How to alt tab in remote desktop

I'm sure most of you know that if you alt-tab to an RDP session, you can't alt-tab out. Instead, you get to alt-tab through apps on the remote PC.

I think it will only do that if you run the RDP session full screen by default, but it's an option for each RDP sesion. Click Options on the RDP Connection window, Local Resources tab, and set the option as you would like it to behave...

I just don't run RDP full screen, I run it one "resolution" less than my desktop, and I switch local apps really easy...

Understanding Keyboard Input To Virtual Desktops

By default, when you use a virtual desktop all key presses are directed to it [not the local computer] with the following exceptions:

  • Windows logo key+L is directed to the local computer.
  • CTRL+ALT+DELETE is directed to the local computer except in some cases if you use the Citrix Desktop Lock.
  • Key presses that activate StickyKeys, FilterKeys, and ToggleKeys [Microsoft accessibility features] are normally directed to the local computer.
  • As an accessibility feature of the Desktop Viewer, pressing CTRL+ALT+BREAK displays the Desktop Viewer toolbar buttons in a pop-up window.
  • Windows key combinations [for example, CTRL+ESC and ALT+TAB] are directed according to the settings that your help desk has selected.

Note: By default, if the Desktop Viewer is maximized, ALT+TAB switches focus between windows inside the session. If the Desktop Viewer is displayed in a window, ALT+TAB switches focus between windows outside the session.

Hotkey sequences are key combinations designed by Citrix. For example, the CTRL+F1 sequence reproduces CTRL+ALT+DELETE, and SHIFT+F2 switches applications between full-screen and windowed mode. You can use hotkey sequences with virtual desktops in many, but not all, setups. For example, they work with your hosted applications.

  • Citrix Workspace app for Windows Keyboard shortcuts  

Hallo zusammen, kurze Frage an die Windowsspezialisten. Wenn ich in dem RDP Fenster Alt-Tab drücke bekomme ich ja die Tasks von dem Server. Ich möchte allerdings die Tasks von meine Client haben. Gibt es dafür eine spezielle Tastenkombination? Vielen Dank Gruß


okay jetzt geht aber nur noch alt-tab am für den lokalen computer. ich bräuchte beides mit unterschiedlichen tastenkominationen. gruß


Läuft dein RDP-Fenster im Vollbild? Wenn nicht dann kannst du mit Shift+Strg+Tab auf dem Remote-Rechner die Tabs wechseln.

Edit: Ich meinte natürlich Strg+Alt+Tab, aber das hilft dir leider nichts wenns als Vollbild läuft


Zuletzt bearbeitet: 2. Dezember 2010

PC1: i5 6600 + NH-L12 || Asus Z170i Pro Gaming || 16GB Crucial || Asus GTX 960 Strix || Samsung EVO 850 500GB || Silverstone Raven RVZ01 + SST-SX500-LG
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Windows 10 Home, Windows 10 Home

Nothing should go wrong, but since this grabs Left Mouse Button and Enter, probably save all your work first.

I was pretty awful at AutoHotKey when I wrote this. This utility is one of the things that got me learning AHK, although hough I never took it very far.

This version of the script functions much better. It's also adapted from my script to allow a VirtualBox Virtual Machine to do the same thing

While RDC is open and focused, it uses ALT+Tab to trigger ALT+Page Down which is built into Terminal Services to activate the server's 'Task Switcher'.

#SingleInstance, Force hostkey = RCTRL ; set this to your VirtualBox HOSTKEY boxMode := "" Hotkey, #Tab, WinTabbing Return TabFinish: Send, {ALT UP} RDCKeysState["Off"] Return Tabbing: Send, {Right} Return WinTabbing: WinGetTitle, Title, A StringRight, TitleEnd, Title, 25 RDCKeysState["On"] If [TitleEnd = "Remote Desktop Connection"] and [not Title = "Remote Desktop Connection"] { ; RDC mode, but not the launcher window Send, {Alt down}{PgDn} ; Press and hold alt, and press pgdn } Else { ; Host mode Send, {ALT Down}{TAB} Sleep, 200 ; Sleep to wait a split-second for Alt-Tab window to appear iter := 0 ; loop tracker Loop { iter := iter+1 if [!WinExist["Task Switching"] Or iter > 60] { ; If Alt+tab is gone, or it's been 30 seconds Send, {ALT UP} Break } Sleep, 500 } } Return RDCKeysState[toggle] { ; This function maps all the ways that a user might end the alt-tab box. Hotkey, Enter, TabFinish, %toggle% ; Map Enter, Click, and their alt-counterparts to TabFinish[] Hotkey, !Enter, TabFinish, %toggle% Hotkey, LButton, TabFinish, %toggle% Hotkey, !LButton, TabFinish, %toggle% Hotkey, *LWIN UP, TabFinish, %toggle% Hotkey, *RWIN UP, TabFinish, %toggle% Hotkey, *Tab, Tabbing, %toggle% } ; if you get the error 'could not close the previous instance of the script,` ; while ever trying to reload the script, you need to right click it and select ; 'Run As Administrator'

Windows 10 Home, and Windows 2012 Server

I wanted functionality to do both, so I wrote an AutoHotKey script for my local machine.

I gave my local computer full access to Windows Key Commands even while RDC is maximized

And then wrote an AutoHotKey script [I am not well-versed in it] that captured WIN+TAB [#Tab], while RDC is open and then uses that and the ALT+Page Down built into Terminal Services to activate the server's ALT+Tab. Once it's open, you can navigate with arrow keys and enter/click to select.

If you can improve upon this, please do, and share.

#persistent #Tab::WinTabbing[] return WinTabbing[] { WinGetTitle, Title, A ; Get Title StringRight, TitleEnd, Title, 25 ; RDC is 25 letters long If [TitleEnd = "Remote Desktop Connection"] ; Check that an RDC is active. This will probably have ; issues with the inital "connect to dialog of RDC { Send, {Alt down}{PgDn} ; Press and hold alt, and press pgdn Hotkey, Enter, Entering, On ; Map Enter, Click, and their alt-counterparts to Entering[] Hotkey, !Enter, Entering, On Hotkey, LButton, Entering, On Hotkey, !LButton, Entering, On return } } ; There is no return statement at the end of this function, because we want ; Control Tab to work when focused in any other window. ; I tried to map Tab/Alt Tab [because alt is still pressed] to Right arrow ; and Control Tab/Control Alt Tab to left arrow. I was unable to get it to work. ; I left the functions in comments if anyone want to try ; Righting[] ; Send, Right ; return ; } ; Lefting[] { ; Send, Right ; return ; } Entering[] { Send, {Alt}{Enter} ; Releases Alt, and makes the selection Hotkey, Enter, Entering, Off ; See WinTabbing[] Hotkey, !Enter, Entering, Off Hotkey, LButton, Entering, Off Hotkey, !LButton, Entering, Off return }

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