Preschool goals checklist

By Dr. Kelly S. Meier Updated June 27, 2018

School readiness is a primary objective of preschool. Preschool teachers need to have an expansive knowledge of all facets of early childhood development so they can design a curriculum that makes a difference. Establishing broad-based learning goals provides a framework for lesson plans and individualized assessment strategies. Coordinating goals with age-appropriate content ensures that preschool children will have the best opportunity for success.

Physical Goals

Encouraging the development of fine and gross motor skills in preschool children is an essential goal for preschool teachers. Preschool children need to be able to grasp and maneuver a pencil before they're ready to go to kindergarten. Designing intentional activities that develop agile mobility helps preschool children explore their environment and learn independence. Assessing children individually is critical to identify issues that may require early intervention.

Teach and require children to fasten their own coats and tie shoes.

Include crafting sessions that involve preschool children using scissors, writing utensils and paint brushes.

Teach each preschool child to write their name.

Expose preschool children to large muscle development opportunities using balls, playground equipment and blocks.

Social and Interpersonal Goals

Developing the social and interpersonal skills of preschool children is an important goal for preschool teachers. Referred to as social competence, social and interpersonal skills enable preschool children to communicate effectively with their peers and function successfully in a school setting. There's a strong connection between social competence and the ability for children to follow directions, maintain an attention span and listen effectively.

Provide social competence activities to foster strong relationships with peers.

Instill an expectation that preschool children show care and concern for one another.

Include structured group play experiences to help preschool children learn to play well with others.

Plan group projects to encourage preschool children to learn to work collaboratively.

Provide rules that teach preschool children to practice patience when waiting to be called upon by a teacher.

Teach preschool children to effectively problem solve interpersonal disagreements.

Cognitive Goals

Preschool is an ideal time to stimulate cognitive development and help preschool children gain basic competencies. Preschool teachers should infuse learning goals into their lesson plans on a daily basis. Repetition of these skills will help preschool children feel confident as they go on to kindergarten. Cognitive goals incite an excitement for learning and help preschool children become proficient in simple literacy, problem-solving and other basic knowledge.

Incorporate interactive activities to teach colors, shapes and letters.

Mark lockers, table spots or coat racks with individual names.

Facilitate simple math games to help children learn numbers and basic counting skills.

Include puzzles as a weekly required activity.

Help preschool children learn their name, age, phone number and address prior to kindergarten.

Language Goals

Preschool teachers should emphasize language development as the main goal. Language development brings learning to life for preschool children. As they develop an understanding of words, sounds, letters and concepts, the ability to communicate and ask questions is paramount. Increasing vocabulary awareness and stimulating interest in conversation should be included as a language goal for preschoolers.

Encourage a love of reading and words by incorporating dedicated reading time each day.

Teach letter sounds by beginning and ending each class with a group rhyming song.

Engage in role play and dramatic play to help preschoolers develop their imaginations and provide context for stories.

Set individualized language learning goals for each child.

Correct all inappropriate grammatical mistakes by repeating the correct phrases.


Writer Bio

Dr. Kelly Meier earned her doctorate from Minnesota State Mankato in Educational Leadership. She is the author and co-author of 12 books focusing on customer service, diversity and team building. She serves as a consultant for business, industry and educational organizations. Dr. Meier has written business articles and books for Talico, Inc, Dynateam Consulting, Inc. and Kinect Education Group.

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