Capricorn 2023 horoscope ganeshaspeaks

Find out what awaits you with our astrology predictions!

It may feel like you’ve been in an intense cosmic crucible for the past decade, Capricorn. Don’t worry -- this is the year you break free to the other side. Your return to the runway comes courtesy of Pluto finally leaving your sign for the first time in what feels like forever. This is a big deal! On top of that, Saturn is on the move into new territory, handing you the microphone and helping you get your message out in powerful ways.

Talk it out with Saturn in Pisces on your side

Headmaster Saturn, your sign’s guide and ruler, shifts into your 3rd House of Communication on March 7, offering you personal tutelage in the art of talking, thinking and texting during the next few years. If you ever feel anxious about delivering a pitch-perfect Zoom presentation or telling others your personal story, Saturn can help you get over your fears. Push past the insecurities that have held you back from launching a blog, writing a memoir, or just sharing what you’re passionate about. Over the next couple of years, as Saturn remains in this part of the sky, you can refine your tongue and become poetry in motion.

Pluto makes its long-anticipated exit from your sign and enters Aquarius in March

Meanwhile, transformer Pluto has been in your 1st House of Self since 2008, slowly eroding all the masks you wear. When it finally leaves your sign on March 23, it could feel like a very sweet release. With your self-esteem now resurrected for the long haul, this powerhouse planet enters your 2nd House of Finances and Resources.

Get ready to redefine your entire relationship with money and values. This isn’t just about making bank [although you certainly have support doing that] -- it’s about being the bank. Pluto wants to teach you your worth, so put those masks back in the closet and own who you are.

Reveal ALL the major energies headed your way in 2023 with personalized astrology predictions »Reveal ALL the major energies headed your way in 2023 with personalized astrology predictions »

Springtime brings fresh energy with Jupiter’s move into Pisces on May 16

Auspicious Jupiter enters your 5th House of Love, Pleasure, and Creativity in mid-May, delivering a shot of rapacious romance for the remainder of the year. Your appreciation for the finer things in life will be finely attuned, making it a gorgeous time for your relationships. You might want to line up a hot date or work on an artistic endeavor around June 1 when this lucky planet joins the North Node, opening some doors to your future and setting you up for success.

A Solar Eclipse plus Pluto Retrograde will have you homeward bound

The Total Solar Eclipse on April 20 turns the lights on at home in your 4th House of Domestic Affairs and Ancestral Roots. Considering a big move? This cosmic event might illuminate the way. If not, you may be encouraged to renovate your living environment, both literally and metaphorically. Pluto returns to your sign and squares the nodes in late July, potentially bringing more insight to the surface around this matter. Just remember: work-life balance is crucial.

A calm, cozy December is best with Mercury Retrograde

And that’s a wrap. 2023 ends with a Mercury Retrograde in your own sign around the holidays, giving you some time for a quiet, contemplative New Year. You may find yourself less interested in a rip-roaring, wild New Year’s Eve, and more into staying in with the ones you love. Honor the intimacy and closeness you’ve cultivated over the last 12 months, Capricorn.

That's how 2023 will shape up for everyone born under the sign of Capricorn, but what can you expect on a personal level? Check out our Big Picture Forecast to discover your unique astrology for the year ahead.Check out our Big Picture Forecast to discover your unique astrology for the year ahead.

2023 Capricorn Horoscope
Based on your Moon Sign

  • Today
  • Tomorrow
  • November

Early 2023 will see you move ahead in your career, accumulate wealth and assume a lot of responsibilities at work or family life due to Saturn’s placements. But the best thing is, being in its own auspicious sign – Aquarius, Saturn will bless you with favourable results for your sincere efforts. However, from the 2nd quarter of 2023 onwards till the end of the year, when Saturn is in retrogression, it will be wise to be careful in your speech, both at work and home, and hold back your important decisions till this phase is over. This will also be a time when you will experience confusion and lack of clarity in thought. Combined with this, Jupiter’s placement in the beginning of the second quarter of 2023 indicates wasteful expenses leading to loss and stress. Hence, avoid big investments in business or property during this period. Things will change with Jupiter’s retrogression in the last two quarters of the year, when you will feel the presence of divine support, enhanced mental power and the ability to learn new things quickly. Also, around the middle of the year, with Sun’s journey, you can find yourself in a powerful position at work and will be blessed with positive outcomes.

The year 2022 comes at a time when the pandemic COVID-19 has caused a havoc globally, numerous people across the world have lost their valuable life, countless have been infected and spent long treatment spans during the previous year. Therefore, people have been anxiously waiting for the new year with lots of hope that they would get some respite from this dreaded disease. The hopes of the people will be answered positively as the year 2022 would bring times when the impact of the pandemic would be reduced and there will be new beginning for all.

The year would bring many opportunities for you to make up for the losses on all spheres that you would have incurred during the previous year and there would be a reversal of the trends from down fall to up trends during the year, therefore it is crucial that you align your efforts and endeavors to the most favorable and blessed periods that you would come across in 2022, which calls for a good and workable plan possibly on facets, may it be your career or finance or even your family life. The year will see good opportunities when you would grow in career, and this would come with your dedicated efforts. The financial conditions will be on better notes.

There are important transits in this year when Rahu will change its position from Taurus to Aries, Ketu from Scorpio to Libra on 12th April, Saturn will change its house from Capricorn to Aquarius on 29th April and Jupiter will move from Aquarius to Pisces on 12th April rest of the planet will change their position throughout the year.

For you Saturn will be in your1st house of self, confidence and general wellbeing. This will impact your promptness in decision making and your lacking on this aspect would affect other facets also. On 29th April Saturn move to the house of family, wealth and speech which may affect the related fields and may create misunderstandings with family members. Your speech may be slightly on the harsher side, this may at times create issues and troubles.

