kloes là gì - Nghĩa của từ kloes

kloes có nghĩa là

a loyal girl who stays loyal to her boyfriend and her friends , she is insecure of her whole body , shes to way to nice to every one around her , shes a lonley girl that has a lot of repsect , shes also down and sad when shes alone , she gives so she wont lose , some people just take her for granted .....


"friend " : can u buy me this ?
kloe : sure *friend doesn't even say thanks *

kloes có nghĩa là

Kloe is a sweet, loving person who stays loyal to her boyfriend. If she spills her heart to you, that means she trusts you and you better not mess that up. She may not ever feel beautiful but she’s the most beautiful person ever. She is the type of girl you would want to be with forever. She’s amazingly talented and loves animals. One little smile would make her day. You’ll never find another girl like Kloe.


Kloe is the sweetest person you’re ever gonna meet.

kloes có nghĩa là

A badass bitch who is a boss at call of duty and GTA 5. She acts like a 100% pure American and is hot as fuck. She is the most aggressive woman i know so dont mess with her or her friends. If you get on her bad side, you will probably go through hell trying to get out. She is never afraid and tries to help other people fight fear. She is an American badass.


person 1: Hey who is she?
Person 2: Thats Kloe and most important thing to know is to never get on her bad side or she will bite.
person 1: Ok...Ill remember that...

kloes có nghĩa là

Kloe is the superior way of spelling Chloe


Doctor: what do you want her name to be
Woman: kloe
Doctor: like this 'chloe'?
Woman: no, the good way, with the k
Doctor:'oh like this 'kloe'?
Woman: yes like that thanks

kloes có nghĩa là

A young woman that is very out going. But she gets insucre about her body a hole lot. She is very sporty. Most of her friends tend to be boys. She likes to hang out with them because they dont start lots of drama. She lives to be included and loves her family even when she thinks they don't love her back.


I think that is a kloe.
Her namehas to be kloe

kloes có nghĩa là

Kloe is a beautiful girls name. Very common yet usual name bacause of the spelling, 95%of the time it would be spelt with a ‘C’ or ‘Ch’ however with a ‘K’ it’s the ‘cool way’ of spelling it. A Kloe is usually badass/leader but at the same time the sweetest most down to earth girl you will meet. She is very kind until you hurt her family or friends then you will be on her bad side in other words: hell where you do not want to be, you never get out of there as a winner. She is extremely loyal to her friends and boyfriend, she is all about giving and helping people. She [Kloe] is very sexy, yet often not confident about her body....she doesn’t show it tho, she acts like a boss. Naturally catches boys attentions, lot of the times even boys she would rather not but she handles it like a queen with grace. Kloe is athletic and girly at the same time.


Friend 1: Have you seen the new girl?
Friend 2: Who? Kloe?
Friend 1: Yes, she seems so cute.
Friend 2: I know, we should hang out with her, she got that positive vibe.

kloes có nghĩa là

A badass bitch with a sexy body. Hard as hell to get in bed with though.


Kloe is such a great girlfriend, i wish we had sex more often though...

kloes có nghĩa là

Kloe’s are the best of the best She’s funny, very smart, supportive, faithful, and usually stubborn as a mule Kloe’s usually have long dark brown hair Vibrant blue or green eyes and a lighter complexion Can usually be found making something, riding horses, or out with friends Kloe’s make GREAT girlfriend But hard to get close too, if you can get a Kloe treat her right ! You do not want to loose her Usually likes cheesy flirting and walking holding hands , but might not like presents because she doesn’t like people to spend money on her
Usually pretty self conscious not thinking She’s pretty, or attractive, you need to let her know because she’s one of the most gorgeous girls out there If you can get this girl in your arms LOOK OUT you could kiss her hot lips for hours and hold her perfect body for ever They know how to make a guy happy if you get close enough If that means a quick I love you text at night Or a make out session in the dark Sometimes can get to the point they’ll break up with there man if she thinks he likes someone else or if she thinks she can’t make him happy Let her know you love her she’ll be a blessing in your life Kloe is Also loving, faithful, tough as nails when going through hard ship, but always has something nice to say to make you laugh


Guy one “Hey look at that cute new girl
Guy two “Ya I think I’m in love, must be a Kloe “

kloes có nghĩa là

A rare variety of the female species. Naturally massive and sometimes aggressive. It is important to respect them as they are dangerous. Kloes are considered beautiful by everyone.


Bertie: "OMG look at those kloes! They are so colossal."
Joe: "Yeah they are peng lad as well."

kloes có nghĩa là

The most purist type of cute. She is probally loud and really crazy but is really fun person to be around. she is taken for granted by most and is one of those girls thats just there and always there for you. Show them love. They probaly are kind of basic but mentally a egirl. Proboly is a gamer but no one knows. she is cute and will always be there for you.


hey, I met this girl named kloe she is soo my type.
really she seems like a crazy phyco
but once you get to know her she is really sweet and wifey material

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