How can you help cognitive development?

Did you know that 'How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills' is one of the most searched terms by teachers and educators? School can be the right place to keep our children's minds ready for learning and in full function. However, school is just one of the many things they need to associate with in order to keep their brains fully functioning. Their cognitive skills also need to be trained and sharpened most of the time. 

Life at school can take its toll on the student. Most students have trouble staying academically competent while one’s learning curve becomes limited over time. So, how do we improve their cognitive skills to stay competitive? Here are ways to help improve our students' cognitive skills:


  • How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills Tip #1: Engage them in physical activities.
  • How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills Tip #2: Push their creative juices.
  • How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills Tip #3: Keep them curious.
  • How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills Tip #4: Take their social connections to the next level.
  • How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills Tip #5: Introduce them new skills and experience.
  • How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills Tip #6: Make time for mindful meditation.
  • How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills Tip #7: Use Brain Training Games as part of classes.
  • How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills Tip #8: Remind your students to get enough sleep.

How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills Tip #1: Engage them in physical activities.

Quite beneficial for the mind’s health and cognition as certain hormones are increased during exercise. This improves memory retention as researchers gathered findings that exercise has positive effects on memory function. A study from Finland had found that children with poor motor skills also had poorer reading and arithmetic test scores. Those who engage with more physical activities, the more students had a higher cognitive function, scoring better in reading and arithmetic.

How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills Tip #2: Push their creative juices.

Children who participate in arts and crafts, grow up to become adults who are likely to start a business as an adult. Most adults who own businesses or patents had more exposure to the arts as children than the rest. Letting your students practice a musical instrument will increase brain volume and strengthens areas of communication in their brains.

How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills Tip #3: Keep them curious.

It’s been found that children who participate in reading books, writing and engaging in brain-stimulating activities at any age may preserve memory. Furthermore, those who are engaged in reading fictional books enhances brain function and connectivity. Allowing to put oneself in the shoes of another and visualize the way the person does.

How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills Tip #4: Take their social connections to the next level.

It’s been identified that the person experiences health consequences when one immerses in the feeling of loneliness. This could trigger a cognitive decline. With feelings of isolation from peers or students can disrupt sleep, elevate blood pressure, increase morning rises in the stress hormone cortisol, alter gene expression in immune cells, increase depression. Make sure there are activities that engage students to communicate and improve their people skills.

How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills Tip #5: Introduce them new skills and experience.

Learning new and demanding skills while maintaining a social network are the elements of staying sharp and witty as students grow. Older people have long been encouraged to stay active and to flex their memory and learning through studies indicate that not all mind-engaging activities improve cognitive function. It’s important to let your students do something that is unfamiliar and mentally challenging. Openness to new experiences can change your students' personality trait.

How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills Tip #6: Make time for mindful meditation.

The brain changes through meditation by reducing the stress which slows the progress of age-related cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease [it's never too early]. There’s a high correlation between perceived stress and Alzheimer’s disease. When students induce a state of relaxation, which can be achieved through mindfulness, another kind of meditation, or other activities, they can reap the benefits, including:

  • Higher brain functioning
  • Increased immune function
  • Lowered blood pressure
  • Lowered heart rate
  • Better awareness
  • Increased attention and focus
  • Amplified clarity in thinking and perception
  • Lowered anxiety levels
  • Experience of being calm and internally still
  • Experience of feeling connected

How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills Tip #7: Use Brain Training Games as part of classes.

Researchers have gathered that "stimulant-rich" environments and problem-solving puzzles can be an effective contributing factor in preventing or delaying the onset of degenerative diseases in some people. 

How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills Tip #8: Remind your students to get enough sleep.

It’s been known for decades that the brain requires sleep to manage and consolidate memory and learning. Even sleeping helps them master a new task. The brain benefits from sleep because by then, energy would be more available. Distractions and new inputs are fewer, and there is more time for a productive study session and get good grades.

Now that we know what it takes on why and how to improve your students' cognitive skills, let's answer the actual question, 'How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills'. We allow them to do the following:

  • How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills Step #1: Implement Exercise Programs for their bodies.
  • How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills Step #2: Teach them ways on how to get a good night's sleep.
  • How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills Step #3: Emphasize the importance of proper nutrition.
  • How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills Step #4: Always create safe and loving home and class environment.
  • How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills Step #5: Keep home and school activities fun and exciting.

1. How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills? Implement Exercise Programs for their bodies.

Exercise is important for a child’s brain development. It’s only through exercise and physical activity, that oxygen is able to circulate in the brain to contribute to the growth and cognitive skill improvement. Spending some time outdoors enables fresh air consumption and also provides a more competitive environment for physical growth.

2. How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills? Teach them ways on how to get a good night’s sleep.

A child, on average, needs eight to ten hours of quality sleep to completely energize. Sleep helps the brain to process all the information gathered each day, and as well as recharging. It would help children achieve a sense of well-being to their teachers and parents. Especially, when parents cooperate to the topic on the positive events of the day and demonstrate affection right before bedtime.

3. How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills? Emphasize the importance of proper nutrition.

Healthy food helps the brain stay healthy. It would be best for parents to provide their children with a nutritious diet that is of variety, alternately. Incorporating fresh produce, meat, and dairy products. Foods rich in protein are essential for the growing brain. In addition, Omega-3 fats help in concentration, knowledge acquisition, and logical thinking. Incorporating all these into your child’s eating habits will certainly help in improving their cognitive skills.

4. How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills? Always create safe and loving home or class environment.

When parents are able to provide a loving environment for their children, then they are able to impact their cognitive growth. An open and receptive environment with both physical and verbal expressions of love will create an ideal environment for the development of your child’s emotional skills to build stable relationships.

How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills through the environment? This move helps boost self-confidence and gives them a chance to focus on other areas of development not having to waste time searching for approval and love. They are likely to be more successful in using body language as a means of communicating love through hugs, kisses, giving compliments and etc.

5. How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills? Keep home and school activities fun and exciting.

Almost all activities can help in the development of cognitive skills since kids learn most about the world around them through play. Parents can expose their children to different toys and teach children a variety of games to cater to specific areas of development. This can include a lot of skills. From the ability to wield concentration, creativity, language, logical and abstract thinking, to motor skills such as hand-eye coordination, spacial intelligence. What helps the enhancement of short and long-term memory are memory games.

Interestingly, the games are able to improve all three learning methods [visual, auditory, and kinesthetic]. Word and number games, such as Sudoku games and crossword puzzles, help in improving your child’s logical thinking, pattern recognition, and refine language skills.

How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills through computer games? Through child-friendly computer games, technological advancements of today have provided several means of children improving their cognitive skills. And, since most of them are time-based, this helps them to develop quick thinking, improved decision making, and reaction speed. In the end, it is essential for parents to help their child’s cognitive development by challenging them for the world ahead.

The NeeuroEDU Programming Kit and NeeuroFIT for Children

NeeuroEDU provides a great platform for students to grow their interests in STEM [Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics], by creating a fun environment to learn, create and innovate. This helps children to stimulate their mind, enhance cognitive skills and impact their overall growth.

How to Improve Your Students' Cognitive Skills through brain training? Children will be equipped with the skills to take on knowledge to improve cognitive skill, make sense of information and be able to use that to solve problems through STEM.

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