Cambridge listening skills

When it comes to the Cambridge listening exam, listening skills come easy to most people and others, it can be difficult to learn and one thing we are certain that improves listening skills is when you live in an English-speaking country.

When preparing for the Cambridge listening test, living in an English-speaking country is not the only thing that can help you develop your listening skills, you need to be able to select and apply the strategies and techniques needed for a good exam.

A lot of students take various practice tests to prepare for the listening exam but we want you to know that it is only your exposure to diff3erent accents and dialects that can help you.

You need to watch TV shows a lot when preparing for the exam, listen to podcasts, watch various movie sets in different parts of the world. Just ensure to broaden your knowledge in all areas as relates to English.

The more time you spend practicing, the better you improve your listening skills and I would be sharing some tips to guide you while preparing for the listening exam;


Every recording has a subject matter and before you begin recording, you see the theme written on the top of the paper.

The time the recording starts reading the instruction, use that to carefully think about the theme and we advise students to predict what language and an idea they can hear as it relates to the theme.


A lot of students believe that some accents are easier to truly understand than others but most students are used to a certain type of accent and at the end of the day, they run into difficulties when they come in contact with accents they are not familiar with, that is why we advise you get familiar with different kind of accents so you are not caught unaware.


Read as much on the answers before you even start recording, most speakers might use a synonym for you and not read the exact words and this is why you must be well in tune with all the answers to the question before recording starts.


Most times, you dont hear the answer in the exact words of the question, and most keywords that will give you answers are possibly paraphrased words that are used in the question.

Paraphrased words are when you express the word or sentence differently while using a different vocabulary, grammar, or word order.

Source: Raw pexels

We advise students to always listen for pleasure not just to pass, most students believe that it is only if you keep doing the Cambridge past papers that you can improve your listening skill but that is not the way it works.

While trying to improve your listening skills, try to find something you like listening to either movie, radio, T>V shows, podcasts, or football matches, make sure it is something that excites you.

Podcasts however have a different range of subjects you can choose from. They are sorted to suit different English language levels.


Most times, you are asked to write down the words that have been spelled out in the recording and to achieve this, you need to know the English alphabet and how well it is pronounced.


The best way to improve your listening skills is to improve your knowledge of phrasal verbs and these are commonly used in Cambridge exams.

Phrasal verbs are a combination of words that comprises of a verb, a preposition, or an adverb that takes on a different meaning to the original verb when it is used together.

Know that you can pass this test, you can scale through this listening phase and every other phase of the listening exam if you carefully practice the tips above and you can read

To know more about Cambridge exam; read this


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