How do I connect my HP Envy laptop to HDMI?


So for a while, I had been using my HP Envy Laptop to get the things I needed to be done.

I've used a TV as a second monitor to multitask a little more efficiently, and for a while, it would work. Randomly one day the signal had stopped getting recognized by the TV and could no longer project an extended screen on the TV itself.

I gave up on most of the forum searching I was done me nowhere, and one day I turned the TV back on [while my laptop was on] and it decided to work. Shortly after it stopped receiving signal again.

I was wondering if someone could offer me assistance in figuring this issue out? Based on previous forum searches I know that...

YES, my TV is plugged in.
YES, my HDMI is connected.
YES, I unplugged them and replugged both of them back in.
NO, I don't think it is the HDMI cable because I used several.
NO, I don't think it's the TV because I've used two.
YES, I did roll back and reupdated both of my display drivers [Intel Core i7 and NVIDIA GEFORCE 940MX].

I'm not very tech-savvy by the way, so you may have to explain things a little more for me to understand.

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