How do new nurses develop leadership skills?

Leaders are found everywhere, from government leaders to corporate leaders to leaders in local communities. You name the setting; we look toward leaders at the helm.

The nursing profession is no exception. Leaders in nursing are influencing healthcare organizations at all levels, and in every setting and discipline. “While nursing leadership is considered a relatively new role in the healthcare setting, the impact and influence of leadership [in the nursing profession] throughout history has been well-documented," said Mandy T. Bell, DNP, MSN, RN, clinical faculty of graduate nursing programs at Southern New Hampshire University [SNHU]. After all, the concept of leadership is “not confined to individuals who possess traditional positions of authority or scope of responsibility. Rather, anyone within an organization can be a leader,” she said.

So, what makes a nurse a leader and why is that important? Read on to learn more.

What is a Nurse Leader?

Nursing lends itself to attracting and developing strong natural leaders. There is no universally accepted definition, framework, or theory of nurse leadership. “However, most authorities in the profession agree on common leadership traits and skill sets that make a nurse leader,” Bell said.

As Bell defines it, nursing leadership is:

The ability to inspire, influence and motivate nursing staff and other health care workers to work together to achieve their highest potential and collective organizational goals.

Why is Leadership Important in Nursing?

According to Bell, “the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted more than ever how important strong leadership is for the nursing profession. The pandemic forced the nursing profession to respond to a rapidly changing and increasingly complex healthcare environment.”

All of this change does have a silver lining. “The pandemic served as a catalyst for change and innovation as nurse leaders from all levels of nursing responded to the new challenges presented by COVID-19,” said Bell.

In order to accommodate the increased demands of managing patient care during the pandemic, “nurse leaders [across all levels of the profession] created new models of care and new workflows using technology such as videoconferencing and telemedicine to communicate with patients and with other healthcare workers. They also identified ways to prevent shortages from the overuse of scarce resources such as personal protective equipment [PPE]. ” Bell said. 

Now that the pandemic appears to be turning a corner, the innovations created by nurse leaders across the healthcare setting will endure, helping to advance the profession as we move into the future.

What is the Role of a Nurse Leader?

A primary role of the nurse leader is to serve as a role model to healthcare and team members. Being able to effectively communicate the goals and expectations of each team member is key. “Essentially, everyone needs to know their role and their role and the roles of the other team members to be able to work together in attaining common organizational goals,” Bell said.

Leadership in nursing begins at the bedside. Then, “by developing and honing their fundamental leadership skills, bedside nurses can positively impact patient outcomes,” said Bell. Clinical and bedside nurses use leadership skills to coordinate, direct, and support patient care and other healthcare team members. They also possess effective communication skills and serve as a patient advocate.

What Are Qualities of a Good Leader in Nursing?

To be effective in influencing and engaging others toward operationalizing goals, the emotionally intelligent nurse leaders must be well-versed in both hard and soft skills. “The hard skills for nurse leaders include advanced clinical knowledge and technical skills that the nurse leader needs to perform their job. Soft skills are the social skills that need to be consciously developed over time and help the nurse leader effectively communicate with peers and subordinates alike,” Bell said. “In other words, the soft skills are critical for the nurse leader to get along with others in the workplace.”

Soft skills include:

  • Excellent interpersonal skills: by using effective written and verbal communication skills, active listening, clarity, confidence, and empathy
  • Dedication to excellence: by applying current and evidence-based practice, demonstrating consistency and passion for the profession, and engaging in lifelong learning
  • Create a culture that drives high reliability: over time and across the organization’s performance that positively impacts patient safety and quality outcomes
  • Creativity and innovation: by thinking mindfully and being open to new experiences and technologies to improve the status quo
  • Sense of teamwork and collaboration: clearly defined roles and expectations, working toward common goals, and being accountable. As well as coaching and mentoring a culturally diversified workforce

Additionally, a successful nurse leader must be knowledgeable about:

  • The healthcare system, advocacy, and policy
  • Conflict management and negotiation
  • Finance, business, and human resource management
  • Strategic management
  • Professional development
  • Self-care, such as practicing mindfulness and developing resiliency

These combined skills promote increased productivity, higher staff satisfaction, and lower staff turnover. This leads to high quality of care plus excellent safety and desirable patient outcomes.

