Choosing flatmates ielts Listening answers

Listening test has a set of 40 questions which you have to answer in 30 minutes. The recording has 4 sections. the recording will be played once and it will never be playedagain.

Section 1:Question 1-10

Question 1-4:Complete the following sentences usingNO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR NUMBERSfor each gap.

1. Martina Bilas appointment with the accommodation officer is at

2. Martinas current accommodation is .. from the university than she expected.

3. The landlady is a

4. The to the university isnt good.

Question 5-7:Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D.

5. Martina is looking for .

A. catered accommodation.

B. self-catering accommodation.

C. a place with a landlady.

D. catered or self-catering university accommodation.

6. The accommodation officer received details of some accommodation ..

A. the day before Martina made the appointment.

B. the day Martina made the appointment.

C. the day after Martina made the appointment.

D. the day before he met Martina.

7. When does the accommodation officer think other accommodation will be available?

A. In the next few days C. Not for along while

B. In the next few weeks D. He doesnt know.

Question 8-10:Answer the following questions usingNO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR NUMBERSfor each answer.

8. How much do students pay for catered accommodation during term-time? ..

9. What nationality arc Martinas new flatmates? ..

10. What will Martina lose?

Section 2:Questions 11-20

Question 11 and 12:Answer the following questions usingNO MORE THAN THREE WORDSfor each answer.

11. What is the title of a series of presentations that David Price will make? ..

12. What item has David Price given each student? .

Question 13 and 14:Decide whichTWOthings David Price recommends doing one year before going abroad.

You may write your answers in either order. Choose from the following list:

A. apply for scholarships

B. consult tutor about current course

C. make a precise budget for your studies abroad

D. think about how you will pay your fees

E. book accommodation

F. pay your fees to the foreign university

Question 15 and 16:Decide whichTWOthings David Price recommends doing six months before going abroad.

You may write your answers in either order. Choose from the following list:

A. get a new passport

B. revalidate your passport

C. ensure your passport is valid for at least six months

D. get a visa for the country you are going to

E. ensure your passport is full

F. make sure your passport has some empty pages

D. check if flights arrive on time

E. book accommodation

F. make sure you have a conditional university offer

Question 19 and 20:Complete the following summary of what students should do about health issues, usingNO MORE THAN THREE WORDSfor each gap.

One month before leaving, find out if you can get 19. where you are goingto. Two weeks before you leave, ask your doctor to 20.. giving reasons forany medicines you are taking with you.

Section 3:Questions 21-30

Question 21-23:Answer the following questions usingNO MORE THAN THREE WORDSfor each answer.

21. What was the student surprised to discover he had a lot of? ..

22. What does the student need to learn the fundamentals of?

23. On what basis should the student prepare his schedules? ..

Question 24-26:Complete the following notes using onlyONEword for each gap. Professors suggestions:

make a plan for your studies

make a plan for your free time

24 .. plans if necessary

see how much time you need for activities as you 25 .. with your studies

keep schedules balanced and 26

Question 27-30:Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D.

27. The professor points out that the university language centre .

A. would certainly be useful for the student.

B. is likely to be useful for the student.

C. is available for students.

D. has a wide range of materials.

28. The professor suggests that the student .

A. join the support group for students on his course.

B. join the support group for students from his country.

C. identify problems that people from his country have in Britain.

D. create a support group.

29. The student says that .

A. he doesnt know anyone on his course.

B. he doesnt know the overseas students on his course.

C. there are no people from his country on his course.

D. there are few overseas students on his course.

30. The International Student Advisor recommended a book ..

A. but didnt say the title clearly.

B. but couldnt remember the title.

C. for all students.

D. for overseas students.

Section 4:Questions 31-40

Question 31-34:Complete the following sentences usingNO MORE THAN TWO WORDSfor each gap.

31. Students whose previous educational experience was . often find ithard to become independent learners.

32. A student or staff member might become a .. to a student workingindependently.

33. Study trips provide opportunities for independent students to learn off ..

34. The ELC is used by students on a .. basis.

Question 35-37:Complete the notes concerning the example of Mary and Jim, usingNO MORE THAN TWO WORDSfor each gap.

talk to the English tutor at the ELC

35 materials

decide which materials to use first and how

discuss problems, 36 .. , and evaluate each other

review using notes

decide if 37 has been achieved

continue with topic or move to another

Question 38:Decide which of the following can be used by independent learners. Write all the correct letters in any order.

A. tapes

B. computer programs

C. letters

D. discussions with native speakers

E. newspapers and magazines

Question 39-40:Decide which of the following places independent learners can learn at. Write both the correct letters in either order.

A. libraries

B. the International Student Affairs Office

C. museums

D. shops

E. cafes

Answer & Explanation

1. ten/ 10 oclock

2. farther

3. heavy smoker

4. bus connection

5. D

6. C

7. D

8. £37.50

9. British and Indian

10. [her] deposit

11. Countdown to Departure

12. [a] guide

13. A

14. D

15. D

16. F

17. B

18. C

19. free health treatment

20. write a letter

Section 3

21. free time

22. time management

23. weekly or monthly

24. revise

25. progress

26. realistic

27. C

28. D

29. D

30. C

31. teacher focussed

32. [personal] mentor

33. [the] campus

34. self-access

35. identify suitable

36. compare notes

37. initial aim

38. B C E

39. A

40. C

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