Which license is REQUIRED in order to solicit long-term care insurance in the State of Louisiana

Selling, soliciting, or negotiating coverageLicensed insurance producersTrainingIssuers dutiesRules.

A person may not sell, solicit, or negotiate long-term care insurance unless he or she is appropriately licensed as an insurance producer and has successfully completed long-term care coverage education that meets the requirements of this section.

[1] All long-term care education required by this chapter must meet the requirements of chapter 48.17 RCW and rules adopted by the commissioner.

[2][a][i] After January 1, 2009, prior to soliciting, selling, or negotiating long-term care insurance coverage, an insurance producer must successfully complete a one-time education course consisting of no fewer than eight hours on long-term care coverage, long-term care services, state and federal regulations and requirements for long-term care and qualified long-term care insurance coverage, changes or improvements in long-term care services or providers, alternatives to the purchase of long-term care insurance coverage, the effect of inflation on benefits and the importance of inflation protection, and consumer suitability standards and guidelines.

[ii] In order to continue soliciting, selling, or negotiating long-term care coverage in this state, all insurance producers selling, soliciting, or negotiating long-term care insurance coverage prior to January 1, 2009, must successfully complete the eight-hour, one-time long-term care education and training course no later than July 1, 2009.

[b] In addition to the one-time education and training requirement set forth in [a] of this subsection, insurance producers who engage in the solicitation, sale, or negotiation of long-term care insurance coverage must successfully complete no fewer than four hours every twenty-four months of continuing education specific to long-term care insurance coverage and issues. Long-term care insurance coverage continuing education shall consist of topics related to long-term care insurance, long-term care services, and, if applicable, qualified state long-term care insurance partnership programs, including, but not limited to, the following:

[i] State and federal regulations and requirements and the relationship between qualified state long-term care insurance partnership programs and other public and private coverage of long-term care services, including medicaid;

[ii] Available long-term care services and providers;

[iii] Changes or improvements in long-term care services or providers;

[iv] Alternatives to the purchase of private long-term care insurance;

[v] The effect of inflation on benefits and the importance of inflation protection;

[vi] This chapter and chapters 48.84 and 48.85 RCW; and

[vii] Consumer suitability standards and guidelines.

[3] The insurance producer education required by this section shall not include training that is issuer or company product-specific or that includes any sales or marketing information, materials, or training, other than those required by state or federal law.

[4] Issuers shall obtain verification that an insurance producer receives training required by this section before that producer is permitted to sell, solicit, or otherwise negotiate the issuer's long-term care insurance products.

[5] Issuers shall maintain records subject to the state's record retention requirements and shall make evidence of that verification available to the commissioner upon request.

[6][a] Issuers shall maintain records with respect to the training of its producers concerning the distribution of its long-term care partnership policies that will allow the commissioner to provide assurance to the state department of social and health services, medicaid division, that insurance producers engaged in the sale of long-term care insurance contracts have received the training required by this section and any rules adopted by the commissioner, and that producers have demonstrated an understanding of the partnership policies and their relationship to public and private coverage of long-term care, including medicaid, in this state.

[b] These records shall be maintained in accordance with the state's record retention requirements and shall be made available to the commissioner upon request.

[7] The satisfaction of these training requirements for any state shall be deemed to satisfy the training requirements of this state.

Louisiana Insurance Continuing Education State Requirements

On this page, you will find all of the state-specific information for Insurance CE in the state of Louisiana.

Louisiana Department of Insurance

General Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 94214

Baton Rouge, LA 70804

Physical Address:

1702 N. Third Street

Baton Rouge, LA 70802

General Information: 1-800-259-5300 or 1-800-259-5301

Direct Telephone Numbers: [225] 342-5900

Annuity Requirements

New producers must complete a one-time, four-hour training course that has been approved by the Louisiana Department of Insurance prior to engaging in the sale of annuity products.

Insurance producers who already hold a life insurance line of authority, must complete the one-time, four-hour training course. An individual who holds a life line of authority and has satisfied the training requirements in another state with substantially similar requirements, shall be deemed to have satisfied the training requirements of Louisiana.

