Which of the following must be disclosed by the listing broker to any potential buyer?

A. Upon having a substantive discussion about a specific property or properties in a residential real estate transaction with an actual or prospective buyer or seller who is not the client of the licensee and who is not represented by another licensee, a licensee shall disclose any broker relationship the licensee has with another party to the transaction. Further, except as provided in § 54.1-2139 or 54.1-2139.1, such disclosure shall be made in writing at the earliest practical time, but in no event later than the time when specific real estate assistance is first provided. Such disclosure may be given in combination with other disclosures or provided with other information, but if so, the disclosure must be conspicuous, printed in bold lettering, all capitals, underlined, or within a separate box. Any disclosure which complies substantially in effect with the following shall be deemed in compliance with this disclosure requirement:


The undersigned do hereby acknowledge disclosure that:

The licensee.....................… [name of broker or salesperson]

associated with.........................…

[Name of Brokerage Firm]

represents the following party in a residential real estate transaction:

....… Seller[s]or
....… Buyer[s]

....… Landlord[s] -13m or
....… Tenant[s]





B. A licensee shall disclose to an actual or prospective landlord or tenant, who is not the client of the licensee and who is not represented by another licensee, that the licensee has a brokerage relationship with another party or parties to the transaction. Such disclosure shall be in writing and included in all applications for lease or in the lease itself, whichever occurs first. If the terms of the lease do not provide for such disclosure, disclosure shall be made in writing no later than the signing of the lease. Such disclosure requirement shall not apply to lessors or lessees in single or multifamily residential units for lease terms of less than two months.

C. If a licensee's relationship to a client or customer changes, the licensee shall disclose that fact in writing to all clients and customers already involved in the specific contemplated transaction.

D. Copies of any disclosures relative to fully executed purchase contracts shall be kept by the licensee for a period of three years as proof of having made such disclosure, whether or not such disclosure is acknowledged in writing by the party to whom such disclosure was shown or given.

E. A limited service agent shall also make the disclosure required by § 54.1-2138.1.

1995, cc. 741, 813; 1997, cc. 86, 119; 2006, c. 627; 2012, c. 750; 2016, c. 334.

58-30,113. Transaction broker; obligations of; disclosure of information. [a] A broker engaged as a transaction broker shall not act as an agent for either party.

[b] A transaction broker shall have the following obligations and responsibilities:

[1] To perform the terms of any written or oral agreement made with any party to the transaction;

[2] to exercise reasonable skill and care as a transaction broker, including, but not limited to:

[A] Presenting all offers and counteroffers in a timely manner, even when the property is subject to a contract of sale;

[B] advising the parties regarding the transaction and suggesting that such parties obtain expert advice as to material matters about which the transaction broker knows but the specifics of which are beyond the expertise of the licensee;

[C] accounting in a timely manner for all money and property received;

[D] keeping the parties fully informed regarding the transaction;

[E] assisting the parties in complying with the terms and conditions of any contract including closing the transaction;

[F] disclosing to all prospective buyers or tenants all adverse material facts actually known by the transaction broker, including, but not limited to:

[i] Any environmental hazards affecting the property which are required by law to be disclosed;

[ii] the physical condition of the property;

[iii] any material defects in the property;

[iv] any material defects in the title to the property; or

[v] any material limitation on the seller's or landlord's ability to perform under the terms of the contract; and

[G] disclosing to any prospective seller or landlord all adverse material facts actually known by the transaction broker, including, but not limited to, material facts concerning the buyer's or tenant's financial ability to perform the terms of the transaction;

[3] comply with all requirements of this act and rules and regulations adopted hereunder; and

[4] comply with any applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations and ordinances, including fair housing and civil rights and rules and regulations.

[c] Except as provided in subsection [d], the transaction broker is not required to disclose to any party to the transaction information relating to the physical condition of the property if a written report regarding the physical condition of the property has been prepared by a qualified third party and provided to the party.

[d] A transaction broker shall disclose to the party any facts actually known by the transaction broker that were omitted from or contradict any information included in a written report described in subsection [c].

[e] If pursuant to subsection [b][2][B], the transaction broker advised the parties to obtain expert advice as to material matters about which the transaction broker knows but the specifics of which are beyond the expertise of the transaction broker, no cause of action for any person shall arise against the transaction broker pertaining to such material matters.

[f] In any transaction regarding the sale or lease of real estate other than commercial property or residential property of more than four units, the following information shall not be disclosed by a transaction broker without the consent of all parties:

[1] That a buyer or tenant is willing to pay more than the purchase price or lease rate offered for the property;

[2] that a seller or landlord is willing to accept less than the asking price or lease rate for the property;

[3] what the motivating factors are for any party buying, selling, or leasing the property;

[4] that a seller, buyer, landlord or tenant will agree to financing terms other than those offered; or

[5] any information or personal confidences about a party to the transaction which might place the other party at an advantage over the party unless the disclosure is required by law or failure to disclose such information would constitute fraudulent misrepresentation.

[g] [1] Except as provided in subsection [g][2], in any transaction regarding the sale or lease of commercial property or residential property of more than four units, the following information may be disclosed by a transaction broker unless prohibited by the parties:

[A] That a buyer or tenant is willing to pay more than the purchase price or lease rate offered for the property;

[B] that a seller or landlord is willing to accept less than the asking price or lease rate for the property;

[C] what the motivating factors are for any party buying, selling or leasing the property; or

[D] that a seller, buyer, landlord or tenant will agree to financing terms other than those offered.

[2] Any information or personal confidences about a party to the transaction which might place the other party at an advantage over the party shall not be disclosed unless the disclosure is required by law or failure to disclose such information would constitute fraudulent misrepresentation.

[h] A transaction broker has no duty to conduct an independent inspection of the property for the benefit of any party to the transaction and has no duty to independently verify the accuracy or completeness of statements made by the seller, landlord, buyer, tenant or qualified third party inspectors.

[i] A transaction broker has no duty to conduct an independent investigation of the buyer's or tenant's financial condition or to verify the accuracy or completeness of any statement made by the buyer or tenant.

[j] A transaction broker may do the following without breaching any obligation or responsibility:

[1] Show alternative properties not owned by the seller or landlord to a prospective buyer or tenant;

[2] list competing properties for sale or lease;

[3] show properties in which the buyer or tenant is interested to other prospective buyers or tenants; and

[4] serve as a single agent or subagent for the same or for different parties in other real estate transactions.

[k] Information known to a transaction broker shall not be imputed to any party to the transaction or to any licensee within the brokerage firm engaged as a transaction broker.

[l] A transaction broker may cooperate with other brokers or cooperate and pay compensation to other brokers but shall not engage any subagents.

History: L. 1997, ch. 65, § 1; L. 2006, ch. 159, § 4; July 1.

What is the name of the form that most sellers must use to disclose that a property meets Texas property Code quizlet?

The answer is Seller's Disclosure of Property Condition. The Texas Property Code requires sellers of single-dwelling residential units to provide a disclosure of known defects in the property. Failure to provide the required disclosure allows the buyer to terminate the contract before closing.

Which listing contract offers the most protection to the broker?

An exclusive right-to-sell listing is the most common type of listing. It gives the broker the exclusive right to earn a commission by representing the owners and bringing a buyer, either through another brokerage or directly.

When an agent obtains a listing the first thing she should do is?

When an agent obtains a listing, the first thing she should do is: Enter the listing into the MLS. Young, inexperienced buyers with limited funds are typically: First time buyers.

Which type of listing is least attractive to a broker?

65 Cards in this Set.

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