Laptop stand vs monitor

If you are trying to decide between a laptop riser and a vertical laptop stand then you are in the right place.

Whether it is taking a laptop to classes, work or the coffee shop, a laptop offers many advantages over a stationary desktop computer.

Today we are going to discuss how you can get the most out of your laptop setup by utilizing a laptop riser or vertical stand.

Laptop Riser: Stand Alone Star

The first type of laptop setup we are going to review utilizes a laptop riser to take up the least amount of desk space. Pairing your laptop with a riser is a solid option if you are on a budget. While setting the laptop on the desk and tying away works it is not ideal. You are going to need a laptop riser to make this type of setup viable.

Why do you need a laptop stand? You need a stand because it is good for ergonomics. Looking down at a laptop all day can put strain on your neck. This strain can lead to more serious neck issues. That is where the laptop stand comes into play. A laptop stand lifts your laptop off the desk to improve your posture at the computer and while you work.

Our personal favorite laptop riser to combat neck pain is the Nulaxy Laptop Stand. This simple stand elevates your setup to the next level [literally!]. Simply put if you want to make a great laptop setup without a monitor a laptop riser should be your first purchase.

After you have purchased a quality laptop riser all you need to complete the setup is a dependable mouse and keyboard. A good set of wireless peripherals allows you to maintain a clean setup while maintaining good posture.

The laptop riser in combination with a mouse and keyboard transforms your laptop into a full-blown desk setup. The best part about this setup is at any second you can take your laptop to class or work. This simple budget setup rivals that of a desktop setup, while remaining mobile. While the monitor riser is great when you are just using a laptop how does it work with an external Monitor?

View Nulaxy Laptop Riser on Amazon

External Monitors: Laptop Riser Vs. Vertical Stand?

If you have tried to make a simple laptop setup but have found that your laptop is simply not a big enough screen, then adding a monitor could be the right choice for you. As far as I am concerned no setup is better than a well planned laptop monitor setup. The combination of a big screen and instant on the go capabilities is hard to beat.

When building a monitor setup, you must decide how you are going to use your monitor. Your first option is using a laptop riser and keeping your laptop as a secondary screen. Your second option is using a vertical laptop stand and solely using your monitor. We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these two options.

Laptop Riser: Too Small to Benefit?

The main advantage of keeping your laptop open for your setup is you have extra screen real estate. The best way to configure a setup like this is utilizing a laptop stand to lift your laptop up to the height of your monitor. Then position the monitor to the side of your laptop [as seen above]. That way you can have your work directly in front of you on your main screen. You can put your music and less pressing issues on your laptop screen out of the way but ready for access.

On paper utilizing your laptop as a second display sounds great, I found it to be mediocre at best. The problem tends to be the laptop screen is too small to see from a distance. It also takes up too much space on a desk.

If you are convinced you need the extra screen real estate, I would recommend foregoing a keyboard and using your laptop as the keyboard. Next, I would invest in a quality adjustable monitor riser. The goal is to raise the monitor just above the laptop. If done properly you will have an unobstructed monitor with a fully usable second screen.

I recommend the HUANUO Adjustable Monitor Riser to accomplish this task.The only real disadvantage with this setup is that it can take up more space than some other options. If you are not tight on space, then this setup style could be for you.

View HUANUO Monitor Riser on Amazon

Vertical Laptop Stand: The Perfect Compromise?

If you are looking to make a laptop setup with an external monitor and are constrained by space a vertical laptop stand is for you. To build a closed laptop setup your first want to select a quality monitor large enough for all your daily tasks.

Picking the right size monitor is important because you do not have your laptop for extra screen restate. For my personal setup I used a 27-inch monitor. A 27-inch monitor has a lot of room all while staying at a reasonable price level.

A closed laptop grants you a large desk surface while maintaining plenty of screen real estate. After I added a vertical laptop stand to my setup and it made an immediate difference. My desk has a cleaner look and more room to place papers and other desktop essentials.

If you are looking to clean up your setup and save some room then look at the Kuzy Dual Vertical Laptop Stand it has two adjustable slots to hold laptops and tablets. Best of all it is unbranded giving it a clean aesthetic.

View Kuzy Laptop Stand on Amazon


Whatever your setup needs one of these three laptop setups should have you covered. If you are on a budget there is nothing wrong with a simple laptop riser. If you have a lot of room then using your laptop as a second display can be the right option for you. Lastly and my personal favorite, a single monitor setup can be the best of both worlds offering good space management accompanied by a large screen.

No matter what setup you choose, the portability of a laptop setup is unmatchable. Hopefully, the laptop setup guide helped you pick a setup template. If you have any feedback or questions, please feel free to leave a comment below. If you want more quality content on how to improve your laptop setup, please consider joining our mailing list and check out ourcable management guide!

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