Japanese Desktop computers

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Super-compact desktop computer

Dec. 23, 2015 06:02 am JST Dec. 23, 2015 | 07:51 am JST
By Meg Murphy, RocketNews24TOKYO

Any of you desktop users out their thinking, Gee, I wish this whole PC set-up didnt take up so much space!? If only someone would invent a more compact version of the desktop PC. An all-in-one package, if you will, that wont hog so much of your desk space.

Well, friends, youre in luck; the answer to your problems does exist, and its called the keyboard PC. Created by Tekwind Corporation, the keyboard PC is a full-sized 86-key Japanese keyboard with a built-in PC that boasts two gigabytes of memory, 32 gigs of storage, runs Windows 10, and has all the interface functions of a regular desktop such as two USB ports, HDMI output, microSD card slot, Ethernet port, Bluetooth, and more, plus a touch pad in-between the space bar and cursor keys, all in one portable 287 by 125 by 26.5 millimeter package, weighing just 288 grams.

Just connect to a power source and a monitor of your liking, and youre ready to go.

Its set to go on sale in January, and is expected to be in the 20,000-yen price range, so you wont have to wait long to get your hands on the new monitorless laptouh keyboard PC!

Source: PC Watch

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gaijintravellerDec. 24, 2015 12:34 pm JST

two gigabytes of memory, 32 gigs of storage is nothing to boast about.

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akoppaDec. 24, 2015 10:12 pm JST

Not big deal. For a lower price [19277-Yen] I got a small laptop featuring Intel Atom processor Z3735F, 2GB DDR3L / 32GB eMMC flash memory, 11.6" LED backlight / Intel HD Graphics, Built-in Webcam / WLAN 802.11n / HDMI /USB 2.0 / Headphone / Microphone, Windows 10. See picture: //ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41NFKnVYhML.jpg

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Harris20Jan. 21, 2016 04:34 pm JST

This is pretty interesting, however, I personally think that netbooks are already doing this[saving space for computer users]. Instead of looking at improving size of computers, making it more portable, I think it would be best if computers today would have it own ability to deal with cyber attacks. This would become an added layer of protection aside from what is offered by third party protection applications today. Today, this issue has to be handled by computer users themselves. For those who wanted to know more about this threat, you could visit //www.nhbcsupport.com/. There is an article there about cyber attacks.

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turbotsatJan. 21, 2016 06:42 pm JST

But, "Windows 10".

And 86-key keyboard, no numeric keypad.

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