How do you think the CEOs leadership style may have impacted the outcome of the EHR implementation

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Abstract The study of leadership in wide range of organizational settings has demonstrated the advantage the Full Range Leadership [FRL] of transformational leadership approach over other leadership styles in predicting organizational performance and other outcomes. Research has found that leadership is one of the most significant contributors to organizational performance. However, very little research has been completed on the link between FRL and organizational performance at American Muslim Organizations [AMOs]. This lack of empirical research, the increase use of FRL in assessing pastoral leadership [Rowold, 2008], and its positive and strong association with effective organizations as shown in literature were the primary motivators for this study. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire [MLQ-5X], a proven leadership assessment test, was administered to 320 congregants at 12 AMOs in the greater Dallas area, TX, USA to determine preferred leadership styles and whether there is a significant correlation relationship between senior leadership styles and organization performance. Created and updated by Bass and Avolio [2004], the questionnaire measure three objective indicators of organizational performance: congregants’ satisfaction with leadership, motivation toward extra effort, and perceived leadership effectiveness. Results of descriptive analysis showed that senior leaders at AMOs scored relatively high in the average of all responses and in six of the nine leadership factors, suggesting that Full Range Transformational Leadership Model [FRLM] was the style practiced by senior leaders at targeted organizations. The results of multiple regression analysis of aggregated leadership factors scores revealed that blended specific elements of the [FRLM] led to higher satisfaction, iv motivation toward extra effort and perceived leadership effectiveness among congregants. Multiple regression analysis for separate leadership factors scores revealed the following findings: [1] Contingent Reward leadership style [CR], which requires performance measurements to reward achievement beyond meeting standards, is inextricably linked with the Transformational leadership style. [2] FRLM consisted of nine hierarchal factors on a continuum basis and strongly proffered as the most effective leadership approach at the studied context. [3] Idealized influence, attribute and behavior, did not reach significance, suggesting that AMOs are shifting from religious leadership to secular one. [4] Intellectual stimulation did not reach significance either, suggesting that leadership at AMOs does not empower followers nor facilitate creativity and independent thinking among them. Factor analysis findings [PCA] suggested that the nine factors of FRLM can be represented by three main factors to explain 75.4 of the variability in the original data. The findings of this study provided strong support for FRLM to work well with the senior leadership at AMOs. Discussion of the implications and recommendations was provided.

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Why is leadership important in EHR implementation?

The EHR leadership team, also known as the project team, serves an important role in deciding the success or failure of an EHR project. Without a strong leadership team, an EHR project will have a greater risk of failure given the highly technical nature of implementing an EHR system.

Which leadership style is usually the best for an EHR selection and implementation?

The democratic style would be the best for an EHR selection as it requires effort from the staff and management to determine what the best selection would be.

How does leadership impact healthcare?

Effective leadership has been positively associated with increased patient satisfaction and lower rates of adverse health results. Additionally, because effective leaders better retain and support staff, they can indirectly affect mortality rates in patients and positively affect other healthcare quality indicators.

What is the relationship between leadership style in healthcare settings and quality of care?

Leadership styles were found to be strongly correlated with quality care and associated measures. Leadership was considered a core element for a well-coordinated and integrated provision of care, both from the patients and healthcare professionals.

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