Internet speed needed for remote desktop

My question and situation is similar to Recommended Connection Speed for Remote Desktop question but I need a little more info.

I know that lag can be a factor in working on remote desktop. Lets ignore that. My question is about is the ideal data rate for a good remote desktop connection.

Assume that my RDP is 1080p display. I am using external monitor that is 1080p as well.

The number of pixels in 1080p are

1920 * 1080 = 2,073,600 pixels.

Each pixel uses 16bits of color [2 Byte]. Thus the number of bytes used by one screen is

[2,073,600 bit ] * 2 Bytes = 4,147,200 Bytes or ~ 4MB

Since the screen is refreshed at least 10 times a second [lets assume 10 here], the refresh rate required for smooth connection would be = 4MB*10 = 40 MB/Sec

Does these numbers make sense? Does RDP uses something better than this because that is a lot of bandwidth?

Does the size of monitor at RDP end make a difference at the connection? Bigger monitor takes more bandwidth than smaller one?

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