How do I access VMware boot menu?

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If you are using VMware Workstation to create a virtual machine and you want to access BIOS settings, then this post will show you how to do it. With the help of these steps, you will be able to access the BIOS in VMware Workstation to make various changes.

There are two methods using which you can use to access BIOS in VMware Workstation’s virtual machine.

1: Use a keyboard shortcut

Like a regular Windows computer, you have a keyboard shortcut to open the BIOS settings. Right after turning on the virtual machine, you need to press F2. It should show a message, and if you can successfully click the F2 button at the right time, it will open the BIOS.

However, this screen passes very fast, and that is why it is quite difficult to click the F2 key at the correct time.

If so, you can increase the VMware boot loading time. For that, navigate to this path-

C:\Users\your_username\Documents\Virtual Machines\virtual_machine_name

You need to enter your correct username and right virtual machine name.

Alternatively, you can go to Document folder > Virtual Machines > Your virtual machine name.

In this folder, you should find a VMware virtual machine configuration file that has .vmx extension. It should be your-virtual-machine-name.vmx. You need to open this file with Notepad or any other text editor and enter the following line right after .encoding = “windows-1252”:

bios.bootdelay = X

Here X represents the time in milliseconds. That means if you enter 5000, it will be delayed by 5 seconds.

Now, restart your virtual machine. You should find that screen displayed for 5 seconds.

2: Use in-built options

There is an option that allows you to boot your virtual machine into BIOS settings. For that, right-click on your virtual machine name > Power > Power On to Firmware.

Select this option, and you will find your BIOS screen displayed.

From there, this is possible to make various changes. For example, you can set a supervisor password; password-protect entire installation, etc.

Although it is very easy to open, you should know what you are doing before making any change. Otherwise, you will end up corrupting your guest OS.

Sudip loves to engage with the latest technology & gadgets. Apart from writing about all things technology, he is a Photoshop junkie and a football enthusiast.

You're right to act as soon as it starts, but don't just hit a key. You have to mouse click to enter the VM, and then hit the key [F2 for BIOS or ESC for boot menu] F12 for network boot though I haven't used network boot.

When the virtual machine starts, the mouse cursor changes from an arrow to a hand cursor, but you are not in the virtual machine unless you click, and then the cursor will disappear. Then, it will respond to key presses.

You can also edit the vmx file of the virtual machine, and add the line bios.bootDelay = "15000" [15000 milliseconds is 15 seconds but you can change it to whatever] and you get another screen that offers the same keys and a 15 second delay to hit them. Of course, you have to click first. You might want to shorten it from 15 seconds. But if you've been missing it you might appreciate the screen being there for 15 seconds, then change it once you've figured out how to do it.

When practicing you might want to shutdown and power up, rather than restart, so it's a bit clearer when it is powering up, though restarting is OK.

Another option is "power on to firmware", try it, it goes to the BIOS. It's in the menu when right clicking a VM, or in the VM menu at the top. And in some versions of vmware workstation it's "power on to BIOS". In my version it's "power on to firmware" but it goes to the BIOS

Oddly, while in an ubuntu VM, F2 and ESC don't bring up the BIOS, choosing "power on to firmware" does. [or "power on to bios" in other VMware workstation versions].

jamesdlin points out in comment

"Power on to firmware" is the new name for "Power on to BIOS" since some VMs now use EFI instead of BIOS. BIOS is a type of firmware.

How do you access the BIOS menu of a VM in VMware?

To enter the BIOS setup for the guest operating system, click VM > Power > Power On to BIOS. Note: For newer Workstation versions, click VM > Power > Power On to Firmware.

How do I press F12 in VMware?

When you first start the virtual machine, press F12 to boot from the network. This is a temporary choice. Subsequent boots look for the boot loader on the hard drive before the network, by default.

How do I get to advanced boot options in VMware?

At the VMware startup screen, repeatedly press F8 on the virtual keyboard until the Advanced Boot Options screen displays.

How do I get a VMware menu bar?

Select View > Hide Menu Bar in Full Screen..
Use the. + Shift +M keyboard shortcut to hide or show the VMware Fusion menu bar in Full Screen view..

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