What is the best conclusion about psychological differences between the sexes quizlet?



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Terms in this set [142]

___ includes all of the behavioral characteristics that society considers appropriate for men or women


Each society generally has a set of expectations regarding the behaviors and traits that are considered appropriate for males as compared to females. These sets of expectations are

gender roles

The key element of gender-role norms is that within a society, they are viewed as

desirable characteristics

The key element of gender-role norms is that within a society, they are viewed as

desirable characteristics

While Charlotte is growing up, she is socialized into believing that a woman should stay home and take care of the children while men go off to work and "bring home the bacon." This message best reflects a

gender role norms

The defining element of gender role stereotypes is that they are

largely inaccurate

The defining element of gender-role stereotypes is that they are

largely inaccurate

Mr. and Mrs. Hill have two children, Jack and Jill. They make no bones about telling Jack that he should be an engineer, because men are good at math, and that Jill should be a nurse, because women are good at taking care of other people. Given the fact that male-female differences in math and nurturing are questionable, the Hill's message best reflects a[n]

gender role stereotype

Overgeneralizations about attributes for each sex are called

gender role stereotypes

Agency to community as

masculine is to feminine

which is the best example of a communality role in American society?

Taking care of a sick child

Communality roles are designed to prepare someone to be

connected to others

a brain hardwired for __ would always show a high level of sensitivity toward others.


"Agency" is defined as the

central aspect of the masculine gender role.

The goal of the gender role aspect called "agency" is to prepare a person for

individual achievement

Which is the best example of an agency aspect of gender?


Baron-Cohen claims that a man's tendency to systemize is the result of

having a male brain

Which trait is best associate with the tendency to systemize?

exploration of how things work

Research on gender-role stereotypes has shown that in the United States during the past few decades, gender-role stereotypes have

changed slightly

With regard to gender stereotypes in the 1990s vs. today,

more women now view themselves as having more agentic traits

gender similarities hypothesis proposes that males and females are similar on

most psychological variables

If Kirsten believes in the saying, "Boys and girls are more alike than different," she is clearly a fan of

the gender similarity hypothesis

In what area of mathematics do females show a slight edge?

grades in math class

Research on gender differences in math ability has shown that

females obtain slightly higher grades in math classes

Males out-perform females on tests of mental rotation

throughout the lifespan

The best summary concerning differences in verbal abilities is that

Females appear to have a small advantage

Which is true regarding common gender stereotypes?

There is consistent research support for the fact that males are more aggressive than females.

With regard to actual psychological differences between males and females, research has consistently found that, on average,

males are more physically active

The statement, "Girls are more _____," has received the most empirical research support.


Research on gender differences suggests that girls are

more compliant than boys with authority figures but not with peers

Which of the following trends are higher levels in males?

Confidence in computer skills

If American children Nicholas [a boy] and Alexandra [a girl] are typical of other members of their sex, then you would predict that

Alexandra would show more interest in caring for an infant

What is the best conclusion about psychological differences between the sexes?

Males and females are far more similar than different

If we identified 100 typical males and 100 typical females and assessed them across a variety of psychological attributes, chances are that about _____ of the observed differences could be attributed to whether the person was male or female.


The social-role hypothesis predicts that

gender differences vary from culture to culture depending on the roles men and women hold in each society.

Eagly's social-role hypothesis argues that gender-role stereotypes

are driven by the social context in which males and females find themselves

If you believe in the social-role hypothesis, then you would be most likely to argue that the most effective way to change the stereotype of men as dominant would be to

put women in charge of every major business

Which statement about sex differences is true?

Although actual psychological gender differences are small, they make a major difference in a society.

A list of the most occupations held by women in the US would be least likely to include


Shawn and Dawn are a typical U.S. couple. What makes them a little unusual is that Dawn works outside the home while Shawn is a stay-at-home dad. Research has indicated that Shawn and Dawn most likely

divide their at home labor responsibilities along traditional lines

Non atomica differences between newborn females and males are best described as

small and insignificant

Adults are asked to interact with an unknown infant. Half of the adults are told that the infant is "Steve" and the other half are told that the infant is "Stacy." What are you likely to observe of these interactions?

Adults are likely to rate Steve as strong and brave and Stacy as soft and cuddly.

At what age do infants first appear to demonstrate cross-modal associations concerning gender information by looking longer at a female face when a female voice is heard vs. when a male voice is heard?

