facebook syndrome là gì - Nghĩa của từ facebook syndrome

facebook syndrome có nghĩa là

Calling people by their first and last names. Caused because facebook refers to people by their firsts and last names.


" Yeah, last night i hung out with Sarah Williams, Xavier Mozejewski, and Ben Smikler"
" No, you just sat on facebook all night."
"Why do you think that?"
"Another victim to the facebook syndrome"

facebook syndrome có nghĩa là

When you tell all your friends you are being Facebook Stalked, yet you keep your FB page open so you can continue to be stalked. Secretly your ego is so big that you are loving all the attention it's bringing you. So you post 500 pictures of yourself hoping your stalker will continue to come back, making you feel important, and providing you with something to talk about to your 2,000 FB friends. You have high hopes this stalking claim will continue to build your popularity, you become afraid it will someday end. You become so addicted to the attention, you actually begin stalking your stalker.


Man does that guy have a serious case of Facebook Ego Syndrome, he's been telling the world he is being facebook stalked forever now. Why doesn't he just block the bitch? We all know secretly he is loving all the attention, although he tries to play it off like he doesn't.

facebook syndrome có nghĩa là

;a contagious disease where a person over facebook believes they are saving the world by sharing a video ;the act of posting videos over facebook believing you are changing the world, charactarized by dramatic statuses and creating facebook groups ;making a big deal over facebook on something one doesnt understand or know anything about


;watching KONY video and catching a case of Facebook Activitst Syndrome. *share to everyone, make a dramatic status about it, cry about it, make a facebook group, pretend to have made a difference* meanwhile not knowing anything about it or even being able to point it out on a map. Facebook Activist: "I am going to save the world with this share"
Person: "Looks like youve got Facebook Activist Syndrome"

facebook syndrome có nghĩa là

Never being able to leave facebook.. On it day and night.. Staying up late.. Even when you know things havent changed and it stays the same. When you decide to play a game for hours that your eyes start getting swollen and red and bags under them.. When a friend asks you to go to a movie but you decline because you have to see the next update on your friends status.


She totally has facebook addiction syndrome

facebook syndrome có nghĩa là

When your profile picture doesnt look like you, but it looks better than you actually look in real life. [Once again can also apply to myspace]

The opposite of Facebook Disease [FBD].


Guy:What about my profile picture now???
Girl:Now that's pushing it.This is straight Facebook Syndrome [FBS]. You will never look like this in real life.
Guy:I HATE YOU!!!!! Who needs you anyways.

facebook syndrome có nghĩa là

Referring to someone by the name they have on facebook, rather than their real name, because the truth is you see their facebook more often than you see them in person. Can be taken to even worse extremes when a screenname is substituted.


Frank: *thinking* Hey, it's James DePaul!
Jim: *thinking* Oh, it's that Francis Williams guy. *facepalm* Oops... facebook name syndrome again.

facebook syndrome có nghĩa là

A developmental disorder that alters the intentions of social interaction of an individual characterized by impaired social norms. Normal language and cognitive executions are altered in such a way to represent "status." This status is intended to be represented to others and takes priority over personal preferences or choices. Side effects include; heightened unwarranted interest in other peoples lifestyles as well as intense publication of otherwise private or unsubstantial personal information.


That girl only cares about what her next status update will be; really I dont care that your "drinking a mojito on the sundeck." She needs to find a cure for her Facebook Syndrome!

facebook syndrome có nghĩa là

A condition exhibited by high school freshmen that add everyone in their school on Facebook with intent of appearing "popular" or friendly with upperclassmen. Commonly abbreviated as "FFS."


Senior 1: Dude, who is this random freshman that added me on Facebook? Senior 2: I don't know, man! Some of these kids have come down with a real bad case of Freshman Facebook Syndrome! Senior 1: Yeah, no shit! This kid is, like, 12 and he has 1528 friends!

facebook syndrome có nghĩa là

Facebook Bloat Syndrome [FbBS] was coined on 3/29/2011 and refers to the problem that 90% of Facebookers have: A friends list that is at least over 200 people which you only interact with maybe 10 of them. It's easy to friend people, look at their pictures and be done with it. Removing "friends" is easier than friending them but is rarely used.


Jack: I have a giant e-penis because I have 700 friends. Jill: How many of those 700 have you interacted with over the last 6 weeks? Jack: 2 Jill: I see you are suffering from a severe case of Facebook Bloat Syndrome.

facebook syndrome có nghĩa là

When someone needs to know everything that is going on all the time.


me to him: I found it in the cabinet.
her to us: Found what in the cabinet?
me: don't worry about it [super tired. it's not important]
her: no tell me. I want to know!
me: ... you have facebook syndrome me to her: hahahah yah so after that I-
him to us: haha, what are you guys talking about?
me: ....

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