Graham and Sophie listening answers

Here's the full transcript for the listening exercise in last Tuesday's lesson. The speaker talks quickly, so it's useful to see exactly what she says.

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I wanted to spend a little bit of time today talking about the importance of work experience as you're considering different management programmes. Now this will vary a lot school by school. So some schools actually will have a minimum number of years of required work experience, so you should enquire with all the schools that you are interested in, sort of, what their recommendations are.

At Stanford specifically, we don't necessarily look at a certain number of years of work experience, but what were really looking for are your leadership examples that youre able to draw from in your life. And as a result, some people actually come to us a little bit earlier on in their careers.

So, most years we might even have, you know, one or two students who come directly after university, but theyve got incredibly strong leadership examples to draw from: maybe it is from being involved in student government, or clubs, or organisations, or starting a non-profit organisation, or having been involved in a family business growing up. So theyre able to draw and refer to those leadership experiences in the classroom.

Here are the two questions [from Cambridge IELTS 14] that I showed you last week. This time I've underlined the keywords.

21. How will Rosie and Martin introduce their presentation?

A with a drawing of woolly mammoths in their natural habitat
B with a timeline showing when woolly mammoths lived
C with a video clip about woolly mammoths

22. What was surprising about the mammoth tooth found by Russell Graham?

A It was still embedded in the mammoth's jawbone.
B It was from an unknown species of mammoth.
C It was not as old as mammoth remains from elsewhere.


Use the transcript below to answer the following questions:

  1. What are the answers to questions 21 and 22 above?
  2. Which keywords in the transcript give us the answers?
  3. Did my underlining in the question choices help?

Martin: We thought we needed something general about woolly mammoths in our introduction, to establish that they were related to our modern elephant, and they lived thousands of years ago in the last ice age.

Rosie: Maybe we could show a video clip of a cartoon about mammoths. But thatd be a bit childish. Or we could have a diagram, it could be a timeline to show when they lived, with illustrations?

Martin: Or we could just show a drawing of them walking in the ice? No, lets go with your last suggestion.

Tutor: Good. Then youre describing the discovery of the mammoth tooth on St Pauls Island in Alaska, and why it was significant.

Rosie: Yes. The tooth was found by a man called Russell Graham. He picked it up from under a rock in a cave. He knew it was special for a start it was in really good condition, as if it had been just extracted from the animals jawbone. Anyway, they found it was 6,500 years old.

Tutor: So why was that significant?

Rosie: Well the mammoth bones previously found on the North American mainland were much less recent than that. So this was really amazing.

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