Controversial topics on infant and toddler development

Controversial Topic in the Field of Infant and Toddler Development

Choose Topic: Writing

Select Number of Pages: 4 [1100 words]

Question description: Research and report on a controversial topic in the field of infant and toddler development. Paper will be written in APA format to include title page, abstract, and reference page. Body of the paper minimum 1000 words.

Choose a controversial topic that interests you from this course. Find two academic articles [not websites or popular publications], published after 2005, that take opposing views on this topic.
Describe the issue, and explain why it is controversial.
For each article, describe:
The author[s] position
How the author justified his or her position
The conclusion the author[s] reached
Any biases you think the article may have

Describe and justify your opinion on this topic and if it was changed after your research.

answer previewAbstractControversies in the field of infant and toddler development have always existed. Among those, one controversial topic has been the issue of immunizations through administration of vaccines. Immunization helps in preventing certain diseases in the life of a child by rendering them resistant to certain illnesses. This process has been proved and found to control and eliminate life threatening illnesses with an estimated prevention of about three million deaths annually. It acts as the cheapest way of investing on health and has strategies that have been proved and increases its accessibility to all people including the most vulnerable in the society. Children are always vaccinated against various illnesses such as measles, tuberculosis and polio which prevents them from contracting these dis0eases..words 1289
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