Sum of elements in list Python

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Python sum: How to Calculate Sum of List, Tuple

The sum is the most frequent operation in programming, and Python is no different. Python provides the sum[] function that can help you to calculate the sum of numbers.

Python sum

The sum[] is a built-in Python function that takes an iterable as an argument and adds the elements of an iterable and returns the sum. The iterators can be anything like List, Tuple, Set, or Dictionary. To calculate the sum of a list, tuple, dictionary, or set in Python, use the sum[] method.


sum[iterable, start]


The sum[] function adds start and elements of the given iterators from left to right.

The iterable may be Python list, tuple, set, or dictionary.

How to find a sum of the list in Python

To find a sum of the list in Python, use the sum[] method. The sum[] is a built-in method that is used to get the summation of

You need to define the list and pass the list as a parameter to the sum[] function, and in return, you will get the sum of list items.

Lets take a list and apply the sum function on it and see the result.

# listA = [ 11, 18, 19, 21, 46 ] print[sum[listA]]

See the following output.

pyt python3 115 pyt

If you need to add floating-point numbers with exact precision then, you should use the math.fsum[iterable] instead if you want to concatenate the items of a given iterable [items must be a string], then you can use the Python String join[] method.

How to find a sum of a tuple in Python

To find a sum of the tuple in Python, use the sum[] method. For example, define a tuple with number values and pass the tuple as a parameter to the sum[] function, and in return, you will get the sum of tuple items.

Lets define a tuple and pass the tuple in the sum[] function, and see the output.

# tupA = [ 11, 18, 19, 21, 46 ] print[sum[tupA]]

See the following output.

pyt python3 115 pyt

How to find Sum of Set elements in Python

To calculate the sum of set in Python, use the sum[] method. Define a set and pass the set as a parameter to the sum[] function, and in return, you will get the sum of set items.

See the following code.

# setA = { 11, 18, 19, 21, 46 } print[sum[setA]]

See the output.

pyt python3 115 pyt

Find the sum of Dictionary keys in Python.

To find a sum of dictionary keys in Python, use the sum[] method. In the case of the Python dictionary, the key to the dictionary will get added. Thus, the output will be the sum of all the keys of the dictionary.

# dictA = { 11: 'Eleven', 18: 'Dustin', 19: 'Mike', 21: 'Lucas', 46: 'Noah' } print[sum[dictA]]

See the output.

pyt python3 115 pyt

See, the dictionary values are String, but it does not matter here because we will add the keys and not the values.

Python sum[]: error and exceptions

The error is raised when there are other data types instead of numbers in the list.

See the following code.

# dictA = { '11': 'Eleven', '18': 'Dustin', '19': 'Mike', '21': 'Lucas', '46': 'Noah' } print[sum[dictA]]

In the above code, I have taken the keys as a string and not an integer. So, it will raise the following error.

pyt python3 Traceback [most recent call last]: File "", line 9, in print[sum[dictA]] TypeError: unsupported operand type[s] for +: 'int' and 'str' pyt

Now, you can convert the integer from a string to get the correct result.

Pass the second parameter

The sum[] function takes the second parameter, start, as an optional.

It returns the following.

sum of all elements + start

See the following example.

# listA = [ 11, 18, 19, 21, 46 ] print[sum[listA, 19]]

See the output.

pyt python3 134 pyt

That means 115 + 19 = 134.

Sum of float numbers in Python

To calculate the sum of float numbers in Python, use math.fsum[] method. The math.fsum[] is a built-in method that calculates the sum of the floating-point numbers.

If you need to add floating-point numbers with exact precision, then you should use math.fsum[] function instead.

import math listA = [1.1, 1.9, 2.1, 4.6] print[math.fsum[listA]]



If you need to concatenate items of the given iterable [items must be strings], you can use the Python join[] method.

Thats it for the sum[] function in Python.

See also

Python mean of List

Python median[]

Python variance[]

Python mode[]

Python stddev[]


Krunal Lathiya is an Information Technology Engineer. By profession, he is a web developer with knowledge of multiple back-end platforms [e.g., PHP, Node.js, Python] and frontend JavaScript frameworks [e.g., Angular, React, and Vue].

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