chavs là gì - Nghĩa của từ chavs

chavs có nghĩa là

They are the scum of the earth...need i say more????


Filth hanging outside McDonalds in large groups attempting to look remotely intimidating.

chavs có nghĩa là

British equivalent of white trash, although the Brit variety is predominantly urban [though still of provincial mentality] whereas the American sort are typically rural [especially trailer trash].


Pretty much any young urban lad these days, but especially football hooligans wearing caps, hoodies, and g-strings above the waistline.

chavs có nghĩa là

A bunch of white kids who think they are hardcore gangsters from the ghettos and listen to "phat beats" such as Blazin' Squad and So Solid Crew, which they think is gangster music, when it is no more than pop music with annoying "raps" and "beats". They are usually popular at school and go around acting "propa hard" beating up and pushing around anyone that's not popular or a chav like them. They also like to call anyone that likes rock music a "goff" "mosha" or "grunga". Avoid these mindless fuckwits at any chance you can.

See wigger


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chavs có nghĩa là

Ahh chavs...
Well, i believe that chavs are a bit like toilet paper...full of shit! So most people hate townies, chavs, kevs [numerous names for them] and so do i. They have no respect for any human being, property or laws at all. Basically they suck. They suck heaving great ballS! They uses phrases such as "u got 'ne fags bruv?" and "you beefin me boys??" etc. Basically they're complete toss the lord rid the world of these vile beings once and for all!


"Innit bruv innit, look at dose grungies ova der innint. les go beef um up!"

chavs có nghĩa là

Lowest form of life on planet, with maybe the exception of their parents. Bred in caravans, the elite pikeys may have council houses. EVERYONE hates chavs, EVERYONE.


Bex [is that how to really spell your name you illiterate fuck] and Gem each have two children and they are both still below the age of consent. They are fucking chavs. You cunting chavs need to stop being poncing little fucks and die. Pricks. Bex and Gem - Give me a call, I have a bag of grapes and reckon I could fuck your pikey asses in exchange. Then you can jump through your fucking earings to celebrate - you dogs.

chavs có nghĩa là

a person that wears clothes that look like pajamas every day of the week until the dirt intergrates its self in to the material[im mean gross]. they normaly live in council estates. chavs will never pick a fight unless they outnumber that person 5 to 1. most chavs wear burberry [a realy shit checked pattern] which looks crap. the only thing worse than burberry is fake burberry which is for those chavs to cheap to buy the real thing!chavs are totally unreasonable. avoid chavs at all cost if you do encounter a chav on his own u will fine as at the sight of you he will have craped him self but be warned if you meet a group of chavs you will be challenge the best thing to do in this situation is to punch the one that challenges you his "mates" shall then shit them selves and run away.


chavs will shorten words like "isnt it" to "n it" and "brother" to "bruv"

chavs có nghĩa là

Grown up chavs are adults who some 50odd fags a day and tend to claim lots of benfits because they pulled a muscle in there back 10years ago so they can't work anymore, although they have no money they all seem to wear tacky designer lables suchs as, Buberry, Lacost, Fred perry, and all kinds of sports lables.
Chav Children are kids who have shitty perents who have taught them nothing in life so they are all in the special clases in school and are always causing trouble they have smoked since they were about 8 and all wear tracksuits and eat at mcdonalds, chav girls are all little tarts who wear tiny mini skirts and have there boobs hanging out, and this is like when there 12.
chavs are bad


chav msn conversation

MaRkY G ErE Kickin Dis Shit Up says: yo yo yo
Robyn ErE Lovin Mg For LyF says: hya huni
MaRkY G ErE Kickin Dis Shit Up says: wha u duin 2nite bbe?
Robyn ErE Lovin Mg For LyF says: goin out wiv joe n hannah u wanna come? am gonna get me sister to buy us some alcahol?
MaRkY G ErE Kickin Dis Shit Up says: ah yeah mate deffo den we cn get in a fight wiv some goffs!
Robyn ErE Lovin Mg For LyF says: yer bbe
MaRkY G ErE Kickin Dis Shit Up says: invite sme freak inta da convo am in da mood for fightin
Robyn ErE Lovin Mg For LyF says: alright bbe
CHAVS ARE GAY! has been added to the conversation
MaRkY G ErE Kickin Dis Shit Up says: ight gay boy
CHAVS ARE GAY! says: I'm a girl you loser
Robyn ErE Lovin Mg For LyF says: LMFAO she called u a loser! luk hus talkin!! ur a freak why you spell like that u av nofin betta to do.
CHAVS ARE GAY! says: Shut up at least I can speak proper English and have a higher IQ than your whole famliy put together, theres about 40 people in your family isnt there?
CHAVS ARE GAY! says: You dont even know where I live
CHAVS ARE GAY! has left the conversation
MaRkY G ErE Kickin Dis Shit Up says: lmao we so fukin showed her
Robyn ErE Lovin Mg For LyF says: yer
MaRkY G ErE Kickin Dis Shit Up says: yer
Robyn ErE Lovin Mg For LyF says: hmm lets go have under aged sex
MaRkY G ErE Kickin Dis Shit Up says: IGHT!

