So sánh visual studio pro 2023 và enterprise

- Các tính năng mới khác trong Key Active Visual Studio Enterprise 2022 bao gồm hỗ trợ các dự án trong nhiều kho lưu trữ Git, đến giao diện người dùng được cải tiến với phông chữ mới cho code gọi là Cascadia và các biểu tượng được làm mới. - Visual Studio có ba phiên bản. Community miễn phí và được hỗ trợ cho các cá nhân hoặc cho tối đa năm người dùng trong “các tổ chức phi doanh nghiệp”, được định nghĩa là các tổ chức có dưới 250 PC hoặc doanh thu dưới một triệu đô la Mỹ. Những doanh nghiệp này không được cấp phép sử dụng phiên bản Community để phát triển và thử nghiệm các ứng dụng trừ một số trường hợp hạn chế, chẳng hạn như đối với phần mềm mã nguồn mở. Enterprises là bản trả phí và không bị giới hạn. Phiên bản Enterprise bổ sung các tính năng như gỡ lỗi IntelliTrace [ghi lại và theo dõi lịch sử thực thi code], Code Coverage, và các công cụ kiểm tra và hiệu suất khác.

Liên hệ Bộ phận Kinh doanh để nhận được giá tốt nhất: ✓ TP HCM: [028] 7307 3776 ✓ Hà Nội: [024] 7307 3776 Siêu Thị Máy Chủ - Sự lựa chọn tốt nhất về Server với chi phí hợp lý, sản phẩm đáng tin cậy, phục vụ chuyên nghiệp!

Visual Studio is available in various versions, such as Visual Studio Community, Visual Studio Professional, and Visual Studio Enterprise. This article gives detailed information about the distinction between the versions of the Visual Studio like Community Vs. Professional, Professional Vs. Enterprise and Community Vs. Enterprise, etc.

Visual Studio Community

Visual Studio Community is an extensible free IDE, completely loaded, designed to build mobile software for Android, iOS, Windows, web, and cloud applications.

Visual Studio Community is the best option if you want to use Visual Studio without spending a lot of money.

Visual Studio Professional

Visual Studio Professional is a Microsoft Collaborative Development Area. It is used to build software, blogs, desktop browsers, online services, and smartphone applications.

Visual Studio Enterprise

Visual Studio Enterprise contains a Mac Digital design. You can recognize and enjoy the same visual studio interface, which has been beautifully built and optimized for Mac. It is counted as the most dynamic and is filled with rich and new features. Software architects can use this medium in the best possible way and make the most out of it effortlessly.

Develop new, quicker, and simpler than ever before, windows, or Mac-based mobile applications with enterprise-grade software. It has been specifically designed to help you experience the best services and state-of-the-art features.

Visual Studio Community vs. Professional

The Visual Studio Community is open, whereas the professional edition is not accessible. The community can be used by developers or a smaller team of at least five individuals. But there are few limitations to the professional edition.

It can also be used by a group of 5 to 25 developers. Another important distinction is that the professional version supports the business, while the visual studio community does not. The predominant distinction between community edition and professional edition is a widely renowned feature known as CodeLens. There are a plethora of significant benefits that are offered by CodeLens, such as the users can easily determine code changes along with other pertinent histories.

One more important point that has to be addressed here is that the difference between them shrinks considerably. However, when you are supposed to be working in a large team, only then is the difference relevant. These could be automated unit tests or collaboration tools. Individual developers or even small teams incorporate the community edition for the purpose of commercial development. Now, this small group might involve five.

Visual Studio Community vs. Enterprise

Visual Studio Enterprise is for major corporations that get more sales and earnings per year. At the same time, the community edition is a free version, which can either be used for open source projects, for research purposes or as a team of five or fewer developers, under a variety of conditions.

Visual Studio Professional vs. Enterprise

The Enterprise version is filled with many features compared to the Visual Studio Professional edition. This is the list of features in the Enterprise version only.

Integrated Development Environment

Visual Studio Enterprise concentrates on Software Interfaces, so this release certainly includes many software architecture-related features.

  1. Live Dependency Validation
  2. Diagrams of Architectural Framework
  3. Architectural Model
  4. Code Clone

Advanced Debugging and Diagnostics

Developers waste a lot of time on debuggers. Let’s look at the special features of Enterprise for this domain:

  • IntelliTrace
  • .NET Memory Dump Analysis which is highly convenient
  • Efficient Code Map Debugger Integration

IntelliTrace helps you to monitor the prior execution of your program rather than the conventional, existing debugging.

Integration of the Map Function debugger. This feature helps you to view the current solution, and also the so-called methodologies previously used, as charts that interact with the debugger and update your code in real-time.

Finally, we get to the .NET Research Memory Dump. You can review database dumping files to detect and address performance issues such as database leakage or unwanted assignments.

Testing Tools

At last, testing tools. This is the area where visual studio enterprise details the other IDE versions.

  • Automated Tests
  • Live Unit Testing
  • Coded UI Testing
  • Manual Tests
  • IntelliTest

Hence, if you like to use Visual Studio Version for your own benefit, the community edition suits the best; there is no advantage of using Enterprise rather than Community Edition. Always remember, community edition is the professional edition for personal applications.

Development Across Cross-Platform

  • Xamarin Inspector
  • Xamarin Profiler
  • Embedded Assemblies

All three editions i.e., Community edition, Professional edition, Enterprise edition offer their respective benefits and services that can be highly leveraged. Some of the parameters have been mentioned below that are compatible with all three editions. These are:

  • Individual developers
  • Classroom learning
  • Academic research
  • Contributing to Open Source Projects
  • Development Platform Support

In addition to this, when it comes to Integrated Development Environment, below mentioned scenarios are featured in all these editions.

  • Peek definition
  • Refactoring
  • One-click web deployment
  • Model resource viewer
  • Multi-Targeting

The scenario of Cross-platform Development also features all three editions mentioned below:

  • Remoted iOS Simulator for Windows
  • Xamarin.Forms
  • Native iOS and Android UI Designers
  • Share code between Android and iOS with Xamarin

2019 Visual Studio community edition is offered free under the conditions mentioned below:

  • If you tend to be an individual developer then you will get it the versions for free. You can successfully use it to develop or create commercial applications and then sell them.
  • The version is free for those organizations that have less than 250 PC and their annual revenue is not more than $1 million.

However, in both the circumstances mentioned above, you are supposed to register your respective copy only through a Microsoft Account.

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