What is the return value of the string method Lstrip () quizlet?

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I am a contestant on the TV show Remote Jeopardy, which works as follows. I am first asked a question about Stupid Videos. If I answer correctly, I earn $100. I believe that I have an 80% chance of answering such a question correctly. If I answer incorrectly, the game is over, and 1 win nothing. If I answer correctly, I may leave with$100 or go on and answer a question about Stupid TV Shows. If I answer this question correctly, 1 earn another $300, but if I answer incorrectly, I lose all previous earnings and am sent home. My chance of answering this question correctly is .60. If I answer the Stupid TV Shows question correctly, I may leave with my “earnings” or go on andanswer a question about Statistics. If I answer this question correctly, I earn another$500, but if I answer it incorrectly, I lose all previous earnings and am sent home. My chance of answering this question correctly is .40. Draw a decision tree that can be used to maximize my expected earnings. What are my expected earnings? In many decision tree problems, the decision maker’s goal is to maximize the probability of a favorable event occurring. To incorporate this goal into a decision tree, simply give a reward of 1 to any terminal branch that results in the favorable event occurring and a reward of 0 to any terminal branch that results in the favorable event not occurring. Then maximizing expected reward is the same as maximizing the probability that the favorable event will occur. Use this idea to solve the next two problems.

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What is the correct structure to create a dictionary of months where each month will be accessed by its month number [for example, January is month 1, April is month 4]?
a. { 1 ; 'January', 2 ; 'February', ... 12 ; 'December'}
b. { 1 : 'January', 2 : 'February', ... 12 : 'December' }
c. [ '1' : 'January', '2' : 'February', ... '12' : 'December' ]
d. { 1, 2,... 12 : 'January', 'February',... 'December' }

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