Bucket list for 22 year old

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My big 2-0 birthday is coming up at the end of this week! I’ve found myself reflecting a lot but, most of all, I am looking ahead into my coming years in my 20s.

One of the biggest things I’ve been working on is my 20s bucket list filled with all the things to do before 30. I figured why not share this bucket list for your 20s with you?!

Let’s Make Our Ultimate 20s Bucket List Together!

So, you’re in your 20s! Woohoo!

Your 20s are really unique. Of course, everyone’s situation is different, but I feel like your 20s are a great time to focus on you, yourself, and your freedom! I am lucky enough to have the ability to kick off my 20s selfishly.

And that doesn’t mean “selfish” in a bad way. Not at all.

Being selfish can actually be really beautiful. It is a gift to have the ability to be selfish with your time and energy.

It is actually a goal of mine to be more selfish in my 20s.

With that, I have developed a huge bucket list for my 20s. This before 30 bucket list includes all the fun, exciting, and liberating things I want to experience before 30.

To keep this bucket list clear and concise, I have separated it into some individual categories: personal, travel, health, entertainment, relationship, and miscellaneous!

I could keep rambling about all the things to do in your 20s but, to avoid boring you, let’s just jump right into this bucket list for your 20s!

Ultimate Bucket List for Your 20s

100 Ideas for a Before 30 Bucket List

Travel, health, entertainment, relationship, and more!

20 Travel Bucket List Ideas

Your 20s are such an incredible time to travel. Bask in your freedom and take advantage of this liberation by setting and tackling a travel 20s bucket list.

  1. Travel to X new states
  2. Road trip
  3. Go for a hike in a new place
  4. Visit Europe
  5. Drive across a border
  6. Swim in an Ocean You’ve Never Been In
  7. Fly first class
  8. Take a heliocopter tour
  9. Visit an Island
  10. Take a selfie with an iconic landmark
  11. Stay in a bungalo
  12. Rent a house on the beach
  13. Take a spontaneous weekend trip
  14. Visit a friend that lives far away
  15. Go camping
  16. Kiss someone from another country
  17. Drive across X state borders
  18. Take a boat to an island
  19. See a new animal species
  20. Travel solo

20 Health Bucket List Ideas

Mental, physical, emotional, spiritual… all of it plays a role in your health! Let’s make a healthy bucket list for your 20s so you can become the healthiest version of yourself.

  1. Cultivate self-love
  2. Go to therapy
  3. Do a 5k
  4. Take a barre class [I love using Alo Moves for fitness classes! Get 14 FREE days if you click here!]
  5. Go on a hike
  6. Start a journal
  7. Try yoga
  8. Learn how to do a handstand
  9. Try kickboxing
  10. Build a healthy relationship with food
  11. Practice body confidence
  12. Take time for self-care routinely
  13. Develop a book of favorite recipes
  14. Stay up to date on medical appointments [doctor, dentist, etc.]
  15. Schedule a weekend away alone at least twice a year
  16. Get outside for at least 10 minutes every day
  17. Drink enough water everyday
  18. Have a no-phone day once a month
  19. Discover your faith and how it connects to you
  20. Find inner peace; are you truly happy?

20 Entertainment Bucket List Ideas

There are so many miscellaneous fun things that I want to experience in my 20s. This entertainment bucket list for 20 years olds is perfect for those nights that you want to do something but don’t know what!

  1. See an outdoor movie
  2. Go to a baseball game
  3. See your favorite band live
  4. Go mini golfing
  5. Read X new books per year [my current goal is 20!]
  6. Play outside like a kid again
  7. Go to a water park
  8. Have a movie night every other week [popcorn and all!]
  9. Conquer an escape room
  10. Take yourself on a date
  11. Go to an NFL game
  12. Follow a Bob Ross painting tutorial
  13. Go to a carnival/fair
  14. Play an instrument
  15. Learn something new every month [no matter how small]
  16. Go ziplining
  17. Spend a full day shopping
  18. Have a picnic
  19. Go to the Seattle Selfie Mueseum
  20. Go to Disneyland/Disneyworld

20 Relationship Bucket List Ideas

Relationships are important! Family, friends, or even that special someone… there are certain things on my relationship bucket list for my 20s that I want to cross off in these 10 years!

  1. Go on a blind date
  2. Be a bridesmaid
  3. Kiss a stranger
  4. Fall in love
  5. Get engaged
  6. Travel with a romantic partner
  7. Make a new friend
  8. Be social, even if it feels awkward [social anxiety is something I am trying to overcome!]
  9. Go on a double date
  10. Hang out with an old friend
  11. Get married
  12. Go to a high school reunion
  13. Pull an all-nighter talking to someone
  14. Write a love letter
  15. Dance in a bar
  16. Go on a family vacation
  17. Have a mother/daughter date
  18. Open up to someone new [vulnerability is tough!]
  19. Meet an online friend in person
  20. Say ‘I Love You’ and mean it

20 Miscellaneous Bucket List Ideas

  1. Volunteer
  2. Be on a Podcast
  3. Work for yourself
  4. Buy a home
  5. Have a job you’e passionate about
  6. Start a family
  7. Find your passion/purpose in life
  8. Meet someone famous
  9. Build my perfect morning routine
  10. Graduate college
  11. Make a toast on my 21st birthday

  1. Sponsor a family at Chrismas
  2. Make meals for someone in need
  3. Go skinny dipping
  4. Take photo booth pictures
  5. Make a vacation video montage
  6. Host a holiday meal
  7. Give back
  8. See a TV show being taped
  9. Have a spa day

How’s that for a Bucket List for Your 20s?

Pin this 20s Bucket List!

This is my personal list of things I want to do in my 20s! A bucket list for 20-year-olds can look really different depending on your own dreams, goals, and personal situation!

For me, this is perfect for all the bucket list things I want to do before I turn 30.

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What’s on your 20s bucket list?

I would love to see your own bucket list for your 20s! Share your favorite ideas with me in the comments!

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