Virtual Desktop multiple monitors Oculus

[Gabor Horvath] thinks even two monitors is too little space to really lay out his windows properly. That’s why he’s building a VR Desktop straight out of our deepest cyberpunk fantasies.

The software runs on Windows and Android at the moment. The user can put up multiple windows in a sphere around them. As their head moves, the window directly in front grows in focus.  Imagine how many stack overflow windows you could have open at the same time!

Another exciting possibility is that the digital work-spaces can be shared among multiple users. Pair programming isn’t so bad, and now the possibility of doing it effectively while remote seems a little more possible. Even pair CAD might be possible depending on how its done. Imagine sharing your personal CAD session on another user’s screen and seeing theirs beside yours, allowing for simultaneous design.

Overall it’s a very cool tech demo that could turn into something more. It makes us wonder how long it is before tech workers on their way to lunch are marked by a telltale red circle on their face.

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Spawn 5 virtual monitors in VR to optimize focus & productivity, whether solo or collaborating with your team!


Download The Desktop Agent & VR App:


Solo Mode

Hyperfocus for hours on end without any distractions!

With our fully mobile/wireless solution, you can take Immersed with you anywhere!

Spawn up to 5 virtual monitors from your computer into VR without any additional hardware.


Remote Collaboration

Work in the same virtual room with 4+ people!

Share as many screens as you'd like with others, no matter what computer you're using!

Brainstorm ideas with your remote team!

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