Topping D30 Pro vs D90


Posted May 29, 2020


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Posted May 29, 2020
3 hours ago, beerandmusic said:

thanks...the link about the 30K dac in comparison to a $800 dac was less helpful....[grin].

It doesn't seem like there is anything that competes with the topping d30 or gustard a18 in that price range for features and components.

The only other dacs in that price range on my short list are the bifrost multibit unison and rme adi-2....i had the bifrost multibit gen5 before and it sounded very nice for the money, but i wanted something that would do native dsd...have been looking for a nice dsd dac under $1k for quite awhile that had galvanic isolation, and have been out of market for a couple years, but back to looking. Seems like $1k will get you quite a bit more today than 2 years ago.....

The D-90 does not appear to have any isolation of its USB input from the rest of the DAC. I only used the D-90 in "DAC mode", with DSD 256 input and it did sound very good using it that way. But one has to remember that "DAC mode" defeats the volume control, so you will need a preamp or integrated amp to pair with it. I found it to be a little lacking in dynamics and presence-which I surmised was due to the rather diminutive power supply, or perhaps the lower current capability of the output stage vs. what my DIY/ESS DAC uses. Of course if one uses it with a good preamp, perhaps the lower output current will be a non-issue.

Still, all that said, for $700 the D-90 is an exceptional DAC. And, because it is in high demand, one can purchase it, try it, and sell it for just a small loss if one feels it is not quite what they are looking for. I just wanted to audition something with the new AKM 4499 chip and direct DSD mode, so I just picked it up, and then sold it after a few weeks.

SO/ROON/HQPe: DSD 256-Sonore opticalModuleDeluxe-Signature Rendu optical--Bricasti M3 DAC--DIY Purifi Amplifier-Focus Audio FS888-JL E 112sub-Nordost Tyr USB, DIY EventHorizon AC cables, Iconoclast XLR & speaker cables, Synergistic OrangeFuses, Spacetime system clarifiers.

SONORE computer audio

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Posted June 3, 2020


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Posted June 3, 2020

@OldBigEars, I have never made any direct comparisons between the D-90 and the Qutest. M y brother owns a Qutest, and I get to hear it when visiting with him, but he lives far away.

My suggestion would be that the Qutest is a great option for those who mostly play PCM material, and the D-90 is a great option for those who mostly are interested in oversampling everything to DSD.

The Qutest also has higher level of build quality, with a nicer case, and is not made in China, and has reliable distribution and warranty service all around the world, so if one cares about those kind of things, the Qutest has an advantage there.

I am not really a fan of external power supplies, but the Qutetst can be improved by adding a really, really good external power supply, where with the D-90 one is limited to the onboard power supply, which is just OK.

They really are very different DACs, and regarding all the above differences, i would expect them to appeal to audiophiles with very different needs.

SO/ROON/HQPe: DSD 256-Sonore opticalModuleDeluxe-Signature Rendu optical--Bricasti M3 DAC--DIY Purifi Amplifier-Focus Audio FS888-JL E 112sub-Nordost Tyr USB, DIY EventHorizon AC cables, Iconoclast XLR & speaker cables, Synergistic OrangeFuses, Spacetime system clarifiers.

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Posted June 4, 2020


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Posted June 4, 2020
1 hour ago, OldBigEars said:

@ Barrows, thanks for more insights.

Just to unpack this...I think you're saying that - if you ignore country of origin, brand, design, service issues [not thatyou should or shouldn't] - then the SQ of the D90 [upsampling nativeDSD 256] is close enough to the Chord Qutest with standard power supply [upsampling PCM] that you would be hard pressed to confirm a preference, without hearing them back to back.

Not meaning to put words in your mouth - just toclarify. I'm thinking about tryinga Qutest todo that direct comparison. Or maybe one of the Denafrips models.

Well, i do care about build quality for example, and I also believe build quality contributes [in most cases] to sound quality, at least in terms of vibration control... So i cannot divorce this factor from my overall assessment.