Long-Term Care Training

Laws enacted in SB669 prohibit an individual from selling, soliciting, or negotiating long-term care insurance unless the individual is licensed as an insurance producer for health and accident or life and has completed a one-time training course and subsequent ongoing training every 2 years.

The initial training course is required to be no less than 8 hours and ongoing training of no less than 4 hours every 2 years. Insurers are required to obtain verification that a producer receives the required training before being permitted to sell, solicit or negotiate the insurer’s long-term care insurance products. Insurers are required to maintain records subject to the state’s record retention requirements, and make the verification of training available to the commissioner upon request.

Satisfaction of these training requirements in any state is deemed to satisfy the training requirements in this state.

All Other State Requirements

Resident Requirements

Producers licensed for one or more of the lines of life, health and accident, property, casualty or personal lines are required to earn 24 hours of approved CE credit every 2-year reporting period. 

These 24 hours shall include a minimum of three [3] hours dedicated to the subject of ethics. Adjusters must complete ethics courses approved for adjuster-ethics.

The CE hours for an insurance producer with the lines of property, casualty or personal lines must include three [3] hours of education in flood.

Non-Resident Requirements

Non-residents, who comply with the CE requirements of their resident state, are exempt from Louisiana CE requirements.

Course Repetition

A licensee may repeat a continuing education course for credit as long as a full 24 months have passed between the completion dates.

Exam Rules

Online certification exams are closed book. Course materials are not available while the exam is in progress. The final exam must be passed with a score of 70% or higher to receive CE credit. If the exam is not passed on the first attempt, students have an unlimited number of retakes.

Period Requirements

All property and casualty licenses expire April 30 in odd-numbered years and all life, health and accident licenses expire April 30 in even-numbered years regardless of the of the date of issuance.

The Department will continue to offer online renewals on its website for both resident and non-resident licensees.

Carryover Requirements

You may carry over 10 hours of Property and Casualty CE and 10 hours of Life, Health and Accident CE.

Reporting Requirements

Report within 30 days of completion. Need Agent’s license number to report.

Instructor Credit

Individuals acting as instructors for continuing education courses receive the same amount of CE credit as his or her students receive for taking the class.


Anyone sixty five years or older on or before January 1, 2012, who has at least 15 years of experience as a licensed producer, shall be exempt from continuing education. Producers who reach age 65 after January 1, 2012, will not qualify for the exemption from continuing education. If a producer is exempt prior to January 1, 2012, they will continue to maintain the exemption.

Acceptable Training Methods

  • Online [Internet Delivery]
  • Correspondence [Print]
  • Company Seminars
  • Classroom
  • CBT/CD-ROM [Computer-Based Training]


This information is based on state laws and regulations and is subject to change. Kaplan Financial Education makes every effort to make sure this information is current and accurate, however, Kaplan Financial Education is not engaged in rendering legal or professional advice and shall not be held responsible for inaccuracies contained herein.

How do I get a license to sell insurance in Louisiana?

How to Get Your Louisiana Insurance License.
Complete an Insurance Exam Prep Course. As of 6/3/2022 prelicensing education is not required in Louisiana. ... .
Pass Your Louisiana Licensing Exam. ... .
Get Fingerprinted. ... .
Apply for a Louisiana Insurance License. ... .
Plan to Complete Required Insurance Continuing Education [CE] Credits..

How much long

Code Section 10234.93 mandates that individuals authorized to sell LTC insurance must complete an eight-hour LTC course prior to soliciting individual consumers for the sale of LTC insurance.

How do you become a title agent in Louisiana?

Title License Qualifications.
Be at least 18 years of age..
Be a resident of Louisiana or a full- time employee of a resident licensed title agency producer..
Hold a high school diploma or its equivalent..
Pass the title license examination..

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[15] "Negotiate" means the act of conferring directly with, or offering advice directly to, a purchaser or prospective purchaser of a particular contract of insurance concerning any of the substantive benefits, terms, or conditions of the contract, only if the person engaged in that act either sells insurance or ...

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