Is stop code memory management Bad?

If you are a Windows 10 user, you may surely come across the blue screen of MEMORY MANAGEMENT death error. If so, then you are not alone as this frustrating Windows 10 Memory Management error is very common. This blue screen of death error Memory management in Windows 10 is associated with a serious memory management issue that definitely needs to be addressed.

Probably, every user of the Windows operating system has repeatedly encountered the collapse of the system on a blue screen with mysterious symbols, the purpose of which cannot be understood.In fact, these most cryptic inscriptions contain detailed information about the processes that caused the system to crash.

Usually, the problems with the Blue Screen of Death are due to an equipment conflict.It may even touch "flash drive".

So be careful.If you suspect your computer is in a hardware conflict and you don't have the proper compatibility knowledge, it is better to refer the device to expert computer support.

Memory Management Error Windows 10

Computer memory is not a new concept for users; it refers to any physical devices that are used to store information by making use of the integrated circuits. The information can be stored temporarily like RAM [random access memory] or permanently, like ROM [read-only memory].

You must be worried, disappointed, or angry when encountering a BSOD error while running Windows 10 or other Windows systems, right? Please just relax since its not fatal.

Youre not alone; plenty of Windows users are bothering by the same problem.

Whenever theres a severe problem detected, the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error will appear on your computer screen, causing blue screen of death. How to fix the memory error? You can use WindowsMemory DiagnosticTool, CMD,.

Causes & Situations of Memory Management Error Windows 10

As a matter of fact, when the memory management went wrong, BSODs will appear in your system at regular intervals. Considering this, I will introduce the causes of memory management error and then demonstrate several practical ways to fix the error in the following content.

9 main causes of Memory Management blue screen of death in Windows 10:

  • Windows update: after you upgraded your Windows from an older version, this error may appear.
  • Disk errors: errors have been found on the disk mounted to that computer.
  • Graphics card drivers issue: the drivers of devices [like video driver] aremissing, outdated, damage, orbroken.
  • Virus infection: the computer virus invades your system and then damages it.
  • Faulty memory: the memory is incorrect.
  • Faulty RAM: the RAM [Random-access memory] goes wrong..
  • Hardware issues: hardware problems were detected on one or more of the hardware [such as graphics card].
  • Software issue: problems are found in one or more of the software [corrupt filesandmissing operating systemare included].
  • Software or hardware conflict: a software/hardware is in conflict with other software/hardware.

3 Popular Situations of the Memory Management Error in Windows

The MEMORY_MANAGEMENT can show up on any versions of Windows. It tends to occur especially when you plan to run highly demanding processes like VR games and 4K livestreams.

I summarized the most popular three situations in which the error occurs.

Situation 1: MEMORY_MANAGEMENT crashes.

The stopcode memory management Windows 10 will definitely prevent you from entering the system as usual. Youll see the memory management error blue screen most of the time.

Under such circumstances, you have no choice but to reboot the device to have a try. However, the problem may not be fixed by rebooting.

Whats worse,PC crashesand even crash loops may be resulted from this.

Situation 2: Windows 10 memory management loop.

Once the Windows 10 BSOD stop code memory management shows up on your computer, it may cause an error loop. Even though the system doesnt crash sometimes, the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error will still be there every time users shut down and restart their computers.

Situation 3: MEMORY_MANAGEMENT on Asus, Acer, HP, Lenovo, Surface Pro and Surface Pro 3.

If Windows stop code memory management error appears in this case, all the devices will be influenced. As for the Surface line of Microsoft, this issue is especially popular on Surface Pro and Surface Pro 3 devices.

How to Fix Memory Management Error

  • If the error doesnt appear anymore after the restart, please forget about it.
  • If the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error message still shows up when youre running your PC, you should follow the advanced troubleshooting solutions given below.

Recover Data from PC

Data security should come first no matter what happens. To ensure the data security when you see the Windows stop code MEMORY_MANAGEMENT, you may as well follow the steps below.

Step 1: restart your PC when running into the memory management error. Then, getMiniTool ShadowMakerand launch it after installation.

Step 2: run this software to back up files [at least important files] on your computer.

Step 3: get MiniTool Power Data Recovery if any files get lost from your PC.

Step 4: run the data recovery software.

  • If you'd like to recover missing files from an existing partition, please keepThis PCselected on the left side panel of its main interface.
  • If the files you need are contained in a partition that has been lost already, please selectHardDisk Drive.

Step 5: double click on the target partition/hard disk to start a full scan on it. Then, wait for the scan to progress.