1 year

The initial awareness that you are either a boy or girl is

gender identity

For the first time in her life, little Glenda looks at her mom and says, "Glenda is a girl." This statement indicates that Glenda has just achieved

gender identity

Most children clearly demonstrate basic gender identity by


the process by which children become aware of the fact that they are either male or female and that there are different cultural expectations concerning the pattern of behavior for the two sexes is called

gender typing

Through her mother's efforts, Olive has just come to realize that she is a girl and has also begun to acquire behaviors expected of girls. This process is best classified as

gender typing

Children appear to learn gender stereotypes

around the point that they become aware of their basic gender identities.

Which statement concerning toddlers' understanding of gender roles is true?

females and males appear to understand gender-based activities at the same age

Who would a typical five-year-old in the U.S. believe to be most competent at their job?

a female assistant

When asked if it is okay for a boy to play with dolls, Geoffery says, "Absolutely not, it's a rule that only girls can play with dolls." Based on research on gender roles and stereotypes, what age is Geoffery's most likely age?


With regard to children's views of gender stereotypes, research has indicated that

five year olds are more upset by violation of gender role stereotypes than 9 year olds

Which best illustrates the concept of gender segregation?

a girls only scout group

The establishment of a preference for same-sexed friendships is first apparent by around age

30 Months

It was proposed that young children initially segregate themselves into same-sex peer groups because

their play styles are different from one another, making it difficult for the 2 groups to play together

Five-year-old Penny draws clear lines between what types of games boys and girls should play and makes every effort to avoid playing with boys like her neighbor Pee Wee. Research has shown that preschoolers with attitudes like Penny tend to be


In the U.S., which eight-year-old would be most likely to be ridiculed and teased by his or her classmates?

a male who identifies himself as a sissy

Which two groups view violations of gender roles most negatively?

Young elementary school aged students and adolescents

Based on research by Stoddart and Turiel, which two people would you expect to hold the most negative attitudes concerning the violation of gender roles [e.g., a boy wearing nail polish]?

A 5 year old and a 13 year old

In general, young adolescents

view gender-role violations as a sign of psychological abnormality.

Gender intensification involves an increased

intolerance of any deviation from proscribed gender roles.

An example of gender intensification would involve

a boy asserting his masculinity among his peers

Gender intensification appears to be driven by

hormonal changes at puberty and peer pressure to conform to gender roles.

According to Money and Ehrhardt's biosocial theory of gender-role development,

several critical biological events set the stage for different social reactions to males and females

Biosocial theory of gender role development, the sex chromosome

a starting point for biological differentiation

With regard to biological differentiation of the sexes, which is false?

External genitalia are fully differentiated by the 4th week after conception

A baby with an XY chromosome pattern

can develop the internal or external sex and reproductive system of either sex .

Which biological event directly results in the growth of a penis in a male fetus?

Secretion of testosterone by the testes

Which statement concerning the development of genitalia and internal reproductive structures is true?

A fertilized egg can acquire the anatomical and physiological features of either sex

Money and Ehrhardt's biosocial theory of gender typing suggests all of the following EXCEPT that

fetal chromosomal differences [e.g., XX versus XY] are the most important factors in determining gender-role behavior.

Androgenized females are girls who

have been exposed prenatally to male hormones.

Some individuals inherit an XX chromosome pattern but are exposed prenatally to drugs that are converted to male hormones once in the body. These individuals


What "lesson" was learned through the life and death of Money's sex-reassignment patient Bruce/Brenda/David?

Gender identity may not be as pliable as once thought

Research on individuals from the Dominican Republic who are raised as girls [due to the ambiguous genitalia] but become males following puberty has challenged the Money and Ehrhardt argument that

socialization during the first three years of life is critical.

From the time they are born, twins Johnny [a boy] and Joannie [a girl] are treated diversely. For example, whenever Johnny plays with a truck, his parents praise his behavior. Whenever Joannie shows an interest in a doll, her parents praise her actions. A social learning theorist would likely argue that this _____ will likely lead to distinct gender roles for Johnny and Joannie.

differential reinforcement

A social learning theorist would use the concept of _____ to explain how a child watching her mother engage in feminine activities would directly lead the child to acquire a feminine gender identity.

observational learning

Research by Morrongiello and Hogg [2004] found that when asked to imagine their children misbehaving in some dangerous way [e.g., bicycling fast down a hill], moms reported that they felt _____ toward their sons and _____ toward their daughters.


