Haywire là gì

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  3. haywire

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Cùng tìm hiểu định nghĩa và ý nghĩa và cách dùng của từ: haywire

Phát âm : /'hei,waiə/

+ danh từ

  • [từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ] cái rối rắm, cái mắc míu
  • to go haywire
    • bối rối, mất bình tĩnh

Từ liên quan

  • Từ đồng nghĩa: 
    amiss[p] awry[p] wrong[p] balmy barmy bats batty bonkers buggy cracked crackers daft dotty fruity kooky kookie loco loony loopy

Các kết quả tìm kiếm liên quan cho "haywire"

  • Những từ phát âm/đánh vần giống như "haywire": 
    hair hairy hare haywire hire

Lượt xem: 419

Từ vừa tra

+ haywire : [từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ] cái rối rắm, cái mắc míu


Từ điển WordNet


  • wire for tying up bales of hay


  • informal or slang terms for mentally irregular; balmy, barmy, bats, batty, bonkers, buggy, cracked, crackers, daft, dotty, fruity, kooky, kookie, loco, loony, loopy, nuts, nutty, round the bend, around the bend, wacky, whacky

    it used to drive my husband balmy

  • not functioning properly; amiss[p], awry[p], wrong[p]

    something is amiss

    has gone completely haywire

    something is wrong with the engine

English Idioms Dictionary

[See go haywire]

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "haywire", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ haywire, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ haywire trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. My computer's gone haywire.

2. The television's gone haywire.

3. This telephone has gone haywire.

4. There's artificials going haywire.

5. Haywire walks out without answering.

6. Anxiety is instinct gone haywire.

7. The picture is going haywire.

8. Whole damn thing went haywire.

9. My computer has gone haywire again.

10. He is haywire to say that.

11. When the natural stress response goes haywire.

12. Power grid's been going haywire in this sector.

13. After that, things started to go haywire.

14. SJ: This is when they realize everything's gone haywire.

15. Things just very rarely go haywire now.

16. Everything would go haywire if he saw her.

17. But again, Haywire just quietly stares at him.

18. With khaki behind the counter, the prices went haywire.

19. Many Americans think their legal system has gone haywire.

20. We don't know why the algo suddenly went haywire.

21. Had it been an accidental hit with a haywire missile?

22. 9 With khaki behind the counter, the prices went haywire.

23. An orderly comes in and tells Haywire it's time for group therapy.

24. Haywire: I got a neuroanatomic lesion affecting my reticular activating system.

25. "I have a neuroanatomic lesion affecting my reticular activating system, " Haywire replies.

26. When compression software really goes haywire, you can lose everything on your hard disk.

27. The body's immune response goes haywire and starts attacking the peripheral nerves.

28. Since I dropped it on the floor my watch has gone completely haywire.

29. The simplest home - related activities can go haywire during a Mercury retrograde period.

30. It's possible your body emits radiation that makes any gadget within three feet go haywire.

31. 27 If something goes haywire,[www.Sentencedict.com] it should be fairly easy to isolate the offending software.

32. Mercury also rules transportation, shipping, and communication, and when retrograde, these areas go haywire.

33. If something goes haywire, it should be fairly easy to isolate the offending software.

34. This message causes the killer cells to go haywire and kill uninfected T4 cells.

35. 19 When compression software really goes haywire, you can lose everything on your hard disk.

36. Engineers in the Windows group falsely claimed it made the display go haywire when certain colors were used.

37. When compression software really goes haywire, you can lose everything on your hard disk. Sentencedict.com

38. Haywire pulls the sketchbook out from under the bunk and begins flipping through the pages.

39. 18 This message causes the killer cells to go haywire and kill uninfected T4 cells.

40. He repeated it thousands of times, like a haywire metronome that had lost its beat.

41. Until recently geophysicists thought that at this low point the magnetic field would also go haywire.

42. Things go haywire, people reverse their decisions, flaws show up in documents, and shipments arrive broken.

43. The new mainframe operating system I have personally approved is going haywire; the computer is down half the time.

44. Expect a few things to go haywire - especially things that involve technology - and prepare by having a few contingency plans.

45. That's the amazing thing. After just one day of sitting, the participants' metabolism was starting to go haywire.

46. You will feel things start to go haywire, with many cancellations and postponements, starting as early as April

47. The figure looked familiar, but his thinking was too haywire to allow recognition for a moment or two.

48. When Mercury goes out of phase for three-and-a-half weeks every 12 weeks, these areas weaken and go haywire.

49. With fewer predators and more resistance to disease, humans are now living long enough that cells have more chance to go haywire.

50. And consider buying the same set-up as a friend so you have some one to lean on when things go haywire.

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