểm 20 và điểm nền là tổng điểm 3 môn thi Toán - Ngữ văn - Tiếng Anh [theo thang điểm 10] của kỳ thi tuyển sinh vào lớp 10.

Thí sinh tham dự kỳ thi vào lớp 10 tại điểm thi Trường THPT chuyên Phan Bội Châu. Ảnh: Mỹ Hà

Theo kế hoạch, từ sáng mai các thí sinh có thể đến các điểm thi để xem phòng thi, địa điểm thi.

Buổi chiều các thí sinh sẽ bắt đầu làm bài vào 14h30 phút. Thời gian làm các bài thi chuyên là 150 phút. Về hình thức thi, các môn Toán, Ngữ văn, Hóa học, Sinh học, Vật lý, Lịch sử, Địa lý thi theo hình thức tự luận. Môn Ngoại ngữ chuyên thi theo cả hình thức tự luận và trắc nghiệm, nghe hiểu. Môn Tin học thi theo hình thức lập trình trên máy tính.

Bạn đang xem tài liệu "Đề thi tuyển sinh vào Lớp 10 trường THPT chuyên, Lớp 10 chất lượng cao môn Tiếng Anh năm 2017 - Vòng II - Đại học Vinh", để tải tài liệu gốc về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên

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  • de_thi_tuyen_sinh_vao_lop_10_truong_thpt_chuyen_lop_10_chat.docx

Nội dung text: Đề thi tuyển sinh vào Lớp 10 trường THPT chuyên, Lớp 10 chất lượng cao môn Tiếng Anh năm 2017 - Vòng II - Đại học Vinh

