polyamory là gì - Nghĩa của từ polyamory

polyamory có nghĩa là

The practice, state or ability of having more than
one sexual loving relationship at the same time, with the full
knowledge and consent of all partners involved.

This is the definition used by California polyamorist Morning Glory Zell, who coined the term in the early 1980's.


Polyamory differs from adultery because all the partners know about each others' lovers, so there is not secrecy or betrayal.

polyamory có nghĩa là

A form of relationship involving more than two people. The relationships may be symmetrical [like a triangle], or something more complex. The relationships may also be open or closed, straight or gay, or a mixture.
A purely heterosexual form of polyamorous marriage was once practiced among the Tibetans: each man had many wives, and each woman had many husbands. This raises the possible of your brother also being your husband-in-law-in-law.


polyamory có nghĩa là

'Polyamorists' define "Polyamory" as :
The practice, state or ability of having more than
one sexual loving relationship at the same time, with the full
knowledge and consent of all partners involved. In reality, polyamory is more often used as nothing more than A way of attempting to make 'open' relationships appear more mature by selfish individuals who use the idea of polyamory as a means to have multiple sexual partners while keeping the relationships themselves in an overly complicated and childish attrition. "Polyamorists" often doge questions or conversation about which of their lovers they prefer more as they do not like people to know they do have just as much jealousy and preference in lovers as any monogamous person and are simply using polyamory as a doge to mask their own profound emotional baggage. This is another purpose using the term 'polyamory' serves for people to manipulate others and ultimately make everyone involved far more unhappy. Weather everyone involved knows or does not know the identity of other lovers involved in a multiple relationship seems to be an entirely moot point when the majority of so-called 'polyamorists' turn out to be nothing more than manipulative, selfish people who are using the idea as a battering ram in relationships.


Why can't Allisa just drop the polyamory act and own up to the fact that she wants to screw all kinds of people while keeping them at a distance?

polyamory có nghĩa là

In its most basic form, it is defined as honest consensual non-monogamy. While some decline to allow that Swinging is part of PolyAmory, the basic definition still applies. You will find, though, that there are as many definitions of PolyAmory as there are people practicing it. PolyAmory must have as a basic more than 2 people in the relationship. Not all participants need be involved with every other participant, nor is co-housing a requirement.


PolyAmory incorporates PolyAndry [many husbands], PolyGyny [many wives], PolyFidelity [no outside relationships], "open" or "closed" to new partners, fidelitous or not, and many variations of the above.

polyamory có nghĩa là

Where a couple is polyamorous until one partner actually has sex with another partner. Then heads roll.


"Yeah, they said they had an open relationship, but it was Asheville Polyamory."

polyamory có nghĩa là

Cheating with extra steps.


"Did you hear Jacob and Amy are into polyamory?" "So they're cheating on each other." "Not they're not! Unlike cheating, they are both aware of their partner's sexual activities. They also set up rules to avoid jealousy and heart break." "That's just cheating with extra steps."

polyamory có nghĩa là

Where someone can love multiple people at once. It doesn’t mean that they’re bad at commitment, are cheaters, or just like sleeping around. All of those are different then polyamory. Just because somebody is polyamorous doesn’t mean they’re a cheater, and usually their partners are ok with them dating multiple people. It’s just as valid as any other identity.


A “Hey I saw you kiss Natalie, are you cheating?”
B “No, I am polyamorous
A “Doesn’t that mean that you’re a cheater?”
B “No, polyamory is different then that. Betty is fine with me being with other girls”
A “Oh, sorry for the misunderstanding

polyamory có nghĩa là

When three people love each other very much a weird fusion of a human, plane and a car appears


Einstein:it’s a result of a polyamory relationship

polyamory có nghĩa là

A particularly prevalent form of polyamory wherein polyamorous people will engage in sexual dalliances with many people who are not their primary partners for no reason aside from because they can. Due to the absence of any standards in their pursuit of sexual partners, their actions make them resemble a Pokemon trainer. Gotta catch 'em all!


An example of a conversation addressing someone engaging in Pokemon polyamory:

Guy 1: Dude, you're dating like fifteen girls, eight of which are ugly, three of which are married and one of which only has one leg. What the hell?

Guy 2: Love is not a finite resource! Shut up!

Guy 1: Love is also not a game of Pokemon and you do not have to catch 'em all! Damn!

Guy 2: You are SO paleocultural.

Guy 1: I hate you.

polyamory có nghĩa là

A polyamory relationship in which two or more people are in a romantic relationship with the same person without being in a romantic relationship with each other


A polyamory v relationship between those three means they share one but done romance each other.

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