Research by Morrongiello and Hogg [2004] found that when asked to prevent future risky behavior in a child who had misbehaved in some dangerous way [e.g., bicycling fast down a hill], moms reported that they would

not intervene with the boys but set more rules with the girls

In families where parents show clear patterns of differential reinforcement concerning sex-appropriate behavior, children tend to

develop strong sex-appropriate toy preferences

Research on reinforcement of sex-appropriate behavior indicates that

fathers are more likely than mothers to discourage youngsters for playing with gender-inappropriate toys

Which would best fit with the theory that differential treatment by parents negatively influences math skills in a child through the creation of self-fulfilling prophecy?

Parents attribute their daughters' math success to luck and not ability so the daughter becomes convinced she's not good at math but rather gets lucky on math tests sometimes

Research on gender portrayals in of characters in picture and elementary school books found that

female characters are often still portrayed as passive and helpless

In which type of media outlet would you expect to find the strongest portrayal of traditional gender stereotypes [i.e., the aggressive male and the victimized female]?

picture books

With regard to gender-role development, social learning theories have been criticized for

portraying children as passive participants in the developmental

According to kohleberg's cognitive-developmental theory of gender typing, gender-role development

Depends on stage like changes in thinking

A major theme of Kohlberg's cognitive-developmental theory of gender typing involves a child engaging in


"I am a boy. Therefore I want to do the things boys do." This statement is reflective of which theoretical perspective regarding gender-role development?

Cognitive-developmental theory

For Kohlberg, the outcome of the three childhood stages of gender development is the acquisition of gender


According to cognitive-developmental theory, the initial phase of gender identity is established around age 2 or 3, when a child

recognizes that they are a male or a female

Which statement indicates that a child is in Kohlberg's initial basic gender identity stage of development?

I am a girl

Whose statement indicates an understanding of gender stability?

Tom, who says, "once a boy always a boy"

Gender stability is defined as understanding that

gender is stable across time.

RuPaul has just come to realize that when a boy dresses like a girl, he does not actually become a girl. In cognitive-developmental theory, RuPaul appears to have just acquired

gender consistency

According to the cognitive-developmental perspective of gender typing, which is the most mature understanding?

Understanding that gender is stable across situations

The piagtian stage of __ appears to be most directly linked to the acquisition of gender consistency

concrete-operational thought

The most common criticism of Kohlberg's cognitive-developmental explanation of gender typing is that

children often acquire gender-typed behaviors and preferences before they are gender stability and consistency

Martin and Halverson's gender schema theory suggests

children are inartistically interested in learning abut objects or activities that fit their own-sex schemas

A major difference between Kohlberg's cognitive-developmental theory and Martin and Halverson's gender-schema theory is that gender typing in the gender-schema theory

Begins as soon as children acquire gender identity at around 2-3

Gender schema

influence what people pay attention to and remember regarding gender

The basic premise of gender-schema theory is that children actively seek objects and/or activities that

match their own sex-schemata

Which is the best example of an in-group-out-group schema?

Boys can fight, but girls should play nice

Four-year-old Austin believes that only girls can be nurses. At his next check-up, he happens to be seen by a male nurse. According to gender-schema theory, if a week later you were to ask Austin if boys can be nurses, his answer would most likely be


According to gender-schema theory, if four-year-old Ginny [who classifies herself as a girl] believes that jumping rope is a "girl thing" and playing football is a "boy thing," then she would most likely

Think that jumping rope is for her

If Zsa Zsa argues that gender schemas are the key to gender acquisition, she is best characterized as a taking a _____ perspective.


On which of the following point do most theories of gender-role development agree?

Gender roles that children develop depend on an interaction between biological factors and what their society offers in terms of gender models

In general, gender roles

become more traditional and differentiated in a married couple following the birth of a child.

Which statement concerning gender roles in adulthood is false?

In families where both parents work, the division of housework is 50-50

Androgyny refers to

having both masculine and feminine traits in near equal proportion

an androgynous person would have a __ agentic score and a ___ communal score

high; high

on a personality test, Burt scores very low on both on the agents and communal scales.He is


How would you demonstrate androgyny?

Be both assertive and compassionate.