But, yes, to evaluate these two DACs one would need to hear them side by side. To me the D-90 is not really anything special with PCM, where it becomes a bit special is when one feeds it DSD 256 in its "DAC Mode", where the onboard processing is bypassed. On the other hand, the Qutest is best with PCM input, so these factors are going to matter in the evaluation.

SO/ROON/HQPe: DSD 256-Sonore opticalModuleDeluxe-Signature Rendu optical--Bricasti M3 DAC--DIY Purifi Amplifier-Focus Audio FS888-JL E 112sub-Nordost Tyr USB, DIY EventHorizon AC cables, Iconoclast XLR & speaker cables, Synergistic OrangeFuses, Spacetime system clarifiers.

SONORE computer audio

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Living room: Synology 218+ NAS > NUC 10 i7 >Audirvana Studio /JRiver Media Server / HQPe > xfinity XfiRouter > Netgear GS348 Switch > EtherRegen> Sonore Signature Rendu SE Tier 2 > Wyred4Sound 10th Anniversary DAC > Wyred4Sound STI-500 > Revel F32 Concertas

Basement: Synology 218+ NAS > NUC 10 i7 >Audirvana Studio / JRiverMedia Server / HQPe > Xfinity xfi Router> Netgear GS348 Switch > TrendNet FMC > Sonore OpticalModule >UltraRendu > NuPrime IDA-8 > KEF LS50's

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Three songs into a Roon session.

Living room: Synology 218+ NAS > NUC 10 i7 >Audirvana Studio /JRiver Media Server / HQPe > xfinity XfiRouter > Netgear GS348 Switch > EtherRegen> Sonore Signature Rendu SE Tier 2 > Wyred4Sound 10th Anniversary DAC > Wyred4Sound STI-500 > Revel F32 Concertas

Basement: Synology 218+ NAS > NUC 10 i7 >Audirvana Studio / JRiverMedia Server / HQPe > Xfinity xfi Router> Netgear GS348 Switch > TrendNet FMC > Sonore OpticalModule >UltraRendu > NuPrime IDA-8 > KEF LS50's

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Living room: Synology 218+ NAS > NUC 10 i7 >Audirvana Studio /JRiver Media Server / HQPe > xfinity XfiRouter > Netgear GS348 Switch > EtherRegen> Sonore Signature Rendu SE Tier 2 > Wyred4Sound 10th Anniversary DAC > Wyred4Sound STI-500 > Revel F32 Concertas

Basement: Synology 218+ NAS > NUC 10 i7 >Audirvana Studio / JRiverMedia Server / HQPe > Xfinity xfi Router> Netgear GS348 Switch > TrendNet FMC > Sonore OpticalModule >UltraRendu > NuPrime IDA-8 > KEF LS50's

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Posted June 6, 2020


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Posted June 6, 2020

@Mike Rubin, I am surprised you have these struggles with Roon oversampling to DSD 256? My I5 Mac Mini runs Roon oversampling to DSD 256 with the 7th order CLANS modulator, all day long, for a couple of years now, with no issues, and fairly low processor activity. Roon oversampling is not very processor intensive. This machine is just a 2.8 GHz, I5, with 8 Gb of RAM. I do set it on some random cones to allow for a little additional airflow around the chassis's and the room ambient temperature is never above 70 D. F. The fan rarely runs doing this.

Are you also running other things which are effecting your processor activity, room correction/EQ, etc?

SO/ROON/HQPe: DSD 256-Sonore opticalModuleDeluxe-Signature Rendu optical--Bricasti M3 DAC--DIY Purifi Amplifier-Focus Audio FS888-JL E 112sub-Nordost Tyr USB, DIY EventHorizon AC cables, Iconoclast XLR & speaker cables, Synergistic OrangeFuses, Spacetime system clarifiers.

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Posted June 6, 2020


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Posted June 6, 2020

Well, for sure a computer for running as a server which is tasked with oversampling should be a dedicated machine not doing anything else, and of course video editing is very, very processor [and memory] intensive activity, especially at 1080p and above, so no surprise there. For sure my Mac Mini is a dedicated machine.

