Cách freeze cột trong wps sheet

We can freeze the panes in three different ways.

· Freeze to

1. Select the cell below the rows and to the right of the columns that we want to freeze when scrolling.

2. Click the Hometab and then click the Freeze Panesbutton.

3. Now click thefirst option in this drop down menu.

· Freeze First Row

1. Use WPS Office to open the form and click the Hometab and then click the Freeze Panesbutton.

2. Now click Freeze First Row.

Then we can easily freeze the first row of this table.

· Freeze First Column

1. Use WPS Office to open the form and click the Hometab and then click the Freeze Panesbutton.

2. Now click Freeze First Column.

Then we can easily freeze the first column of this table.

Also, if we want to unfreeze panes, just click the Freeze Panes button in the View tab → select unfreeze panes.

This skill could also be used in Microsoft Office Excel and OpenOffice.

How can we freeze the pane in WPS Spreadsheet

When viewing a worksheet with a large amounts of data in the WPS Spreadsheet, we can't see the title row if we drag the scroll bar. Therefore,we won't be able to know exactly what each column of data represents. So how can we freeze a row or column for us to check it more conveniently?

Today I'm going to introduce you to a practical feature, Freeze Panes. Take this table as an example. Click the Home tab, then click the Freeze Panes button. You can see that there are three options. The first is Custom Freeze, the second is Freeze Top Row, and the third is Freeze First Column.

Let's look at Freeze Top Row first.

1. Click Freeze Top Row, then the top row of the table will be frozen.

2. If we want to unfreeze, just click Freeze Panes again, and click Unfreeze Panes. The Freeze First Column feature works in the same way. Just select Freeze the first column, and then the first column of the table will be frozen.

So what should we do to freeze otherrows and columns?

1. If we want to freeze a row, we first need to select the row below it and then do the settings.

2. For example, we now need to freeze the two rows A1, A2, then we need to select the A3 cell and click Freeze Panes. Now the first option becomes Freeze to row 2.

3. Click Freeze to row 2, then drag the scroll bar.

We will find that the first two rows are frozen now and will not be covered by other rows.

Now, what if we want to freeze a row and a column at the same time ?

For example, we want to freeze row A2 and column A at the same time.

1. First, we need to find the intersecting cells of the next row and the next column, the intersecting cells of row A3 and column B.

2. Click cell B3 and click Freeze Panes. Then the first option will change to Freeze to row 2 column A.

3. Now just click it and complete the settings.

Combining this feature with Reading Layout, can make it easier for us to view data. If you want to learn moreabout using Reading Layout, you can watch more related videos in our WPS Academy.

These are the introductions on the function and method of Freeze Panes.Easy your work with WPS Spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel. Did you get it?

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