Seminar Topics for EEE pdf

Introduction to brain machine interface:

In this paper, we will see how the brain machine interface is made and how the capabilities of the human being can be extended. We will about the advantages of using brain machine interface and the problems faced by this.

The capabilities of a human being are limited and a capability of a machine is higher but it cannot think of its own. Research is going on for making a machine to interface with the brain by which the capabilities of a human being are far extended.

Brief on brain machine interface:

The human brain takes decisions based on the impulses generated in the body and in a human body we find millions of neurons which generate impulses. So a chip is designed and it is placed in the human body and it is made to integrate with the nerve fibers. The chip is interfaced with a remote computer outside.

The chip senses the impulses generated in the body and performs the tasks with the help of the remote computer or the server located outside. The chip is designed by using nano technology and it is constructed in such a way that it can generate the power required for it through heat generated in the body or by the flow of blood circulation.

The chip has successfully placed a body of professor in a university and he could control the appliances without lifting his hand from a given range.

Proposed Brain Systems in Future:

The proposed brain machine interface chip can be very helpful to make the organisms to work properly for the paralyzed patients. By using brain machine interface the human capabilities gets increased a lot and many technological advancements can be made.

But due to this there may differentiation in between the persons who are using the interface chips and the normal human being. All details about this system explained in the given ppt presentation.

Computer lovers can easily download brain System Technical Paper to improve their knowledge onBrain Machine Interface Application.

In our project Automatic Solar Panel we implemented an automatic sun tracking system by utilizing the services of light dependent resistor, the LDRs position is monitored by the micro controller based on this the angular movements of the DC motor is controlled. It is an intelligent solar power generation system because it generates the energy by itself it doesnt require any manual operation.

Renewable energy resources are rapidly gaining importance in the field of electrical power generation. We know that solar energy is the most available and popular renewable energy resource, so we need to utilize the solar energy so we implemented a system which tracks the solar energy in its semi circular cycle.

Video link to view circuit diagram, block diagram


Proposed system:

The Automatic Solar Panel system is an closed loop system designed to align the solar panel toward the sun rays. Here in this project the angular position of the solar panel is controlled by the dc motor which is interfaced with the control system circuitry having micro controller setup. The LDR detects the maximum intensity of the sun light and send the signals to the micro controller then the micro controller manipulates the dc motor for rotating the solar panel towards the maximum intensity regions.

Light Depended Resistor:

The name itself depicts that the resistance value is dependent on the intensity of the light i.e. such that the resistance is low whenever the sun light intensity is high and vice versa.


The PCB fabrication is done to provide the electrical inter connections to various components in the circuit. This process involves drilling, cutting, cleaning, wiring, soldering and testing.

DownloadAutomatic Solar Panel Project Report


We observed the working of Automatic Solar Panelproject practically here we placed a black cloth on the four LDRs to provide uniform light intensity then we removed the cloth on LDR1 panel moved forward, and we removed the LDR2 the panel moved backward like that we conducted serial verification and we found that the system is successful in detecting the variations in the sun light.

Now a days the wireless and embedded technologies are enormously used in security managing systems. Here in this project Wireless Petroleum Level Indicator, we implemented an AT89S52 Microcontroller based tank level monitoring system for monitoring the fuel level in the tank and to control the thefts.

The system is comprised of Microcontroller, RF Transmitter and Receiver, limit switch for sensing the fuel level, IR Transmitter and Receiver, power detection circuit, GSM Modem, Voice Processing Unit at the receiver terminal of the control room. The systems mechanism is mainly divided into two phases one for sensing unit and the other is alert system.

Sensing circuit [transmitter section]:

In phase 1, the transmitter circuit consists of IR Transmitter and IR Receiver; Power Detecting Circuit, RF Transmitter and remote controllers like oil well shutdown alarm, oil well power failure alarm, oil well running and oil theft alarm. Senses the abnormal conditions and sends information to the receiver using the RF transmitter.

Youtube video link to view circuit diagram and block diagrams


Project Title:

Wireless Petroleum Level Indicator

Alerting system [receiving circuit]:

In phase 2, the receiving section had RF Receiver and alarm circuit works based up on the signals from the AT89S52 Microcontroller.

Object detection mechanism:

In this project the object the detected by IR light in IR transmitter and IR receiver circuit. Te mechanism of IR sensors in detecting the obstacle is explained in coming sections.

  • Oil well shutdown alarm: For sensing the time of oil well shutdown.
  • Oil well running alarm: This suggests that the oil well is normal.
  • Power failure alarm: Prevent the transmission line from being stolen.
  • Guard against theft oil alarm: To sound the presence of thiefs.
  • Night patrol alarm: Ensure safe operation of the oil production.

DownloadWireless Petroleum Level Indicator Project Report

Laser communication system Project Report explains about new advanced communication strategy in the field of wireless communication. Several communication technologies are developed in recent days apart from those technologies lased communication systems having enormous applications.

These are next generation communication systems which had taken origin from the fiber optic systems. By implementing these networks we can communicate to other wirelessly.

Figure: the experimental kit of a laser communication system.

Project description:

In this project we transmit data by means of lasers instead of radio frequency signals, the laser torch acts as a carrier for the signal transmission. We used laser torches which can transmit the light up to the distance of 500 meters. This circuit had two major parts one the transmitter circuit and the other the receiver circuit.

Transmitter circuit:

The transmitter circuit consists of microphone transistor amplifier BC548, op amp μA741, and 1-mega-ohm pot meter with 9v input power supply.

Receiver section:

The receiver section comprises of NPN phototransistor for sensing the light, pre-amplifier to amplify the low amplitude signals, bypass capacitor for the prevention of loss of amplification, loudspeaker of 0.5W.

Youtube video link to view circuit diagram, block diagram.


Condenser micro phone:

The use of the condenser micro phone is to produce a good quality audio signal to the user; these are highly sensitive in terms of capturing very little sounds and amplifying them to audible frequency. LM386 power amplifier with low power applications is used in this system in order to amplify the low power signals.

DownloadLaser Communication System Project Report

The main objective of Wireless LED project is to develop a wireless communication network operated for limited range of distances. So we implemented a Laser based voice communication system similar to the optical fiber communication system.

Wireless LED Project

Aim of the Laser communication system:

  • To facilitate interference free transmission of voice signals.
  • To maintain high rate of accuracy.
  • To achieve optimum secrecy with narrow beam divergence.

Circuit description:

Here in this project the laser torch acts as a carrier for laser beam transmission, we use photo LED laser transmitter in this circuit as a laser torch.

Youtube video link to view block diagram, circuit diagram for transmitter and receiver


Power supply for the circuit:

The circuit works at 5v regulated dc supply for that we used rectifying unit having step down transformer, full bridge rectifier, smoothing filter and voltage regulator.

Condenser microphone:

A condenser microphone is used in this project for the conversion of audio signals into electrical signal for transmission. These are highly sensitive devices in terms of sensing low amplitude signals.

Transmitter section:

The transmitter section had a pre amplifier, operational amplifier, heat sink and laser emitting diode.

LED laser torch:

It acts as the medium for the laser emission; it is as similar as optical fiber system, and these LEDs can operate at bandwidth of 780-980nm.

DownloadWireless LED Project Report

Receiving section:

Photo detector for sensing the laser signals, audio amplifier for driving the speaker, common emitter amplifier and loud speaker for increasing the low level audio signals audible level signals.

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