How do I install Remote Desktop Connection Manager

Remote Desktop Connection Manager v2.90

  • Article
  • 01/27/2022
  • 18 minutes to read
  • 3 contributors

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In this article

By Julian Burger

Published: January 27, 2022

Download Remote Desktop Connection Manager [519 KB]
Run now from Sysinternals Live.

Installation of RDCMan

Installation of RDCMan

There are days when I look down at my taskbar and see way too many open connections to servers and I can’t remember what’s what. In our small IT shop, my staff and I wear many hats, and we all have varying needs to jump on different servers to accomplish a necessary task. It can be a challenge to keep track of our 15 physical servers and our 40 – 45 virtual servers, particularly when it comes to connecting to multiple servers that house related servers. For example, is it the server named SQL04 or is it the server named SQL08 that houses the SharePoint database? As you move into larger environments, it gets even worse as the number of servers grows exponentially.

Microsoft’s Remote Desktop Connection Manager [RDCMan] makes our administrative task of keeping track of remote desktop connections much easier. RDCMan aggregates Windows server remote desktop connections so administrators can connect to server with a point and a click rather than hunting around for a connection. Here are configuration tips for getting the most out of RDCMan.

Note: My default is Windows 7, but if you intend to use RDCMan with Windows XP, you may need to install version 6 or higher of the Remote Desktop Connection client software. I also included a link to RDCMan 7 for Windows Vista below.

This TechRepublic gallery is also available as a Servers and Storage blog post.

Installation is a breeze; you just double-click it and then click Next a couple of times.


Another kickstarting blog post, getting into the swing of things again after a somewhat lacking period.

Now, RDCman has been revived and arrived last week in a new version 2.8.

For fun and giggles, I did a short PowerShell script which uninstalls the old version [2.7, registered with windows installer] and downloads the new version 2.8 directly from

This is a little something on the script itself and how to put that to use with ConfigMgr.

How to Install Remote Desktop Connection Manager [RDCMan] Silently

Remote Desktop Connection Manager [RDCMan] Silent Install

  1. Navigate to: //
  2. Download & Copy the to a folder created at [C:\Downloads]
  3. Open Notepad or your favorite text editor
  4. Add the following lines:
Expand-Archive -Path '.\' -DestinationPath 'C:\Program Files\Sysinternals' -Force $TargetFile = "$env:ProgramFiles\Sysinternals\RDCMan.exe" $ShortcutFile = "$env:ALLUSERSPROFILE\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Remote Desktop Connection Manager.lnk" $WScriptShell = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell $Shortcut = $WScriptShell.CreateShortcut[$ShortcutFile] $Shortcut.TargetPath = $TargetFile $Shortcut.Save[]
  • Save the file to “C:\Downloads” and name it: Install-RDCMan.ps1
  • Open an Elevated Command Prompt by Right-Clicking on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator
  • Navigate to the C:\Downloads folder
  • Enter the following command:
    • Powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File ".\Install-RDCMan.ps1"
  • Press Enter

After a few moments you will find Remote Desktop Connection Manager [RDCMan] entries in the Start Menu and Installation Directory.

Software Title:Remote Desktop Connection Manager
Vendor:Microsoft Corporation
Installer Type:ZIP
Silent Install Switch:Powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File ".\Install-RDCMan.ps1"
Silent Uninstall Switch:Powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File ".\Uninstall-RDCMan.ps1"
Download Link://
PowerShell Script://

Remote Desktop Connection Manager 2.7 Silent Install [MSI]

  1. Navigateto: Remote Desktop Connection Manager 2.7
  2. Downloadthe rdcman.msi to a folder created at[C:\Downloads]
  3. Open anElevated Command Promptby Right-Clicking on Command Prompt and selectRun as Administrator
  4. Navigateto theC:\Downloadsfolder
  5. Enter the following command: MsiExec.exe /i rdcman.msi ALLUSERS=1 /qn
  6. PressEnter

After a few moments you should see the Remote Desktop Connection Manager Desktop Shortcut appear. You will also find entries in the Start Menu, Installation Directory, and Programs and Features in the Control Panel.

Software Title:Remote Desktop Connection Manager
Vendor:Microsoft Corporation
Installer Type:MSI
Silent Install Switch:MsiExec.exe /i rdcman.msi ALLUSERS=1 /qn
Silent Uninstall Switch:MsiExec.exe /x {0240359E-6A4C-4884-9E94-B397A02D893C} /qn
Repair Command:MsiExec.exe /fa {0240359E-6A4C-4884-9E94-B397A02D893C} /qn
Download Link:Remote Desktop Connection Manager 2.7
PowerShell Script://

The information above provides a quick overview of the software title, vendor, silent install, and silent uninstall switches. The download links provided take you directly to the vendors website. Continue reading if you are interested in additional details and configurations.

Remote Desktop Connection Manager [RDCMan]

RDCMan is a tool for managing multiple remote desktops. This technology allows for a client's computer to be accessed by the host computer from a different location.

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