How Does One Become a Nurse Leader?

While leadership comes naturally for many people, nurses, by definition of their challenging and multi-faceted jobs, develop even more leadership skills while on the job. All nurses within the healthcare organization can assume a leadership role. They do not need to be in a defined nurse leadership role or role of authority to exhibit leadership skills and traits, Leadership in nursing can be accomplished “through experience, pursuing certification and an advanced degree,” said Bell.

Some universities offer MSN Nurse Leadership programs that can help you earn the credentials and preparation you need to advance to the next level of leadership.

Above all, a nurse leader must “be agile and flexible in adapting to a rapidly changing environment,” Bell said. Nurse leaders must be prepared to respond swiftly to:

  • Changes in regulatory and legislative requirements
  • New treatment modalities
  • New and ever-changing technologies, including computer use, artificial intelligence [AI], telemedicine, and electronic patient care documentation
  • Evidence-based practices, which includes staying current on the latest best practices, conducting research, and sharing research findings

Keep in mind that the necessary skills to be a nurse leader will change as the profession changes. With each new demand on the world of health care, the need for nurses to be agile grows.

Why is Nurse Leadership Development Important?

Nurses are the cornerstone for any healthcare organization. Effective nurse leadership “is critical for strengthening integration of safe, effective and high-quality care,” Bell said. “This, in turn, creates a positive work environment and promotes positive patient outcomes and experiences,” for patients and staff alike.

The ability to transform business practices as well as patient care is profound. Strong leaders manage staff effectively. Confident and capable staff members who trust in their leadership result in “increased staff productivity, morale and job satisfaction,” Bell said. That’s good for everyone.

What’s the Bottom Line?

It’s no secret that nursing is a challenging profession. On a good day, nurses can work up to 12 hours in a shift, on their feet, managing multiple patients with competing needs and demands. Nurses work nights, weekends, and holidays. They must have laser-sharp attention to detail, be business-minded and show an exceptional amount of compassion and empathy to those around them.

To be effective, “a key responsibility for a nurse leader is to engage in self-awareness,” said Bell. Nurses who continuously develop their own advanced skill set are investing in themselves and their career. “It is important for the nurse leader to continuously reflect on their leadership strengths and identify opportunities for continued professional growth.” This will help nurse leaders continue to proactively drive positive change in healthcare.

As we move into the future, advances in technology, treatment regimens and the rapidly changing healthcare landscape, and global demographics, there will be even more demands for nurses at all levels to assume a leadership role. Nurses and other healthcare professionals will also continue to look within the nursing profession for leadership. According to Bell: “It will be more important than ever for nurses to assume leadership roles to proactively respond and adapt to each new challenge and continue to advance the profession.”

Marie Morganelli, PhD, is a freelance content writer and editor.

Why is it important for new nurses to have leadership skills?

Effective nurse leadership “is critical for strengthening integration of safe, effective and high-quality care,” Bell said. “This, in turn, creates a positive work environment and promotes positive patient outcomes and experiences,” for patients and staff alike.

How can I improve my leadership skills in healthcare?

5 Important Healthcare Leadership Skills For Career Growth.
Find Non-Work Related Leadership Opportunitie. ... .
Seek Out Learning Opportunities. ... .
Keep a Leadership Notebook. ... .
Practice Your Communication Skills Regularly. ... .
Take a Leadership Personality Test..

What is your plan for achieving leadership in nursing?

Some of these qualities include: being a good listener, resolving conflicts, being a motivator, and being decisive. Nurses who aspire to become leaders should aim to develop these qualities because they will help them become better leaders and positively impact excellent patient care plans.

Which attribute would greatly enable a nurse to become a successful leader?

Nurse leaders need a well-developed self-awareness to succeed in this role. Being self-aware can help these leaders focus on personal and professional growth, making them more effective leaders. Through self-awareness, nurse leaders can recognize their strengths and weaknesses and devise plans for improvement.

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