For you Sun will start its journey from the 12th house of foreign land. On 14th January it will move to the house of self, confidence, and general wellbeing. This will boost your self-confidence and authoritative nature, which will be reflected on your various facets. On 13th February Sun will move to the house of family, wealth, and speech. This will make you authoritative behavior while dealing with the family members, which may be reflected in your speech and interactions with people. Likewise, it will travel through the balance of 12 houses of the zodiac.

Jupiter for you will transit in your 2nd house of family, wealth, and speech. This will bring good relationships with your family members, and all will come closer to each other. Your wealth will also see a rising trend during this period and financial status will improve and become stable. After 13th April it will move to house of communication, siblings, and travel, this may give journeys both personal and professional, this transit may also improve the relations with your siblings and develop the bonding with them through your better and improved interactive power during this period.

Mercury will transit in the 1st house of self, confidence, and general wellbeing. From 14th since it is placed with Saturn and in retrograde motion, it will reduce the effectiveness of your communication. From 6th February onwards, Mercury will move to the house of family, wealth, and speech, it will have a positive impact on these aspects, relations with the family members will improve and family life will stabilize, financial state will be on better notes and your speech will empower your success. Likewise, it will travel through balance of the 12 planets of the zodiac in the year.

Venus begins its journey from the house of abroad and may bring opportunities from foreign land. This period may also bless you with love and romance wherein you will share good time with your partner and there will be opportunities of intimacy between the two of you and sensual bed pleasure would also be there. Venus will stay here till 27th February and then it will move to house of self, confidence, and general health. This will boost your confidence and increase your charm such that people may get attracted towards you. Likewise Venus will transit through all the houses of zodiac in the year.

2022 Horoscope

2022 Horoscope prepared under the supervision of Pt. Punarvasu will offer you a 'complete & personal guide' to the events expected in your life in the year 2022. This report, as prepared on your date, place & time of birth will bring you the update on the events & occurrences...more

Career Horoscope 2022 For Capricorn

Career for Capricorn in the year 2022 will give positive outcomes and reflect growth. Venus the lord of house of career will start its journey from house of foreign, which may bring fortuitous from foreign land. After that it will move on its journey to other houses and you will come across many opportunities wherein your work will be appreciated, and you will have an edge over other, your superiors will be Click Here

Love and Marriage Horoscope 2022 For Capricorn

Love and romance of Capricorn would see some ups and downs during the first half of the year, however, comparatively the second half of the year will be on better notes as Rahu will be in the house of love till 12th April. Love relationship may need your dedicated efforts and better understanding with your partner to help maintain a cordial relation, else the negative aspects will impose many hardships in keeping the relationship intact. If you are a single, Click Here

Finance Horoscope 2022 For Capricorn

Capricorn finance horoscope 2022 will be very smooth and stable. In initial period Jupiter will be in house of finance will increase your wealth and bless with financial stability. Placement of Jupiter in a favorable position will expand your wealth as basic nature of Jupiter is to expand. When Saturn will enter in your house of wealth may bring some instability. Don’t worry, you will get ample opportunities Click Here;

Health Horoscope 2022 For Capricorn

Health of Capricorn in the year 2022 will be average during the year. Sun will be the lord of house of chronic disease, you may face some physical and mental stress. Some health issues may be there related to neck, back, or stomach, however nothing very serious will happen and as the year passes by, the ailments if any would subside through proper treatment. You may also be prone to some body pains that will keep o bothering you every now and then, hence it is advisable Click Here

Education Horoscope 2022 For Capricorn

For Capricorn students, year 2022 would be challenging. There will be many impediments in your academic journey that will try to impose restrictions on your success as Rahu will be in the house of education. You need to remain focused, keep doing the hard work and put in efforts towards achieving success in your endeavors throughout the year. When Rahu move from this house Your efforts will bless you with success. Second half of the year will be more favorable as compared to the first half of the year for the academic success. In case you are appearing in some competitive exam in the second half of the year then you will come out with flying colors. It is prudent hat you take help and Click Here

Family Horoscope 2022 For Capricorn

Capricorn family horoscope in for the year 2022, reflects lots of happy moments of family get togethers and bonding. Jupiter is in house of family till April this will be favorable in terms of family and transit for family relationships. You will take active participation in handling the problems of the family members, providing them all the needed help and support, may it be financial, or professional or personal matter. There will be ample opportunities for you and your family to plan family outings to desired destinations that will further improve the synergy among the members ad bring them closer to each other. After April when Saturn move to house of family, you need to be careful, due to misunderstanding, you may face difficulties with family.  You need to Click Here

2023 Horoscope Analysis

2023 is going to be an exciting year with Saturn's journey through Dhanistha Nakshatra shifting from Capricorn to Aquarius after 29 years, making you begin your professional journey or relationships anew... more

Is 2023 a good year for Capricorn?

And the year 2023 will be a good year to plan so. Married men and women with the Capricorn zodiac sign have high prospects of welcoming a new life in their house. Also, for married natives, things might not work as per the plan around the third quarter of the year.

What's in store for Capricorn in 2023?

The year 2023 will be a proven year for new initiatives and innovation in multiple fields of career, business and self-development. According to the Capricorn yearly horoscope 2023, the conjunction of Saturn and Venus will give you new progress and energy.

Which zodiac is luckiest in 2023?

For the year 2023, Libra is the sign with the highest potential to find love, luck and glory.

Will Capricorn travel abroad in 2023?

According to Capricorn horoscope 2023 there will be a possibility of getting a promotion in the job in May. Expenses will increase. There may be a possibility of traveling abroad. Your dream of going abroad for studies can come true.

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