Lỗi windows could not start because required game data năm 2024

Be aware that the error number you get is important in it’s whole length. If you have different code, your issue is different from this one

List with other codes can be found here: Startup Errors

More information about loading errors can be found here: Game won't start


Unable to start: Cannot start because game data is missing or damaged. If you have Mods installed please remove them and try again. If not, please repair or reinstall the game via Origin.

Your shouldn't have lost your family or any of your progress. The save files are not with the installation files so they're not removed when the uninstall process is run.

Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\saves

If you're unaware how to get there press WinKey+E at the same time, paste the address above or in the box below in the address bar and hit your enter key to get there. Your saves should be there.

%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\saves

....unless you manually deleted them. If you manually deleted everything and you didn't empty the recycle bin you can restore them from the recycle bin. Same. WinKey+E and paste this: C:\$Recycle.Bin

If the folder says it's empty click "View" up top and then check "Hidden Items" to show hidden files and folders. Recycle Bin is there if it's not on your desktop [the desktop icon button launches it from that location].

If you received an error message from Sea of Thieves that states “There is a missing or corrupt data file that is required for the game to run.” then this page may be able to help you resolve this.

There are a wide variety of reasons why the game install might get corrupted, or that the data loaded by the game might be corrupted.

Removing the corrupted file

Please try removing the corrupted file, if the file name in the error is always the same when you try to launch:

  1. Boot the game and take note of corrupt file from your screenshot [For example: Core_9ef849ee]
  2. Right click Sea of Thieves from your Games list in Steam.
  3. From the context menu select 'Properties'.
  4. From the 'Local Files' tab click 'Browse Local Files'.
  5. Once viewing the game files for Sea of Thieves navigate to Athena > Content > Paks.
  6. Using the search bar in the top right hand corner, search for the file which is corrupted [Core_9ef849ee] and then delete that file.
  7. Return to your properties window for Sea of Thieves, then again from the Local Files section select 'Verify Integrity of Local Game Files...'
  8. Once complete, restart and test the game.

Anti-Virus Issues You could try whitelisting the game with your anti-virus product. There are known compatibility issues with some antivirus products that we are working with the anti-virus vendors to resolve. If you experience an issue with a specific product, please let us know.

Article: Trend Micro internet security conflict

To whitelist Sea of Thieves, navigate to the game’s installation folder from within the whitelist page of your antivirus product. To get the installation folder, press Win+R on your keyboard and type Powershell and press Enter. Then enter this command:

Get-AppxPackage *SeaOfThieves*

Or if you are having issues with the Pioneer version of the game:

Get-AppxPackage *Wasserburg*

It should print out several lines. You can copy the Installation Location value from the start of C:\ to the end of the line by highlighting it with your mouse and then right-clicking in the window to copy it. You can then paste this into the Open Dialog by pressing in the text field at the bottom and pressing Ctrl+V then pressing Enter. From here you should navigate by double-clicking the folders for Binaries then UWP64, then finally selecting SotGame.exe, which is the executable you need to whitelist.

Note: This process will need to be done each time the game is updated should your antivirus conflict with our game.

Store install issues We are aware that in some extremely rare cases the Microsoft Store may itself corrupt a game install. We are working with the various teams within Microsoft to resolve these issues. If you experience this, please raise a support ticket by clicking on the "Raise a Support Request" button at the bottom of this page.

Unstable Overclock We have confirmed that certain users may experience game crashes if they are overclocking their machines. This may have been automatic by your motherboard manufacturer or done manually by yourself. If you experience issues, we recommend you restore your CPU and memory to stock settings and perform a full reinstall of the game. Corruption can occur during the installation, as well as when the game is running.

If you manually overclocked your machine, as well as checking the usual settings, you could try increasing your “AVX Instruction Negative Offset” or the equivalent for your motherboard. As with all overclocking, you modify these settings at your own risk. If you are not sure what this is, this is not relevant to you.

Old version of Windows You may be hitting a bug or issue with an older version of Windows. We recommend ensuring you are up to date in Windows update.

Buggy or faulty drivers You may experience issues with game installs if you have drivers that are causing corruption. These issues may be difficult to detect, so we advise ensuring you have the latest drivers. If the problem only recently started, you could try rolling back to an earlier version of the driver.

Incompatible software Some third-party software attempts to inject itself into every process on your machine and has been known to cause crashes.

If you have recently started experiencing the issue, we recommend uninstalling any recently installed software.

Why can't I start a game?

Answer HQ Error: Cannot start because the required game data is missing or damaged. Error: Cannot start because the required game data is missing or damaged. Please try reinstalling the game. [85262c58:29f00e76:00000000]

Why is my game data missing or damaged?

The game data missing or damaged message is mod related in most cases but can also point towards a corrupt installation. Unable to start: Cannot start because game data is missing or damaged. The error number has multiple parts but so far they seem to be always the same for the variations of these number. The following numbers often occur.

Why is Sims 4 unable to start user data?

Apart from all other factors, corrupt game files can also be a triggering factor for Sims 4 unable to start contents of your user data. So, you can try repairing The Sims 4 to resolve this error from your Origin client. Look at the steps below for more:

Why did my computer not start correctly?

The "Your PC did not start correctly" error indicates that your computer was unable to boot into Windows, which can sometimes be fixed by turning the computer off and back on again. If that doesn't work, there are a lot of other fixes to try on Windows 11 & 10.

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