chavs có nghĩa là

Its a shame that a few badly educated individuals have made a bad name for anyone who wears burberry or tracksuits. I do not. Just to clear that up. I actually know a few people who are self confessed chavs, but they are perfectly nice people. But then again I guess the ACTUAL definition of a chav doesn't include being nice. So maybe this paragraph was pointless.
So for the rest of this definition, I am going to define the steriotype. And by the way, if anyone reads this, sorry if I say something that other people have said, I couldn't be bothered to read though ALL those definitions.
Aggreed, chavs are known to hang around outside, and inside, if they have money, McDonalds.
The chav female will wear way-too-tight trousers, and consequently, sometimes will walk like they just shat themselves. Either that or a precariously short skirt, or..dun dun DUN, a tracksuit. A T-shirt that shows off their attractive Mcdonalds Gut. And hair that is either pinstriaght and looking like straw or pulled back to such an extent that it becomes impossible to determine what they're face looked like before.
The male of the species will be seen only in tracksuits, or trousers with their socks pulled up OVER them, kind of defeating the object of not only socks, but trousers also. They will have dyed blonde, spiked up hair, or a crew cut, covered by a cap teetering dangerously on the very top of the head, and all us normal people have to fight very hard not to go up to them, shout "for christs sake!" and flick it off entirely.
All chavs seem to harbour a mutual loathing for anyone that listens to rock music of any form [I cant be bothered to go into all THOSE steriotypes] and get them oh so wrong, call anyone that wears black a "goff"[goth] or "emoooo" and will try to start a fight with them, but only if said "goff" is ridiclously outnumbered.
Chavs cannot seem to form a coherent sentence, because they refuse to let anyone educate them, for reasons we can only ponder over. And it is particularly frustrating when speaking to a chav on the internet where they seem to miss out ALL vowels, either that, or they abbrevaite everything, so no-one can actually understand what they are talking about.
They hang around in childrens playgrouds and break bottles for the sheer hell of it.
They swear at people for the hell of it.
They muck up everyone elses education for the hell of it.
They bully people for the hell of it.
They really are scum, almost everybody hates the typical chav described here.


I am not going to say I want all chavs to die, because for me, well, I get endless enjoyment from watching them single handedly mess their own life up. They're going to become nothing, and die, fat and alone, outside Mcdonalds.
Either that or, they will grow up, decide to try and learn, get a job, get a family, get a life...
Yeah, right.
If you read this far, WELL DONE.
Rant over.

chavs có nghĩa là

Chavs [Chavies, Kegs, Charva, Ned, Mush, Scally etc] are the [unfortunatly] most common sub culture of modern day Britain. The chav or "Council house and violent" or "Council House Average Vermin" are vicious to any other sub culture [or a person that is of no sub culture at all] to an extreme extent. "Moshers, emos, grungers and greebs" are some of their more favourite targets. They resort to violence at the first sign of when they belive they are being threatened or when the simply do not understand something [basically....they are stupid beyond all reason]. The only way to avoid a confrontation with a chav is to simply not start one, if you provoke "it", "it" will retaliate with extreme force [aka until ure "beefed"]. Over all chavs are very dangerous and the only way to fully avoid, or keep the peace with them is to prevent contact completly or if u have the unfortunate experience of meeting a chav, be as simple [using as many small words as possible] and vaguely polite as you can.


"Wot?" "You startin' mush?!" "Innnniiiiiittt" "I iz well a chavvy chav gangsta'" "Chavs rule"

chavs có nghĩa là

Male chav: wears tons of sports wear, has an earring in one ear, [usually a great big fake diamond], wears adidas trainers, and pulls their socks up over their trousers. has a shaven head or awful blond highlights in their short hair. usually seen with a cigarette.

female chav: peroxide blonde hair which is extremely straight or messily scarped up into an incredibly high pony tail which is so tight, they can't move their eyebrows. pregnant at about 14. lots of tacky fake gold rings, so much it's hard to move their fingers. if not in trackies, wears tight trousers or short skirts and a top that shows a lot of cleavage.

ALL chavs smoke, drink and have slept with many people at the 0f at least 14

vocabulary consists of: innit, bruv, braaaaap, fuckin'.
usualy seen outside mcdonalds or tescos
they hate people who like rock music.
they also think their 'well 'ard' [which they are not]
their wrighting in indecipharable, as they refuse to learn, and therefore cannot spell

They are the scum of britain.


conversation of two chavs:
chav 1: s'up ma bruv
chav 2: awwrighttt

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