sage hills là gì - Nghĩa của từ sage hills

sage hills có nghĩa là

The most amazing school in Orange County.

It is necessary to clear up some things that have been said about Sage one here:

“Snobby” rich students:
Admittedly, there are many "rich" students, but that really doesn't mean that they're all snobby. Most snobby people are the ones who go around bashing Sage's name because their rich parents who buy them Mercedes and BMW's want them to get a good education against their will. So then these people take out their anger by doing everything from posting MySpace bulletins to Urban Dictionary definitions to sabotage Sage’s name. All that can be said is that they represent a very small fraction of the community, and probably should be ignored.

Sage also has a pretty amazing community, where people are generally accepted as they are. However, there are also a few individuals [Sage haters] who like to make it look like Sage is a safe haven for nerds who would otherwise be "beaten up on a daily basis". This is not true. Because at Sage, people don't even get lame-ass labels like "nerd", "jock", or "prep". Because smart, athletic and generally well-balanced people actually do exist, and they go from Sage to Harvard, Yale, Stanford etc. And people in this community actually trust one another enough to leave wallets, purses, i-pods etc lying around. And they can do this and know that when they come back for their stuff minutes or hours later, it’ll still be there.

And yes, it is also true that Sage doesn’t have a track or a pool. But it is barely six years old, and our track team and swim team are great anyway. Another thing worth mentioning is that many other private schools [such as St. Margaret’s] don’t have a track or pool either. It’s pretty obvious that private schools are not funded by the government, and therefore do not always have the necessary funds to build every facility imaginable. And just for the record, Sage has pretty cool chairs [the ones in the library are cushioned and there are sofas too], and recently bought new computers. A lot of them. So stop whining.

The infamous $19,000 tuition
Instead of building tracks and pools for athletic purposes, Sage uses most of the infamous $19,000 of tuition to ensure that students are receiving the best education from the best teachers. Hence the name “tuition”. And if you actually go onto the Sage Hill campus, you will probably find that it is the one of, if not the best high school campuses that you have ever seen. The buildings [and bathrooms] are clean and well-kept, the fields are smooth and have even grass that is mowed every day, the vending machines are always stocked full, there are patio tables and umbrellas on the quad for lunch, sofas in the library and college counseling, radios in the locker rooms…it’s amazing, but sadly, some people concentrate so much on complaining they fail to realize it. Classrooms are small [average of 15/class], and everyone can get individual attention and help from the teacher, and be able to contribute to classroom discussions. That’s where the tuition goes—to ensure good teachers, above anything else, and then to athletics and keeping the school decent.

And people from other schools that come to Sage for games are pretty amazed at what the school is like.

***NOTE: A lot of the negative definitions of Sage have higher ratings because people who have nothing better to do actually go around and use all the school computers and other people's laptops to rate their complaints about Sage.


Person from another school visiting Sage Hill: Man, I can't believe this place it's awesome. You are so lucky to be going here.

You go to Sage Hill? Wow, which Ivy League are you aiming for?

sage hills có nghĩa là

a place obviously completely misunderstood.
a nice place to be where a kid can learn things quickly and efficiently
a place with downfalls just like any other HS


anyone who talks crap about sage hill obviously knows jack shit. especially about the cars in the parking lot.

sage hills có nghĩa là

Sage Hill School is a college prep school in Newport Coast.

There are obviously some pretty interesting opinions on this page already. I suggest you read them if you like atrocious spelling.

Sage Hill is a small school with passionate teachers, small class sizes, and [admittedly] lots of wealthy white kids. The parking lot has some very large and expensive cars, but [thankfully] not all of them are Escalades with gold-plated rims.


Students from Sage Hill have been accepted at Stanford, Yale, and Harvard.

sage hills có nghĩa là

All of you who write crap about Sage are stupid. you are just writing that because you either know you could never go there or you are doing poorly. i for one love sage and think it is the best place. the education is great, the teachers rock, the people are awesome, and arts are good, and the sports do really well. yes it is a hard school, but that is to be expected when you decide to attend. so get over it. i love sage and none of your crap will change that so don't instill a fallacy about Sage because it rocks!


Sage requires work but it is a lot of fun with great people and teachers and opprotunities!

sage hills có nghĩa là

um... its not all white kids. ur just jealous... and btw... most freshman can't drive!


sage Hill

sage hills có nghĩa là

School located in Newport Beach, CA; Total enrollment of 390 students, 30% or which are from a minority. 15 % of the students attend the school with a full or partial scholarship.

Founders' goals include: Getting ALL students into 4-year colleges or universities; reflect the county's diverse population; excelling in sports and performing arts.


You got into Sage Hill School? Congratulations.

sage hills có nghĩa là

You're all wrong. Sage Hill's biggest problem is not the students. It's the bullshit that is spewed by the administration. They preach all these "values" like compassion and integrity and diversity. In reality, they do nothing but black list, scape goat and intimidate anyone who disagrees with their bullshit policies and arbitrary decisions.


So you and your parents bought what it said in all the brochures? Think you're attending an enlightened, new age center for progressive education in sunny so cal? Wrong! You just landed in some antiquated, rigid, stick-up-your-ass, 200 year old New England prep school.

sage hills có nghĩa là

A private school in Newport. Sure, it may be the "rich white kid" school, but it's not only that. Some way it is a great school, there are ups and downs about it.

+Small school
-You see the same people everyday fucking day. If you hate someone, it's hard to avoid them
+Teachers are great
-Some grade super hard. You can't even get straight A's unless you work super hard
+People are not snobby
-Well maybe a few
-Diversity...there is NO diversity at this school. There are like 40 Asians/Half, 6 Indian, 9 Hispanics, 3 African Americans, and the rest are Caucasian
Overall, it is a good school. All of you who hate this school are losers and just jealous.


Sage Hill is niiiiiiice..

sage hills có nghĩa là

A college prep school that doesn't deserve half the flak it's getting. Cool teachers, trusting [yes, I'm going to use the C word] community, and fun atmosphere. We're not all rich white kids; we're very diverse. And yes, there are some nice cars in the parking lot, but there are plenty of average ones. We're all there for one thing- to recieve a great education, and we're getting it.


Sage Hill School, Newport Coast

sage hills có nghĩa là

U ppl think we do well in sports? Who the hell do u think ur kidding. We have to mooch facilities off CdM and OCC, and we pay more then the college ppl do to go here!


Sage Hill: The only one for miles with no track, pool, or girls softball field.

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