How can I put review in a sentence?

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Used with verbs:

"He wrote a review online."
[wrote, read, saw, posted]

"The restaurant received bad reviews."
[received, got, had]

"I gave the movie a good review."

"The school board is conducting a review of the curriculum."
[be + conducting, be + completing, be + performing]

"The teacher is holding a review for the upcoming test."
[be + holding, be + doing]

Used with adjectives:

"She writes restaurant reviews."
[restaurant, movie, film, book, concert]

"Our restaurant got an excellent review."
[excellent, favorable, good, positive, glowing]

"The movie received a bad review."
[bad, scathing, negative, poor, harsh]

"The book received mixed reviews."
[mixed, critical]

"After careful review, we decided to terminate her employment."

"We decided to make changes after a complete review of the policies."
[complete, detailed, full, extensive, thorough, major]

"They did a quick review of their class notes the night before the big test."
[quick, brief, short]

Used with nouns:

"The teacher is holding a review session."
[session, class]

"We are studying the review materials."
[materials, questions]

Used with prepositions:

"This policy is under review."
[under, up for]

"The review by the newspaper was not good."
[by, in]

"The teacher is holding a review for the upcoming test."

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Used with nouns:

"She reviewed the new restaurant."
[restaurant, movie, book, evidence]

"They reviewed his recommendations."
[recommendations, work, proposal, report]

"I'm reviewing for my big test."
[test, exam]

Used with adverbs:

"The book has been favorably reviewed by readers and critics."
[favorably, critically]

"The company has thoroughly reviewed its policies."
[thoroughly, fully, completely, extensively, carefully]

"The speaker briefly reviewed his notes before going on stage."

Used with prepositions:

"The case will be reviewed by a judge."

"The teacher helped her class review for the test."

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English words and Examples of Usage

The government has ordered a review of its aid package to the region, in response to the human rights abusesMake sure you review your vocabulary for the test tomorrow.

The government has ordered a review of its aid package to the region, in response to the human rights abuses.

He wrote a short review of the play for the local paper.

Their latest CD has received excellent reviews in all the music magazines.

After a six-month review of the program, analysts have come up with a number of recommendations for improving the system.

The American President is again in the Pacific Rim to review the impact of Asian imports on the U.S. economy.

You and I should sit down together sometime to review your progress in the course so far this session.

The software program has received favorable reviews in a number of different journals.

She has written a couple of articles for the Northern Poetry Review.

She never reads the reviews after she has done a film because she doesn't value the opinions of most of the critics.

Reviewers in a number of newspapers have included the film amongst the worst of the year.

The students were asked to review a book or film they had recently read or seen.

The reviews of the movie have been pretty negative, so I don't think I want to pay $10 to see it.

We have reviewed your application for a loan, and regret to inform you that we cannot lend you the amount you have requested.

You will need to review chapters 1 to 4 for next week's exam.

William Given once advised, When possible make the decisions now, even if action is in the future. A reviewed decision usually is better than one reached at the last moment.

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use English words in a sentence

How can I use review?

Used with verbs: "He wrote a review online." "The restaurant received bad reviews." "I gave the movie a good review." "The school board is conducting a review of the curriculum."

Which is correct review of or review on?

A complete search of the internet has found these results: your review of is the most popular phrase on the web. More popular!

What is a good sentence for feedback?

"He gave me a lot of helpful feedback." "So far we've received nothing but positive feedback." "She always provides honest feedback." "He received some really critical feedback on his proposal."

Has been reviewed meaning?

to think or talk about something again, in order to make changes to it or to make a decision about it: The committee is reviewing the current arrangement/situation. Let's review what has happened so far.

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