Từ vựng tiếng anh lớp 5 family and friends

Unit 5: LET’S BUY PRESENTS!A. VOCABULARYWordsMeaning1. candy2. balloon3. present4. cake5. card6. neighbor7. nuts8. tie9. cloud10. clock11. gloves12. glue13. slide14. slippersKẹoBong bóngMón quàBánhThiệpHàng xómHạtCà vạtĐám mâyĐồng hồ treo tườngĐôi găng tayHồ dánCầu trượtĐôi dépB. STRUCTURE1. What do you like? [ Bạn thích gì?]- I like……..[ Mình thích…..]- I don’t like……. [ Mình không thích…….]2. What does he like? [ cậu ấy thích gì?]- He likes……..[ Cậu ấy thích…..]- He doesn’t like……. [Cậu ấy không thích…….]C. EXERCISESEX1: Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. Write the words. There is one example:1. d c y a n 2.candy.baoolln………………………………3.esntpre4.eack………………………………..5.ite…………………………………EX2: Look and write. There is one example :1. I / /apple.…………………………………/ I like apple.1. He/ balloons.……………………………………………………………………………………………………2. They / presents.………………………………………………………………………………………………………3. I/ nut.……………………………………………………………………………………………………4. She/ fruits.……………………………………………………………………………………………………EX3: Look, write and drawEX4: Read, draw and color1. The cloud is green.2. The clock is red.3. The pencil is pink.4. The card is blue.5. The train is yellow.6. The gloves are orange.EX5: Look and write: Who is it?EX6: MatchEX7: CompleteEX8: Order the wordsEX9: Read and writeEX10: Find and color the food

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