Why not actively ventilate your computer niche with a hole cut in the back, at the top, fitted with a fan to draw hot air out the back and top and cool in through the bottom?

SO/ROON/HQPe: DSD 256-Sonore opticalModuleDeluxe-Signature Rendu optical--Bricasti M3 DAC--DIY Purifi Amplifier-Focus Audio FS888-JL E 112sub-Nordost Tyr USB, DIY EventHorizon AC cables, Iconoclast XLR & speaker cables, Synergistic OrangeFuses, Spacetime system clarifiers.

SONORE computer audio

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Living room: Synology 218+ NAS > NUC 10 i7 >Audirvana Studio /JRiver Media Server / HQPe > xfinity XfiRouter > Netgear GS348 Switch > EtherRegen> Sonore Signature Rendu SE Tier 2 > Wyred4Sound 10th Anniversary DAC > Wyred4Sound STI-500 > Revel F32 Concertas

Basement: Synology 218+ NAS > NUC 10 i7 >Audirvana Studio / JRiverMedia Server / HQPe > Xfinity xfi Router> Netgear GS348 Switch > TrendNet FMC > Sonore OpticalModule >UltraRendu > NuPrime IDA-8 > KEF LS50's

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Posted June 6, 2020


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Posted June 6, 2020
9 minutes ago, Mike Rubin said:

I've already started to look into that. Thanks for the suggestion!

For sure ambient air temperature has a big effect on component running temperatures, not just for computers. I really cringe when I see high end audio components inside cabinets which have no through ventilation, even if the front door is open when in use. This kind of set up is just asking for trouble, and not just for power amps either, DACs, servers, and renderers all should be placed in a location where ambient air ventilation is provided.

The Signature Rendu SEoptical, and opticalRendu, for example should never be placed in cabinets with solid un-ventilated walls, and most audio component manuals recommend against this type of enclosed space for any component.

SO/ROON/HQPe: DSD 256-Sonore opticalModuleDeluxe-Signature Rendu optical--Bricasti M3 DAC--DIY Purifi Amplifier-Focus Audio FS888-JL E 112sub-Nordost Tyr USB, DIY EventHorizon AC cables, Iconoclast XLR & speaker cables, Synergistic OrangeFuses, Spacetime system clarifiers.

SONORE computer audio

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Living room: Synology 218+ NAS > NUC 10 i7 >Audirvana Studio /JRiver Media Server / HQPe > xfinity XfiRouter > Netgear GS348 Switch > EtherRegen> Sonore Signature Rendu SE Tier 2 > Wyred4Sound 10th Anniversary DAC > Wyred4Sound STI-500 > Revel F32 Concertas

Basement: Synology 218+ NAS > NUC 10 i7 >Audirvana Studio / JRiverMedia Server / HQPe > Xfinity xfi Router> Netgear GS348 Switch > TrendNet FMC > Sonore OpticalModule >UltraRendu > NuPrime IDA-8 > KEF LS50's

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Posted June 12, 2020


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Posted June 12, 2020

No disrespect to anyoneenjoying their D90's, but after 4 weeks I think I've reached the end of the line with mine. We've had our good times, and I can see how she would appeal to many. But I'm not feeling it.

Before I pack her up....I'd love to hear any mitigating factors. I've probably put around 120 playing hours on my D90. Could I expect any further changesin the future? She'sdefinitely mellowed since new, but still has a slightly irritating voice. I douse the standard USB cord and, of course, the basic fuse.

@Barrows was right about DSD - even 128. Amazingly wide soundstage and detail. But I'd question whether it's apleasing DAC to live with over the long term - there just has to be more refinement out there, without spending silly money. Maybe I'll try an NOS model, such as the Orchid or Troubadour.

Tidal /Qobuz--> Roon--> Fios Gigabit--> Netgear Prosafe GS105--> Supra 8-->EtherRegen--> Fiber--> opticalRendu /CI Audio LPS --> Curious Evolved Link --> Chord Qutest--> AQ Water --> Belles Aria Integrated--> AQ Robin Hood--> Kudos Super 20's

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