  1. BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO ĐỀ THI TUYỂN SINH Không TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC VINH VÀO LỚP 10 TRƯỜNG THPT CHUYÊN, LỚP 10 CHẤT LƯỢNG CAO NĂM 2017 MÔN THI: TIẾNG ANH [VÒNG II] ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC viết đây Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút [không kể thời gian phát đề] Thí sinh làm bài vào đề thi đây Họ và tên thí sinh: Họ tên và chữ ký của CBCT 1: Phách . Số báo danh: . Họ tên và chữ ký của CBCT 2: Phòng thi: Điểm CB chấm thi 1 CB chấm thi 2 Phách [Bài thi gồm có 07 trang] I. A. Circle A, B, C or D next to the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from those of the other words [0.5 point] Question 1: A. beds B. doors C. students D. plays Question 2: A. cherry B. chicken C. chain D. character Question 3: A. literature B. agriculture C. mature D. manufacture Question 4: A. opened B. published C. ordered D. prepared Question 5: A. language B. international C. grammar D. many B. Circle A, B, C or D next to the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions. [0.5 point] Question 6: A. completion B. modernize C. detective D. tomorrow Question 7: A. potential B. environmental C. communicate D. historic Question 8: A. advise B. manage C. avoid D. refuse Question 9: A. interesting B. comfortable C. happiness D. perfection Question 10: A. fortunate B. understand C. disappear D. engineer II. Circle A, B, C or D next to the word or phrase which best completes each sentence below. [2.0 points] Question 11: It was ___serious accident that he was kept in hospital for three months. A. soB. so a C. suchD. such a Question 12: I ___ these old photos when I was tidying the closet. A. took overB. looked afterC. came acrossD. went into Question 13: Before I left for my summer camp, my mother told me to take warm clothes with me ___ it was cold. A. though B. as if C. however D. in case Question 14: “Don’t worry about your necklace. Give it to me and I promise to ___great care of it” A. bringB. keep C. make D. take Question 15: SOS ___Save Our Souls. A. refers toB. stands forC. applies to D. works for Question 16: It was not until late 1960s ___on the moon. A. that Americans walked B. did Americans walk C. when Americans walked D. when did Americans walk Question 17: Most computers have enough space to store___ information. A. a large number ofB. large amount of C. a great number of D. a vast amount of 1
  2. Question 18: London is the city ___I have visited several times. Không viết vào đây A. in which B. where C. in that D. which Question 19: A: “Oh, I can’t understand these instructions”. B: “OK. ___explain then”. A. I am going to B. I’ll C. I can D. I would Question 20: He dropped the vase of flowers by accident rather than___ A. by chanceB. by mistakeC. on purposeD. in a hurry Question 21: They have considered all the 50 applications, ___seems suitable for the position. A. none of whichB. none of whomC. none of theseD. none of them Question 22: Hardly___ asleep when the phone woke up him again. A. the boy fellB. had the boy fallenC. did the boy fallenD. the boy had fallen Question 23: I am very ___to be chosen for the ___team. A. pride/national B. proud/nation C. proud/national D. proud of/nation Question 24: The bomb ___in the street. Fortunately, nobody hurt. A. went up B. went off C. went by D. went out Question 25: Nam wanted to know what time ___. A. the movie began B. the movie begins C. does the movie begin D. did the movie begin Question 26: I’m not surprised that Tom is ill. He’s been ___ for a long time. It was bound to affect his health sooner or later. A. having his cake and eating it B. burning the candle at both ends C. playing with fire D. going to town. Question 27: Tom said that he ___his bike the day before. A. has lostB. lost C. had lost D. loses Question 28: They intend to go on ___tour around Europe next month. A. a six-monthsB. a six-month C. six months D. a six-month’s Question 29: It has been five months ___ I last went fishing. A. that B. which C. while D. since Question 30: Tom: "Congratulations! You did great”. Nadine: “___”. A. It’s nice of you to say so.B. It’s my pleasure C. You’re welcome. D. That’s okay. III. There is a mistake in one of the four underlined parts of each sentence. Identify the mistake by circling A, B, C or D below the underlined part. [0.5 point] Question 31: People often feel anger when they don’t get enough rest. A B C D Question 32: The economies of many OPEC nations is primarily oil-based. A B C D Question 33: Mrs. Jenifer, along with her cousins from New Mexico, are planning to attend the festival. A B C D 2
  3. Question 34: They don’t let us to send our clients gifts without getting approval from management first. A B C D Không viết vào đây Question 35: Building thousands of years ago, the ancient palace is popular with modern tourists. A B C D IV. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each sentence to form a word that fits in the gap. Write your answers in the boxes. [1.0 point] Question 36: Environmental ___is everybody’s responsibility. PROTECT Question 37: In my class, girls tend to___boys by three to one. NUMBER Question 38: Young children are very ___and shouldn’t be allowed to IMPRESSION watch violent movies. Question 39: Vietnam declared its___on September 2nd, 1945. DEPEND Question 40: In my city, there is always a serious___of water in summer. SHORT Question 41: Her parents felt a lot of___about her accident. ANXIOUS Question 42: My sister is a___person. She is aware of all the latest FASHION fashions and wanting to follow them. Question 43: She’s a good singer. She sings very___. BEAUTY Question 44: He has the___to become a professional football player. ABLE Question 45: People used to suffer from their life-time physical ___. NORMAL Your answers: 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. V. Read this passage carefully and then choose the best answers to the questions below by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. [1.0 point] The Stone Age was a period of history which began in approximately 2 million B.C and lasted until 3000 B.C. Its name was derived from the stone tools and weapons that modern scientists found. This period was divided into Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic Ages. During the first period [2 million to 8000 B.C], the first hatchet and use of fire for heating and cooking were developed. As a result of the Ice Age, people were forced to seek shelter in caves, wear clothing and develop new tools. 3
