Focus on listening 2 healthy eating


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October 27, 2017

IELTS Speaking Part 1: 'health' topic

Let's have a look at some questions from Cambridge IELTS book 12. I've answered the first two questions; can you answer the others in the same simple, direct way?

1. Is it important to you to eat healthy food?
Yes, I prefer to eat healthy home-cooked food, rather than fast food or pre-prepared meals, because I want to stay fit and healthy as I get older.

2. If you catch a cold, what do you do to help you feel better?
I usually take paracetamol tablets, and I sometimes buy a nasal spray or cough medicine. It also helps to stay at home and relax.

3. Do you pay attention to public information about health?

4. What could you do to have a healthier lifestyle?


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3. yes, I'm really interested in health information and I'm also following public forums about improving mental and physical health. they usually provide effective diet plans for the public.

4. personally, I think I could change my diet and get some exercise to have a healthier lifestyle. I'm a couch potato, so going out for a walk with my friends is also a good way to enhance my health.

Posted by: huong | October 28, 2017 at 03:28

3. Yes, anytime I read an online newspaper or listen to the radio, I always take notice of updated news related to health issues such as epidemics across the world and new services about healthcare.

4. There is quite a wide range of ways that we can do to adopt a healthy lifestyle. We should go on a balanced diet, exercise regularly and have a breather every weekend. And more importantly, we must balance home life and career so that we could manage stress in the daily life.

Posted by: Phong | October 28, 2017 at 04:32

3.Definitely, I pay full attention when someone gives some the general information about health issues because health is wealth. Specially I become more attentative through electronic media, conferences or any other forum particularly when weather changes or any new disease or virus activates.

4. To be very honest, I am so conscious about my health. There are certain factors that mostly I adopt to be healthier are as, the diet I take regularly is being monitored, daily exercise and doing some works that makes me happy and others too.

Posted by: Ameet | October 28, 2017 at 07:20

3.Yes , I really focus on public informations when I come across with them either on TV or on magazines. I think they are really important for raising awareness to health problems and for giving general information about how to pursue a healthier life

4. In my opinion, exercising regularly and having small proportion of food for each meal are the two effective ways for sustaining a healthier life. Also , I try not to consume too much convenience food in my daily life.

Posted by: Derya | October 28, 2017 at 11:12

During all the years preparation for IELTS what Ive found it most important is the UNDERSTANDING, in fact, understanding what you read and listen and write is the key to not get lost in the long way toward IELTS success.

Posted by: Bn | October 28, 2017 at 21:53

Do you pay attention to public information about health?
I'm not one of force on general information about health, but I don't mind reading the new issue of the health of the journal or magazine. if this topic is catching my eye on the over paper, I would spend some time to study and practice it. For example, I like to home look on weekends, to taste the balance dieter according to the recipe on healthy lifestyle magazine. Or doing the exercise of Ya Ga in the backyard.

Posted by: jj | October 29, 2017 at 03:01

What could you do to have a healthier lifestyle?
To be honest, I am a lazy bug and not an early bird. For regular exercise, I only take a walk with my cat after school. so that having a healthier lifestyle I think that I need to improve it day by day such as get up early for a morning walk or run through the fresh air in the path, it is good for my health

Posted by: jj | October 29, 2017 at 03:14

Yes, I totally pay attention on any information about health issues. Especially, this topic is related to how to lose weight and keep fit. Because I am overweight.

Above, I have been mentioning. My weight need to control so that I need to have more balance diet and doing exercise regularly.

Posted by: poor | October 29, 2017 at 07:04

3.yes,I tend to follow public information about how to maintain health. I also take part in the locally organised marathon with my friends every week to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Posted by: utkirbek | October 29, 2017 at 07:26

4.I often go to the gym in order to work out,because it helps me to develop good posture and keep fit. In fact,i prefer to play outdoor games such as football or basketball rather than computer games leading to a sedentary lifestyle.

Posted by: utkirbek | October 29, 2017 at 07:57

3. Do you pay attention to public information about health?

It depends on who disseminated the data. if it's the department of health or a certain health facility who gives the health information then I would pay attention to it. However, for example, if it's coming from the news, we must know whether the news program is reliable and timely.

4. What could you do to have a healthier lifestyle?

Keeping myself disciplined and motivated to at least exercise three to four times a week, eat a healthy meal and do physical activities that I find enjoyable are my ideas of having a healthy lifestyle.

Posted by: Tiffany | October 29, 2017 at 08:08

3. Do you pay attention to public information about health?
Yes, I do. But nowadays, mass media spread a lot of information. I have to consider before make decision to protect myself and my family.

4. What could you do to have a healthier lifestyle?
I do exercise everyday. I take about 30 minutes to Push up [200 times]. I like eating vegetable and fish rather than meat.

Posted by: Dang Nguyen | November 01, 2017 at 08:17

1] Is it important to eat healthy food? [Why?/Why not?]
- Yes, it is. Because healthy food is important to our body or organs which those can help to lightening our life and mitigate many diseases. The healthy food such as fruit or vegetable consist of nutrition which are vital to have its. Anyway, it is not only vegetable but fish, meat, chicken cannot forget its also because those are the major source of protein which help to fix your body.

2] If you catch a cold, what do you do to help you feel better? [why?]
- Well, I probably have a cold. Normally, I drunk more water than usual, may be 10 to 15 glass per day and did something which made me sweat. Furthermore, I got sleep enough.