Mot college students believe that the ideal person has a ___ gender type


Sarah is 8 year old female who. displays many male traits. What is most likely the peer reaction to Sarah?


The theory that becoming parents pressures males to be more "masculine" and females to be more "feminine" is referred to as the

parental imperative

Gutmann's hypothesis regarding the "parental imperative" suggests that

becoming parents pressure males to be more masculine and females to be more feminine

Prior to the birth of their first child, Ward and June have very strong gender-role orientation. Ward, the father, is extremely masculine while June, the mother, is extremely feminine. According to the "parental imperative," what would you expect to happen to Ward and June's gender roles following the birth of their first son, Wally?

there will be little change in their gender roles

According to the concept of androgyny shift

during midlife, people begin to adopt some of the gender traits associated with the opposite sex.

When he became a grandfather, Lorne retained his masculine traits but also became more nurturing and learned to cook. This best exemplifies the concept of

androgyny shift

Observations of infants and infant sexuality suggest al of the following expect

they actively seek contact with other infants

Which of the following is true regarding children's knowledge of sex and reproduction?

Children's level of understanding is linked to their cognitive development.

According to Freud, during the school-age years, children who all been previously sexually active enter a latency period in which they repress their sexuality. Research has demonstrated that this conceptualization is

off target, as children's early sexual activity appears to continue during the school-age years

Research supports all of the following except:

sexual behavior in puberty is best conceptualized as being solely driven by hormones

Research on children who are victims of sexual abuse has indicated that

some victims can experience symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder

How many of the following [flashbacks to the traumatizing events, feelings of helplessness, feelings of extreme euphoria] are characteristic of an individual experiencing posttraumatic stress disorder?


Research on 12th-graders indicates that

both males and females tend to be sexually active [i.e., have had at least one sexual encounter] and are so at similar rates.

The impact of sexual abuse appears to be most severe when the abuse was a

frequent, long term event involving a close relative

Which statement concerning the establishment of one's sexual orientation is true?

Homosexual experimentation is fairly common during adolescence

Twin studies on sexual orientation shows that

genetic and environmental influences appear about equally responsible for sexual orientation

Research on sexual orientation indicates that

consistent, strong cross-sex interests in late childhood may predict later homosexual or bisexual orientation.

One promising theory is that _____ influences during prenatal development are responsible for determining your sexual orientation.


Most teens in the U.S. believe that

sex, in the context of a committed relationship is acceptable, but casual sex is much less acceptable.

Which statement concerning current teen sexuality is the United States is true?

Teens tend to view oral sex as significantly less "intimate"than did their past generation.

A 2007 study of college students found that about _____ agreed that they "had sex" when they engaged in oral-genital stimulation.


Research on 16-year-old sexual abstainers, low risk-takers, and high risk-takers found that

low-risk teens were most likely to be involved in romantic relationships

How many of the following [high levels of adventuresomeness, low levels of impulse control, high levels of alcohol consumption] have been shown to increase the likelihood of a teenager engaging in risky sexual behavior?

all 3

Which statement concerning condom use is true?

Adolescent females report less condom use than adolescent males.

Which statement concerning sexual activity and adulthood is true?

There has been a significant increase in incidence of sexually transmitted diseases in middle-aged Americans.

Regarding sexuality during old age,

sexual activity is most common when a person is married [versus divorced].

Women to have __

a shorter sexual refractory period than men

Which appears to contribute most to the lack of sexual activity among old women?

Lack of a partner

What childhood behavior did the authors of the text use as an analogy for the decline in sexual activity in old age?

riding a bike

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What is a gender role quizlet psychology?

A gender role, also known as a sex role, is a social role encompassing a range of behaviors and attitudes that are generally considered acceptable, appropriate, or desirable for people based on their actual or perceived sex or sexuality. You just studied 10 terms!

Which is the best example of an in group out group gender schema?

Which is the best example of an in-group-out-group gender schema? Boys can fight, but girls should play nice.

On which of the following point do most theories of gender role development Agree?

On which of the following point do most theories of gender-role development agree? Gender roles that children develop depend on an interaction between biological factors and what their society offers in terms of gender models.

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Each person normally has one pair of sex chromosomes in each cell. The Y chromosome is present in males, who have one X and one Y chromosome, while females have two X chromosomes. Identifying genes on each chromosome is an active area of genetic research.

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