Microsoft Remote Desktop keeps crashing on Mac

On a few of my servers, Id recently begun running into a problem where the ARDAgent process [which is the process for the Apple Remote Desktop client] was crashing repeatedly. It would launch, crash, relaunch, crash, relaunch, crash, relaunch, etc. every few minutes. The common factor seemed to be that it was happening on my 10.4.x Macs [I didnt see the problem on 10.5.x or 10.6.x Macs] and would persist across reboots, reinstalls and everything else I could think of.

Id seen a number of folks with the same problem, but I didnt find a solution until I ran across this Apple Support Discussions thread.


I have run into a similar problem a couple of times but today was the first time I was actually able to resolve it!

The fix I used is to remove the /Library/Application Support/Apple/Remote Desktop/Client directory and restart the client. For whatever reason the tasks.plist in the Tasks folder found inside the Client directory above seemed to be corrupt; removing it seemed to do the trick.

Restarting the Agent from the command line: /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ -restart -agent

Hope this helps!



I tried it out on my own servers, and it looks like it has resolved the problem! Heres what I did:

1. Logged in with an admin account.
2. Opened Terminal.
3. Ran the following command to stop the Apple Remote Desktop client:

sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ -agent -stop

4. Ran the following command to remove the /Library/Application Support/Apple/Remote Desktop/Client directory:

sudo rm -rf /Library/Application\ Support/Apple/Remote\ Desktop/Client

5. Ran the following command to restart the Apple Remote Desktop client:

sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ -agent -restart

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