Remote desktop licence issue 60 minutes

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I am currently setting up my Windows VMs to be connected to the licensing server, which is already configured, using the Per User CAL. Even though it seems to be running normally, when I log in to the machine using RDP, I get the warning that there is a problem with your remote desktop license and I will be disconnected within 60 minutes.

This problem only appears in my VMs, since I have another physical server connected to the licensing server configured on the same way, and the warning does not appear.

How should I proceed?

Hi ! I have this error in winodws server 2019: remote desktop license issue there is a problem with your remote desktop license, and your session will be disconectd in 60 minutes. I have made the configuration offered by windows server:

Launch Local Group Policy Editor [gpedit.msc] In the left pane, navigate to Local Computer Policy-> Computer Configuration-> Administrative Templates-> Windows Components-> Remote Desktop Services-> Remote Desktop Session Host-> Licensing In the right pane, right click Use the specified Remote Desktop license servers and select Edit In the group policy editor dialog, select Enabled Enter the local computer name in the License servers to use: field. Select OK In the right pane, right click Set the Remote Desktop licensing mode and select Edit In the grou policy editor dialog, select Enabled Set the Licensing mode to Per Device / Per User

but I can't solve the problem, I have 10 users that connect simultaneously with their users. The license is registered in the server. My question is if this error limits users to connect simultaneously after 60 minutes have passed?

  • When did you install the CALs?  Have people logged in / logged off / logged in since then?

  • " have configured the RDS CALs correctly"

    Sorry but you obviously have not configured them correctly or it would be working.

    A little more information on how you configured the CALs would help.  User or Device CALs? 

    If I log into an RDS as a local user/admin, I get that warning. If I log in as a domain user, no warning.

    Something isn't set up correctly....

  • can3gxw wrote:

    " have configured the RDS CALs correctly"

    Sorry but you obviously have not configured them correctly or it would be working.

    A little more information on how you configured the CALs would help.  User or Device CALs? 

    If I log into an RDS as a local user/admin, I get that warning. If I log in as a domain user, no warning.

    Something isn't set up correctly....

    These are User CALs. If i login a admin / regular user i get warnings in either case.

  • DragonsRule wrote:

    When did you install the CALs?  Have people logged in / logged off / logged in since then?

    I installed activated and installed the CALs today. I have also updated the question with more infomation

  • spicehead-u4dy3 wrote:

    DragonsRule wrote:

    When did you install the CALs?  Have people logged in / logged off / logged in since then?

    I installed activated and installed the CALs today. I have also updated the question with more infomation

    Licenses don't issue until the second login.  Make sure people login, logout, and then try again.  That's when they should start to work.

  • DragonsRule wrote:

    spicehead-u4dy3 wrote:

    DragonsRule wrote:

    When did you install the CALs?  Have people logged in / logged off / logged in since then?

    I installed activated and installed the CALs today. I have also updated the question with more infomation

    Licenses don't issue until the second login.  Make sure people login, logout, and then try again.  That's when they should start to work.

    ok, but is it ok that in the above screenshot, windows server 2012 is also listed?

  • I dont see an option to logout but see an option to disconnect for regular user. i have done that and logged in again but still see the same warning message

    DragonsRule wrote:

    spicehead-u4dy3 wrote:

    DragonsRule wrote:

    When did you install the CALs?  Have people logged in / logged off / logged in since then?

    I installed activated and installed the CALs today. I have also updated the question with more infomation

    Licenses don't issue until the second login.  Make sure people login, logout, and then try again.  That's when they should start to work.

  • spicehead-u4dy3 wrote:

    DragonsRule wrote:

    spicehead-u4dy3 wrote:

    DragonsRule wrote:

    When did you install the CALs?  Have people logged in / logged off / logged in since then?

    I installed activated and installed the CALs today. I have also updated the question with more infomation

    Licenses don't issue until the second login.  Make sure people login, logout, and then try again.  That's when they should start to work.

    ok, but is it ok that in the above screenshot, windows server 2012 is also listed?

    If you installed 2012 CALs on the License Manager that's how it should show, yes.

  • spicehead-u4dy3 wrote:

    I dont see an option to logout but see an option to disconnect for regular user. i have done that and logged in again but still see the same warning message

    DragonsRule wrote:

    spicehead-u4dy3 wrote:

    DragonsRule wrote:

    When did you install the CALs?  Have people logged in / logged off / logged in since then?

    I installed activated and installed the CALs today. I have also updated the question with more infomation

    Licenses don't issue until the second login.  Make sure people login, logout, and then try again.  That's when they should start to work.

    Users logout of the RDS session like they would log out of any Windows session.  They should always do this, not just close the screen.

  • DragonsRule wrote:

    Users logout of the RDS session like they would log out of any Windows session.  They should always do this, not just close the screen.

    Absolutely agree, but once you get this running correctly, you can setup a RDP Policy that says if a user is idle for x time they will be logged out, and another that says if a user is disconnected for x time they will be logged out. This can save you tons of headache later on if resources are scarce and if you have users that don't follow directions well.

  • Aksharkkk wrote:

    Update 2:

    The server where we are facing the issue is a "workgroup" and not a DC. Looks like "RDS CALs cannot be tracked within a workgroup." and thats the reason we seems to get the above warning.

    RDS User CALs require AD.  If you are in a Workgroup you need to use RDS Device CALs.

    Also, please post updates as replies [you can update the OP too if you want] as only replies will notify people that there's been a change.  If you just modify the OP people who are tracking your post will never know you've made a change.

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  • DragonsRule wrote:

    Aksharkkk wrote:

    Update 2:

    The server where we are facing the issue is a "workgroup" and not a DC. Looks like "RDS CALs cannot be tracked within a workgroup." and thats the reason we seems to get the above warning.

    RDS User CALs require AD.  If you are in a Workgroup you need to use RDS Device CALs.

    Also, please post updates as replies [you can update the OP too if you want] as only replies will notify people that there's been a change.  If you just modify the OP people who are tracking your post will never know you've made a change.

    Thanks so much for a reply. Do you know if we can use the convert licenses in the Remote Desktop Licensing Manager to convert User to Device CALS. would that work?

  • Aksharkkk wrote:

    DragonsRule wrote:

    Aksharkkk wrote:

    Update 2:

    The server where we are facing the issue is a "workgroup" and not a DC. Looks like "RDS CALs cannot be tracked within a workgroup." and thats the reason we seems to get the above warning.

    RDS User CALs require AD.  If you are in a Workgroup you need to use RDS Device CALs.

    Also, please post updates as replies [you can update the OP too if you want] as only replies will notify people that there's been a change.  If you just modify the OP people who are tracking your post will never know you've made a change.

    Thanks so much for a reply. Do you know if we can use the convert licenses in the Remote Desktop Licensing Manager to convert User to Device CALS. would that work?

    Da_Schmoo​ - didn't you say something about being able to change these right in the console, in another thread a while back?  It was something new in Server 2019 I think...  but it's a vague memory, so I might be wrong about this.

    Spice [1] flagReport

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  • The licenses can be converted via License Manager.  I don't know why they still sell both types.

    Spice [2] flagReport

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  • Da_Schmoo wrote:

    The licenses can be converted via License Manager.  I don't know why they still sell both types.

    Thank you so much for the confirmation.

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