R list name type value

get: Return the Value of a Named Object

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Note References See Also Examples


Search by name for an object [get] or zero or more objects [mget].


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
get[x, pos = -1, envir = as.environment[pos], mode = "any", inherits = TRUE] mget[x, envir = as.environment[-1], mode = "any", ifnotfound, inherits = FALSE] dynGet[x, ifnotfound = , minframe = 1L, inherits = FALSE]



For get, an object name [given as a character string].
For mget, a character vector of object names.

pos, envir

where to look for the object [see Details]; if omitted search as if the name of the object appeared unquoted in an expression.


the mode or type of object sought: see the Details section.


should the enclosing frames of the environment be searched?


For mget, a list of values to be used if the item is not found: it will be coerced to a list if necessary.
For dynGet any R object, e.g., a call to stop[].


integer specifying the minimal frame number to look into.


The pos argument can specify the environment in which to look for the object in any of several ways: as a positive integer [the position in the search list]; as the character string name of an element in the search list; or as an environment [including using sys.frame to access the currently active function calls]. The default of -1 indicates the current environment of the call to get. The envir argument is an alternative way to specify an environment.

These functions look to see if each of the name[s] x have a value bound to it in the specified environment. If inherits is TRUE and a value is not found for x in the specified environment, the enclosing frames of the environment are searched until the name x is encountered. See environment and the R Language Definition manual for details about the structure of environments and their enclosures.

If mode is specified then only objects of that type are sought. mode here is a mixture of the meanings of typeof and mode: "function" covers primitive functions and operators, "numeric", "integer" and "double" all refer to any numeric type, "symbol" and "name" are equivalent but "language" must be used [and not "call" or "["].

For mget, the values of mode and ifnotfound can be either the same length as x or of length 1. The argument ifnotfound must be a list containing either the value to use if the requested item is not found or a function of one argument which will be called if the item is not found, with argument the name of the item being requested.

dynGet[] is somewhat experimental and to be used inside another function. It looks for an object in the callers, i.e., the sys.frame[]s of the function. Use with caution.


For get, the object found. If no object is found an error results.

For mget, a named list of objects [found or specified via ifnotfound].


The reverse [or inverse] of a

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