3] Do you pay attention to public information about health? [why?/why not?]
- Yes, I do. I always look at health information about magazines, facebook or internet because we cannot neglect those of information which many people or expert have many research relate with health. For example, Sugar is source of cancer cell food. And then people are encouraged to reduce sugar when they cooking.

4] What could you do to have a healthier lifestyles?
- I could you do some exercise and control food in each meals. Normally, I jogging at least 30 minutes in three times a week after finished job. And I try to control food with less fat since annual medical check up last year notice that my blood high content in bad lipid.

Posted by: Pao | November 06, 2017 at 11:02

3. It takes me about 20 minutes to have a look on health magazines every day. I sometimes watch programs about healthy discussions on TV.

4. Every morning, I swim for about 3o minutes. I also cook for my meals. When I have free time, I do some meditation too.

Posted by: Tây Như | November 08, 2017 at 04:41

3. yes. I am very much interested in public information relating to health because it keeps me informed about relevant health issues.

4. having a healthier lifestyle is a choice. For me i choose to engage in 2 to 3 times workout weekly, eat more fruits and vegetables, take plenty of water, avoid eating late and drastically reduce alcoholic intake.

Posted by: Cyril | November 10, 2017 at 16:19

1. Yes, it is. I prefer to eat home-cooked food and a lot of vegetables, rather than fast food with high amount of saturated sugar and fat, because I want to avoid diabetes and heart diseases.

2. I usually avoid talking a pill unless it's a real severe cold. I often drink plenty of water and juices like orange juice or apple juice to improve my antibodies. These drinks contain a lot of vitamins that could greatly help us recover from cold.

3. Yes, I do. I often look for the diet section in the newspaper or television. I would like to keep myself updated with latest news about healthy food and diet because it is good to improve my fitness and health.

4. I think we could lead a healthy life by doing regular exercises and having suitable diet. Exercises keep us fit while diets help us get rid of a wide range of health problems such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases as well as obesity.

Posted by: Nhan | November 11, 2017 at 00:59

4.There are lots of things that we could do, such as eating right, exercising every day, and keeping my mind active.Take me for example, I have been doing these things for a month.And I really feel better than before.

Posted by: Ulica | December 01, 2017 at 11:27

I am a regular follower of health forums and I keep myself updated when it comes to news and information about health. I have to say I am quite conscious about my health and I try to catch up with latest health news

There are quite a wide range of ways we can do to adopt a healthy lifestyle
We can choose to eat healthy and nutrious food in an adequate amount
Moreover we can keep ourselves fit and health by doing exercise regularly

Posted by: Vinc | December 02, 2017 at 17:28

Hi Simon,

I have my own way to reply question 3 and 4, but I am not sure this way is good to get a high score.

3.Yes, I do. I usually visit a healthy articles in It is not only brings me a wide range of nutritious food but also helps me winddown when I am in stress in various ways.

4. Well, I am kind of a workaholic, so I want to build up a good habit as much as possible whenever I have free time. So I daily prepare my own meal for lunch in the office, eat less fat elements in dinner and do exercise in the early morning.

Posted by: Xuân Đức | December 13, 2017 at 07:14

3.Definitely. If there a warning or advice about health issue, I'll do my best to keep it in my mind. Although there are many unreliable websites full of unreal information about health problems, I try to get accurate data from accredit media.

4. My lifestyle is already in a healthy one, because I'm an active person and I don't like to have a sedentary life like a cough potato. Besides, I've never drunk alcoholic beverages. I regularly do exercise and follow a diet to stay in shape. I also prevent my friends from smoking as well.

Posted by: Milad | December 31, 2017 at 17:57

3. Yes, especially public information about young children, because I am a parent now. For example, the new 24-hour sleep and activity guidelines that developed by Australian and Canadian researchers are very helpful to young parents like me.

4. I think mental elements play a crucial role in people's health issue. Therefore, I try my best to relax and don't worry too much about everything. In this case, I can sleep well and eat well, I believe this can help me to be a healthy individual.

Posted by: Jay | January 16, 2018 at 10:08

Thank you, Simon, for these answers!

What would be the approximate score for these answers?

Posted by: a.a | February 15, 2018 at 16:34

3.Yes, i follow some online medi, Tv shows, interne, Facebook, magagine, which is gives relevant information about health.

Posted by: Mohammod Jakir Ahmod | January 24, 2019 at 17:56

3-Yes, I am following many magazines, like New scientist, and I regularly read articles and other important writings about health care. I am also subscribe to some websites, and recently I have been receiving a lot of emails from tips to improving my sleep to how to make a healthier meal.
4-firstly, ı prepare a cup of green tea. obviously green tea does not solve my pain immediately, so if my disease persists, I consult a doctor.

Posted by: Nuri Taş | July 16, 2019 at 19:09

I can't ignore any information or issue related to health.I Always try to upgrade knowledge of healthy lifestyle. Radio, tv , newspaper, social media are modern way to get ideas .

Posted by: Anu | November 19, 2019 at 06:47

yes, I follow most of the time to put a attention to health information. because it helps me to overcome the problems when I face the situation in the future.

I do exercise three times a week as well as fallow the regular diet. So, it keeps my body fit all the time.

Posted by: ap | March 08, 2020 at 23:42

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