facebook addiction là gì - Nghĩa của từ facebook addiction

facebook addiction có nghĩa là

Noun. [See also facebook slut]. A person who spends more time one face book making "friends" than spending time in the real word interacting with their real life friends.


Bec's become a facebook addict. She's more interested in increasing her friends count than spening time with us people who see her in person.

facebook addiction có nghĩa là

one who is more obsessed with checking their wall posts, comments, chatting with people, liking statuses, taking social interview questions, playing farmville, quoting song lyrics, laughing at inside jokes, putting up pictures of themselves with gang signs, randomly adding people they've never actually met but have 20 mutual friends, "curiously reading" other people's profiles, or poking people than actually getting work, homework, or a social life in order to live.


"oh i just want to check my notifications...oh new wall post?....you lost a chicken? oh no....."like"... "LOL karen, i look fat in this picture take it off! but you look so caauutte"....what was i doing again...?" "happy birthday!"
"how'd you know it was my birthday?"
"oh FACEBOOK, silly!"
"....what was your name again?"
"JULIE!" "dude how did julie know my birthday?"
"oh man, she's a complete facebook addict...i'll totally take back the gift i gave to her farmville..."

facebook addiction có nghĩa là

Never being able to leave facebook.. On it day and night.. Staying up late.. Even when you know things havent changed and it stays the same. When you decide to play a game for hours that your eyes start getting swollen and red and bags under them.. When a friend asks you to go to a movie but you decline because you have to see the next update on your friends status.


She totally has facebook addiction syndrome

facebook addiction có nghĩa là

Khaled is an example of a facebook addict.


Khaled says: "I r not facebook addict"
Behroz says: "Oh yes you are"

facebook addiction có nghĩa là

All the people who are online when you log in at 2 am expecting to be the only one connected.


I'll log in later so Katy doesn't see me online and start wanting to chat. Later: "Oh shit, Katy is fucking online, plus half of my fucken friend list!! Freaking facebook addicts!

facebook addiction có nghĩa là

person who has no social life other than spending time logging into facebook


facebook addict: kelvin

facebook addiction có nghĩa là

A facebook fan-addict is a person who becomes a fan of almost every single fan page that facebook has to offer. These individuals spend most of their time looking for pages that they closely associate with. These individuals believe that by becoming fans of such pages, it reflects their personality. Another reason facebook fan-addicts might join such pages is because the fan page may contain a humorous picture. However, most of these pages on facebook require that a user first become a fan in order to see the content. Human curiosity will take over the fan-addict, so they will almost inevitably join the fan page in order to see the content. A facebook fan-addict is easy to spot. On a regular user's account, a notification will appear once a friend has joined a group. If that particular friend has become a fan of a page, "along with 38 other profiles", then that friend is most likely a facebook fan-addict. There are no known cures for facebook fan-addiction. The best a fan-addict can do is join enough pages to the point where facebook will not let them become a fan of anymore pages. The current limit for fan pages that a single user can have is around 2000. After that, a fan-addict faces 2 difficult choices: give up becoming a fan of pages, or remove themselves from some of their fan pages in order to make room to become a fan of other pages.


Bob: "Hello Joe. Have you seen Bill anywhere? I haven't seen him for a few days." Joe: "I heard Bill has become a facebook fan-addict. All he does now is stay up in his room searching through facebook for pages he can become a fan of."

facebook addiction có nghĩa là

When one is constantly checking, scrolling, liking, commenting, staring with that blank open mouthed face at a screen for hours upon hours, day after day.


Annoyed girlfriend- "Hey you should get off Facebook for once babe." Facebook addict- "You want me to WHAAAT??" Annoyed girlfriend- "I SAAIIID GET OFF FACEBOOK FOR ONCE AND ENJOY LIFE?!" Facebook addict- "Nah Facebook is life and I wil----- [stops mid sentence to read a post] five minutes later "what were we talking about again" Super annoyed girlfriend- "You have a 'facebook addiction'"

facebook addiction có nghĩa là

A Facebook taggroup addict is a person who becomes a fan of almost every single tag page that facebook has to offer. These individuals spend most of their time looking for pages that they closely associate with. These individuals believe that by becoming members of such pages, it reflects their personality. Another reason Facebook taggroup addict might join such groups is because the group page may contain a humorous picture. However, most of these groups on facebook require that a user first become a member in order to see the content. Human curiosity will take over the tag-addict, so they will almost inevitably join the group in order to see the content. A Facebook taggroup addict is easy to spot. There are no known cures for Facebook taggroup addiction. The best a group-addict can do is join enough pages to the point where facebook will not let them become a member of anymore groups. The current limit for groups that a single user can have is around 2000.


"Look at her, she's a member of 200+ taggroups, she must be a complete Facebook taggroup addict" "Mein gott, he keeps tagging me in 10 taggroups a day, I think this Facebook taggroup addict needs some help!"

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