  4. During the Mesolithic Age [8000 to 6000 B.C], people made crude pottery and the first fish hooks, took dogs hunting, and developed the bow and arrow, which were used until the fourteenth century A.D. The Neolithic Age [6000 to 3000 B.C] saw humankind domesticating sheep, goats, pigs, and cattle, being less nomadic than in previous eras, establishing permanent settlements, and creating governments. Không viết vào đây Question 46: Into how many periods was the Stone Age divided? A. 2B. 3C. 4 D. 5 Question 47: In the first paragraph, the word “derived” is closest in meaning to___. A. originatedB. destroyedC. hallucinated D. discussed Question 48: Which of the following was developed earliest? A. fish hookB. hatchetC. bow and arrow D. pottery Question 49: Which of the following developments is NOT related to the conditions of the Ice Age? A. farmingB. clothingC. living indoors D. using fire Question 50: In the second paragraph, the word “crude” is closest in meaning to___. A. extravagantB. complexC. vulgar D. primitive Question 51: The author states that the Stone Age was so named because___. A. it was very durable like stone.C. there was little vegetation. B. the tools and weapons were made of stones.D. the people lived in stone caves. Question 52: In the third paragraph, the word “nomadic” is closest in meaning to___. A. sedentaryB. wanderingC. primitive D. inquisitive Question 53: With what subject is the passage mainly concerned? A. The Neolithic AgeB. the PaleolithicC. the Stone Age D. the Ice Age Question 54: Which of the following best describes the Mesolithic Age? A. People were inventive.C. People were warriors. B. People stay indoors all the time.D. People were crude. Question 55: In the third paragraph, the word “eras” is closest in meaning to___. A. familiesB. periodsC. herds D. tools VI. Circle A, B, C or D which best completes each blank in the following passage. [1.0 point] ROLLS-ROYCE The name Rolls-Royce has been associated with high-quality cars for [56]___a century. The first Rolls-Royce was produced in 1905, as the result of [57]___efforts of Charles Stewart Rolls and Frederick Henry Royce. Rolls, an upper-class Londoner who was [58]___at Eton and Cambridge University, started a company in 1902 to sell motor-cars. Royce, an engineering genius, [59] ___from a 4
  5. working-class background. He began his apprenticeship in a railway workshop at the age of 14, but by the age of 21 he had [60] ___up his own engineering business. Royce designed several motor-cars, and his first experimental model [61] ___in 1903. Shortly after that, Charles Rolls and Henry Royce met, [62] ___the Rolls-Royce manufacturing firm in 1904. Royce designed the motor-cars and Rolls sold them. Rolls, who had earned himself a reputation as a keen racing motorist, also had a passion for flying. In 1910, at the age of only 33, he sadly met his death in a plane crash – in [63] ___, he was the first Englishman to die in this way. Royce, however, continued work on their shared dream, and went on to develop his first aero-engine in 1915. The Không viết vào đây Rolls-Royce Merlin aero-engine later powered British fighter aeroplanes in World War II. On Royce’s death [64] ___ 1933, the famous Rolls-Royce monogram was changed from red to black as a [65] ___of respect for the great man. Question 56: A. aboveB. overC. beyondD. past Question 57: A. combinedB. collectedC. mixedD. connected Question 58: A. educated B. schooledC. taughtD. trained Question 59: A. grewB. arrivedC. cameD. arose Question 60: A. grewB. madeC. setD. brought Question 61: A. appearedB. showedC. presentedD. developed Question 62: A. shapingB. formingC. buildingD. constructing Question 63: A. spiteB. caseC. orderD. fact Question 64: A. throughB. inC. at D. over Question 65: A. noteB. messageC. signalD. sign VII. Circle the answer A, B, C or D that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions. [0.5 point] Question 66: For centuries, people made up stories about dragons. A. constructedB. createdC. beautifiedD. prepared Question 67: The situation seems to be changing minute by minute. A. very rapidlyB. time after timeC. again and againD. from time to time Question 68: After many years of good work, Arthur deserves a promotion. A. ought to be deniedB. might be produced C. should be givenD. could be rejected Question 69: While she was indifferent to yoga, her mother is very keen on it. A. boringB. eagerC. uninterested D. different Question 70: Few businesses are flourishing in the present economic climate. 5
  6. A. putting on B. setting up C. growing wellD. closing down VIII. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use BETWEEN TWO AND FIVE WORDS including the word given. [1.0 point] Question 71: David finds it easy to make friends. NO David has friends. Không viết vào đây Question 72: “Don’t park near the bank!” the policeman said to us. NOT The policeman near the bank. Question 73: He would prefer you to pay him immediately. RATHER He’d him immediately. Question 74: If we drive faster, we will get to the party sooner. THE The we will get to the party. Question 75: I expect Thomas was very happy to hear the news of his family. BEEN Thomas is very happy to hear the news of his family. Question 76: “I didn’t break the window”, said Tom. DENIED Tom the window. Question 77: Jenny spent hours doing the gardening yesterday. TOOK It the gardening yesterday. Question 78: I didn’t have enough money, so I didn’t buy that laptop. WOULD If I had had enough money, I that laptop. Question 79: It’s possible that Kitty didn’t see you in the supermarket. MAY Kitty you in the supermarket. Question 80: We all thought that lady was Michael’s mother. FOR We all . .Michael’s mother. IX. Write a paragraph [about 120-150 words] about the importance of technology in modern life. [2 points] . 6
  7. . . . . . . Không viết vào đây . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
  8. . . . -THE END- Chú ý: - Thí sinh làm mất đề thi không được phát lại. - CBCT không giải thích gì thêm. 8

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