Does list maintain insertion order?

Both ArrayList and LinkedList are implementation of List interface. They both maintain the elements insertion order which means while displaying ArrayList and LinkedList elements the result set would be having the same order in which the elements got inserted into the List.

How do you maintain the insertion order on a map?

LinkedHashMap extends HashMap. It maintains a linked list of the entries in the map, in the order in which they were inserted. This allows insertion-order iteration over the map. That is,when iterating through a collection-view of a LinkedHashMap, the elements will be returned in the order in which they were inserted.

Does string array maintain insertion order?

5 Answers. Yes, ArrayList is an ordered collection and it maintains the insertion order.

Why insertion order is preserved in list?

Insertion order refers to the order in which you are adding elements to the data structure [i.e., a collection like List , Set , Map , etc..]. For example, a List object maintains the order in which you are adding elements, whereas a Set object doesn't maintain the order of the elements in which they are inserted.

Does list maintain insertion order?

1] List is an ordered collection it maintains the insertion order, which means upon displaying the list content it will display the elements in the same order in which they got inserted into the list. Set is an unordered collection, it doesn't maintain any order.

Does TreeMap maintain insertion order?

TreeMap is implemented based on red-black tree structure, and it is ordered by the key. LinkedHashMap preserves the insertion order.

Does Set maintain insertion order?

Set is an unordered collection, it doesn't maintain any order. There are few implementations of Set which maintains the order such as LinkedHashSet [It maintains the elements in insertion order]. 2] List allows duplicates while Set doesn't allow duplicate elements.

Does MAP keep insertion order?

The HashMap class does not maintain the order of the elements. This means that It might not return the elements in the same order they were inserted into it. If the application needs the elements to be returned in the same order they were inserted, LinkedHashMap should be used.

Does LinkedHashSet maintain insertion order?

HashSet does not maintain any order while LinkedHashSet maintains insertion order of elements much like List interface and TreeSet maintains sorting order or elements.

Will HashMap maintain insertion order?

HashMap does not maintains insertion order in java. Hashtable does not maintains insertion order in java. LinkedHashMap maintains insertion order in java. TreeMap is sorted by natural order of keys in java.

Can a list be rearranged in Java maintain insertion order?

Nothing in the spec forbids to rearrange elements when a new element is appended, so the answer is NO: not all lists in Java maintain insertion order. To prove this, you could perfectly implement a List that sorts all its elements except for the last one, which should be placed at the end to not break the contract of the add operation.

How to preserve insertion order in Java HashSet example?

If you have an existing HashSet object, you can convert it to a LinkedHashSet object using the below given copy constructor. It creates a LinkedHashSet object containing all the elements of the specified collection object. As we can see from the output, the elements are still not in the insertion order.

Is the insertion and retrieval order the same?

So, insertion and retrieval order is the same. If you add elements during retrieval, the order will not remain the same. If the OP "inserts" at the end, also called adding. – Peter Lawrey Jul 4 '12 at 15:08 The second statement is unclear for me! – Adil Dec 28 '14 at 11:33

How does ArrayList or LinkedList maintain insertion order but not HashMap?

[Java in General forum at Coderanch] How does ArrayList or LinkedList maintain insertion order but not HashMap despite same data-structu?

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Ranch Hand

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author and iconoclast

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Ranch Hand

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Ranch Hand

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in case you'v java5 you can test this:
import java.util.*; class Order { List lista = new ArrayList[]; public void add[] { lista.add["a"]; lista.add["b"]; lista.add["c"]; lista.add["0"]; for [String s: lista] System.out.println[s]; } } public class TestOrder { public static void main[String args[]] { Order o = new Order[]; o.add[]; } }

a b c


EDIT: i posted this before reading any answer [ May 21, 2005: Message edited by: miguel lisboa ]

Ernest Friedman-Hill

author and iconoclast

Posts: 24203

Originally posted by Kashif Riaz:
You know, this could have been tested ...

Well, yes, but you can't necessarily count on the results of this kind of test. You don't know if it's a quirk of the implementation, or if it's guaranteed behavior, until you read the documentation. From the javadocs:

An ordered collection [also known as a sequence]. The user of this interface has precise control over where in the list each element is inserted. The user can access elements by their integer index [position in the list], and search for elements in the list.

pendse anagha

Ranch Hand

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