Why does my HP laptop keep saying restarting?

In a situation where your HP laptop randomly restarts while you are using it, you should understand that you are getting a sign that could be a major issue with your HP laptop.

However, it might not be a major issue if it was caused by a program installed on your computer unless if it is related to any of your hardware.

HP laptop users have complained time without number in the HP community about their laptop randomly restarting.

Some HP users claim their laptop shuts off and then restarts while others complain that their HP laptop freezes and then restarts.

In the HP community, you will find more HP users claiming their HP laptop randomly restarts when playing online games or after windows 10 update.

Im not here to list out all the complaints made by HP users, but Im here to share with you some solutions to help you fix your HP laptop from restarting randomly.

You can check out our hub for more HP troubleshooting tips.

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Reasons why HP laptop Randomly Restarts

These are the reasons,

Hardware Issues

A problem with any of your hardware can surely cause your HP laptop to restart randomly.

Hardwares like you Ram and Laptop fan are what you should look into:

  • Ram Your ram plays a major role in keeping your HP laptop active. Any little issue with it can result with a blue screen error or your HP laptop restarting randomly. If your ram is faulty or not sitting right in its slot, it would definitely restart your HP laptop frequently.
  • Laptop fan This might come as a surprise to some people but a laptop fan can cause your HP laptop to restart randomly if its bad of course. Your laptop fan is responsible for reducing the temperature of your laptop when it gets hot. If your HP laptop gets too hot, it causes your laptop to restart or trip off.


Overheating is one the most common problems laptop users go through and something that shouldnt be ignored.

Most HP users experience overheating with their HP laptop and completely ignore the signs until their laptop hit rock bottom.

Its important you monitor your HP laptop closely to understand if its getting hotter than usual.

Overheating happens when your laptop fan isnt working properly or theres too much dust in your laptop vent clogging up everywhere to prevent air flow.

A simple way to detect if your laptop is overheating is explained below.

Outdated Drivers

Theres a chance some programs installed on your computer might need to be updated always so they can properly.

They need to be updated to correct any errors available from their previous versions.

If they arent updated, they could cause your computer to experience a complex problem like restarting your HP laptop randomly restarting.

So, it is always a good idea to keep your program drivers up to date.

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How to Stop HP laptop From Restarting Randomly

Heres how,

1. Turn off Automatic Restart Feature

1. Search for View advanced system settings in windows search.

2. Click on View advanced system settings among the search results.

3. Select settings under startup and recovery section.

4. Uncheck Automatic restart under system failure.

5. Click on Ok.

2. Update Your Bios

Most of the time, outdated bios drivers can cause your HP laptop to restart without warning.

A simple way to update your bios is by downloading and installing the latest version from HP website.

Heres how to update your bios.

1. Visit HP website to download your bios drivers.

2. Click on Laptop.

3. Enter your serial number to identify your laptop. Check here to learn how to find your serial number.

4. Download the bios for your HP laptop.

5. Install the bios on your computer.

6. Restart your HP laptop.

3. Reinstalling Graphics Drivers

Your display drivers can get corrupted when windows update didnt install your update properly.

This usually happens when you accidentally trip off your computer while updates are in progress.

Other cases might involve graphic settings that has been tampered with.

To resolve any graphics driver error, you would have to uninstall and reinstall it.

Heres how,

1. Uninstall your graphics driver with this guide.

2. Download your graphics driver from NVIDIA or AMD.

3. Install the driver on your HP laptop.

4. Restart your HP laptop.

4. Check your PC for overheating

Overheating can cause several problems on a laptop and most people still dont know how to detect if their laptop is overheating.

Heres how to check,

Method 1

Put you hangs close to your laptop vents and try to feel the heat or anything blowing out of it.

If you can feel something blowing out, it means your laptop fan is working however, it needs to be cleaned to get rid of all the dust.

If you didnt feel anything, it means your fan isnt working and it needs to be fixed.

Method 2

Listen closely through your laptop vents to detect if you can hear a fan noise.

If you can hear your fan spinning, it means your laptop fan is working but if you cant hear anything, your laptop fan needs to be fixed.

5. Check and replace the Power Supply

Your power supply consists of:

  • Battery
  • Charger
  • Power Outlet

If youve detected any issue with any of the following, you have to consider testing your laptop with another replacement concerning which is giving the issue.

Everything listed above goes together and if you have issues with one, it can negatively affect the other.

For example,

If you have issues with your power outlet, theres a possibility that it sends the wrong voltage through your charger directly to your HP laptop affecting your battery.

So, if you have detected an issue with any of the following listed above, I suggest you replace it and then test it to see if your HP laptop randomly restarts.

You dont have to buy any of the replacement, you can just borrow from a friend that is use your type of laptop.

6. Changing Power Options

1. Search for edit power plan in windows search and then click on it.

2. Change your settings as seen in the image below.

3. Click on change advanced power settings located below.

4. Click on sleep and then select sleep after to reveal a drop down.

5. Set both on battery and plugged in to never.

6. Click on apply then ok.

Hp Laptop Caps Lock Blinking Continuously

7. Reinstalling Visual C++

Heres how,

1. Download Visual C++ from Microsoft.

2. Install it on your HP laptop.

3. Restart your HP laptop.

8. Check RAM for issues

Your ram plays a major role on your HP laptop. If it isnt working properly, then your computer wont work properly.

Concerning your HP laptop restarting by itself, you have to consider these three things:

  • Your Ram isnt sitting right in its slot.
  • Your Ram and its slots are dusty.
  • Your Ram is faulty.

Go through these things one after the other to diagnose your Ram.

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Why does my HP laptop restart randomly?

Hp laptop restarts randomly due to the following reasons:

1. Hardware issues
2. Overheating
3. Outdated drivers

Click here to learn more.

How do I fix my HP laptop boot loop?

Heres how,

1. Turn off Automatic Restart Feature
2. Update Your Bios
3. Reinstalling Graphics Drivers
4. Check your PC for overheating
5. Check and replace the Power Supply
6. Changing Power Options
7. Reinstalling Visual C++
8. Check RAM for issues

Click here to learn more.

How do I boot my HP laptop into recovery?

This is how,

1. Click on the windows start button.
2. Select power to reveal its options.
3. Hold shift and then click on restart

Your HP laptop will automatically boot into Recovery mode after it restarts.

How do I reset my HP laptop?

Heres how Hp users can reset their laptop.

1. Search for reset this pc in windows search.
2. Click on reset this pc among the result.
3. Select get started in the reset this pc section.
4. Next, choose remove everything.

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