Step 6: more and more files will be found and displayed in the scan result as the scan goes on. Please browse them and pick out the ones you really need.

Step 7:

  1. Click on theSavebutton at the bottom right.
  2. Select another drive [a removable drive would be better] as the destination to store recovered files.
  3. Click on theOKbutton to confirm.
  4. Wait for the recovery to complete.

When the recovery is done, you should hurry to repair the Windows memory management error by using the ways mentioned in the next section.

Method one: run SFC Scanner.

The SFC Scanner is a tool built in Windows to cope with system related problems. Many users said that the SFC/SCANNOW command has helped them get out of the BSOD trouble.

  1. Click on theCortana iconon the taskbar and inputcmd.
  2. Right click onCommand Promptunder best match.
  3. ChooseRun as administratorfrom the context menu.
  4. SelectYesin the pop-up User Account Control window.
  5. Typesfc/scannowand hitEnter.
  6. Wait for the scan process to finish [this may take a while] and see if any errors are fixed.

Method 2: check disk for errors.

The Error checking is another useful tool of Windows used to verifyfile systems, certain settings, and fix issues.

  1. Repeat step 1 ~ step 4 mentioned in method 1.
  2. /f[you can replace C with anotherdrive letter] and hitEnter.
  3. Wait for the process to complete itself. [However, if the target drive cant be locked, youll receive an error message suggesting you schedule the disk scan the next time the system restarts.]

Please be advised that the parameter/fonly checks for logical issues; to check physical errors, please use/r.

Difference between SFC scanner and error checking: the former checks for Windows system files, while the latter scans the entire drive for errors.

Method 3: use the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool.

A corrupted/damaged RAM memory is a common cause for the memory management error in Windows 10. You can replace it with a new one to solve the problem easily.

But before that, you need to run the Windows 10 Memory Diagnostic Tool to make sure its really broken.

  1. Hold down theStart and Rbuttons at the same time to open the Run dialog box.
  2. Typemdsched.exeand clickOK.
  3. Choose betweenRestart now and check for problems [recommended]andCheck for problems the next time I start my computer. The former will check your memory straight away, while the latter allows you to keep working and do the memory check later.
  4. When the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool actually runs, Windows will start to check for memory problems. You should wait for it to end.

If no problem is found, its possible that your memory on the computer is fine, so you should try other methods to fix the management error.

Method 4: run a full system scan to detect the virus.

  1. Click on theStartbutton in the lower left corner of the screen.
  2. Scroll down to selectWindows Defender Security Center.
  3. SelectVirus and threat protection.
  4. Click theAdvanced scanoption.
  5. Check thefull scanand wait.

You have a lot of choices to finish the scan: Windows built-in antivirus, Windows Defender, or third-party antivirus programs.

Method 5: update your drivers.

An outdated or broken graphics card driver could also lead to the memory management error in Windows. Additionally, the new drivers come with the new hardware may also cause a problem.

Therefore, updating drivers becomes a quick and easy fix.

  1. Right click on theStartbutton in the lower left corner of the computer screen.
  2. ChooseDevice Managerfrom the right-click menu.
  3. Browse the list to check if there is an error symbol. If the symbol appears, please update the corresponding driver by right-clicking on it and choosingUpdate driver; if there is nothing wrong, the driver may not be the reason causing the error. You can still try to update the driver.

Method 6: clear temporary files and folders.

If there are too many temporary files and folders, it will cause serious problems: causing apps to respond slowly, affecting processing speed, and triggering error codes. The quickest and easiest way to clean them is to use Disk Cleanup.

  1. Click on theCortana iconon the taskbar and typedisk cleanup.
  2. SelectDisk Cleanupfrom the result.
  3. Choose the target drive from the drop-down list in Disk Clean: Drive Selection window.
  4. Click on theOKbutton to confirm.
  5. Wait for the calculating process.
  6. Select the files you want to delete.
  7. Click on theClean up system filesbutton.

Dont worry if you havedeleted files by mistake through Disk Cleanupsince MiniTool Power Data Recovery can help you recover them.


Memory management BSODs seem to be difficult to take care of, especially for inexperienced computer users. According to the study, many reasons could cause the stop code memory management error in different situations.

But you dont need to get panic too much since several ways to tackle the problem have been demonstrated above.

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MiniTool Solution
Category: Data Recovery ServicesProfile: MiniTool Solution Ltd. is a software development company based in Canada. As a dedicated software development company, MiniTool Solution Ltd. provides customers with complete business software solutions in the data recovery and partition management industry.

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